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A lot of everything

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Hmm...where to start this time.


A little about my current status. I am still fucked up. Most of you aren't familar with what's wrong with me. I suffered a heat stroke last August in a field operation at Camp Lejeune. I had been operating off of no sleep, little food, and piss warm water to drink. It was really hot and humid this particular day, lucky me. I was in full combat load, around 120 pounds of gear on my person, and I was running full throttle for close to three miles. My body couldn't take the pressure, and I collapsed. The heat-regulaters in my body couldn't handle the overload of heat, and it shut me down, litterally. I woke up two days later. When I awoke I was told I was very lucky I was alive, and that I was severely and nearly gravely injured. The stress from the heat stroke caused some serious damage to my body. The entire lest side of my body was crippled for one of the days I was unconscious. A large hole was ripped into my heart from the stress as well, since strokes attack muscles, and your heart is a muscle. It didn't stop there. After the hole was ripped, it formed an anuyersm. That continues to fuck me up to this day. My body also can no longer regulate temperature. If I get too warm, I'll black out. This happens all of the time.


Currently, I am pending a medical seperation from the United States Marine Corps. I have accepted this. I'm looking forward to my future, and I have many opportunities ahead of me. I want to go to college and become a school teacher.


I've been listening to a lot of Incubus, and Alter Bridge as of late. They've really grown on me. I think they're really good bands. Our Lady Peace continues to be my favorite however.


I've been watching more, and more wrestling. I'm getting back into the thick of things. I just wish there were more options on television when it comes to wrestling. I've never been too impressed with TNA, and I like the WWF, but there needs to be more variety.


Ever since I turned 21, I've been getting drunk every night, and I love it. Plus, I'm on leave right now, so I don't have to be up before the sun is up.

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