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Will this be my only entry??

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So, on a whim I've started a blog. I don't really know if I even want a blog, or if I'll keep posting on it above & beyond this one entry.


Some of you might recognize the title of my blog as a book by noted author & poet Charles Bukowski. Bukowski, for a long time, was best known as the author immortalized in the movie "Barfly". Unfortunately, though, he is now best known as the author & poet that the hipster doofuses have decided to fawn over. Seeing frat guys & emo chicks carrying around what appear to be brand-new copies of Bukowski's work is terribly annoying. Even worse, a lame bar (that pretends it's a "dive" bar, even though it's not) has decided to name itself "Bukowskis" ... even worse than that even worse, it's successful enough that a second one has opened up. It'd be one thing if he was alive, and could at least be reaping the financial rewards from his random popularity. But seeing as his success is posthumous, Bukowski's likely not enjoying it at all.


Yesterday was one my least favorite days of the year: the opening of the Red Sox season. I, at one point, was a die-hard Sox fan. Knew every player, voted for them in the All-Star Game balloting, even felt some anger when Mike "Gator" Greenwell finished second behind Jose Canseco in the MVP race almost 2 decades ago. But, now, baseball season means one thing to me: ESPN dedicating 18 hours a day, every day, to the most irrelevant baseball coverage imaginable. Hey, guys, it's game ONE of 162; let's not treat it like playoff implications are hanging in the balance. Even if I avoid ESPN, I still have to deal with drunk frat guys chanting "Yankees Suck" regardless of who the Sox are playing (or, even worse, at events that aren't even baseball games).


And, just so I'm doing something besides bitching in my first ever blog entry, let me say that I've had a good week of music 'shopping' online. The new Streets album (better than A Grand Don't Come for Free , but not as good as Original Pirate Material ); a 3-disc Stereolab import set, 95% of which was new to me; 2 Strapping Young Lad albums (I've only listened to one but liked it a lot, and will be listening to the other soon) and a bunch of Prussian Blue & Wagner from a WP index that I found on midnitecrow. All in all, a good week of downloading.

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