Wow...Long Time Isnt?
But...even I amazed.
Im not here to say 22 was a flop. It wasnt.
It just showed how close again they where from changing the matches on the fly and booking last min isnt going to change things for the Brand.
Of course, they had great matches. Edge and Foley, RVD heading to "HIS" Wrestlemania (ONS 2) with the MITB Contract (Right Now, they can build HHH or Cena to face RVD at ONS 2 and the same result will happen croud wise) Trish has held the Womans Title for a long time, and in a near 10 min match, Mickey James became Magumi Toyota circa 1988 with a Hint of Sherry circa 1990.
Im a little Sad that they had to treat Styles like a kid, but they needed JR as Styles will really become the air apparant - he called Edge/Foley better than I expected.
The interesting matches have to go to The US Title, the McMahn/Michals match. The US match was too short- and something tells me its just starting- Michales tried to out do Edge- and Vince is just crazy.
"Montezuma" Mysterio is your new world Champ.
Angle was cheered, Ortan was even cheered.
They didnt do this with The IWPG title...
Of course- the match might be three stars, but Cena winning over HHH comes as bit of a shock to me.
The fiddles were being played. The Fans in Chi-town fell for it.
Question now, how will they Bill RVD as the man who can beat both Cena or HHH?
The more intresting is "Montezuma" Mysterio gonna be a good champ? Hes too small...and Angle made both men tap out twice, then you have Henry, Lashey, even Benoit- and lets not forget Bastista...unless we have some Haybusa type mircale spots, the WHC is a bit...screwed.
The brightest news out of all of the matches, was that James is truly what I saw her in OVW. She was Toyota 15 years younger. Now if they didnt give her a boob job she would have been perfect- but you know Vince. Now that shes the champ...Can she take the division (which has had its ups and downs) to new hights?
Wrestlemania 22, April 2, 2006 at Chicago's United Center
Kane & Big Show vs. Carlito & Chris Masters (**)
[The steam rollers continue to steam roll.]
Money in the Bank- The Winner Gets a Title Shot within the next 12 months (really, 9 months) [Rod Van Dam wins, the plan now its to beat eather HHH or Cena at ONS 2 on June 12.] (***)
Chris Benoit vs. JBL (** 1/2)
[WAY Too short even given the fact the show ended 15 min early]
Edge vs. Mick Foley (***)
[This was a better match than I expected]
Booker & Sharmell vs. Boogeyman
[uGH....] (DUD)
Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James
[Theres a new queen in town...and shes Insane, perfectly.] (**** Dispite the bad finsh, this is based on storyline and actual match- the actual match is ...yeah **** stars)
Undertaker vs. Mark Henry (**1/2)
[uneventful, but Undertaker is leaps and bounds better than he was years ago- he is the best on smackdown, my consern is when is he due for his WM moment?]
Vince vs. Shawn (***)
[i sense, that there will be new stables coming up soon...this was a better than expected match anyway, and pretty much contrasts the Hardcore Styles between ECW's (Edge/Foley) and the Brands]
Angle Vs Ortan Vs Mysterio- (** 1/2)
Torrie Wilson vs. Candice Michelle (DUD)
Cena vs. HHH (*** 3/4)
[Erere- this is the weirdest match i have ever seen. Ok ok, it makes Cena look unbeatable- and will make RVD's victory all that sweeter despite who is the holder.]