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17. Sadness.

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I'm having an absolutely horrible day, today. No matter how much I try to hide away from people... EVERYONE wants to tear down my success, and bring me pain. I wish I could block all people out of my life. That is all.

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as difficult as it may sound, you just gotta let it roll off your shoulders. It can only bother you if you let it. Why let the perspective of others ruin the good things you're doing?


Like when you took a stab at me for managing a pizza place. I didn't let it bother me because I know I'm doing better than how I was and this isn't going to be what I settle for. Just as I know all of that you need to know and recognise your own success and not let anybody bring you down a peg for it. The people that usually do that only do so because things are so shitty for them that they need to ridicule others and bring them down so they don't feel alone. Misery loves company.

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