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God, my blog sucks.

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It does, and in no way is that fact better exemplified than with this filler entry.


*Scott Hall mode ON*


*passes out*


Full Name: Ryan Hoffman

Nickname: Hoff, Ryguy, "Raymond"

Birthday: 1/2/82

Hometown: Bloomington, MN

Current Location: Burnsville, MN (see what I did there?)

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: DARK Brown. Been mistaken for black before.

Height: 6'5. THAT IS MY STORY AND I AM STICKING TO IT. I am *certainly* not 6'4 and 1/4.

Astrological Sign: Capricorn. Apparently I'm a very typical Capricorn, too.

Birthplace: Edina, MN

Do you get motion sickness: Occasionally.

Can you play any instruments: Guitar, both acoustic and electric, which is really more a stylistic choice. But, people are stupid, and tend to differentiate for no reason. Once upon a time, I played viola, and fairly well.

Righty/Lefty? R

Do you like to sing? Almost more than anything else.

Do you like to dance? Yes

Have any piercings? No

Any tattoos? No, but I have a few I've thought about.

Weirdest dream you've ever had: Impossible to choose. I remember almost all of my dreams, and they vary from the mundane to the absurd.

Biggest turn-off: Airheads. And flat chests. WHAT

Sweetest friend: SWEETEST?! Mike Kosa, in a walk.

Wildest friend: Honor goes to Toby Wilson, although NYU will claim it's him.

How many best friends do you have: Several. I get close real easy, and I run with a good crowd. There's ONE likely above all the others, though. He, regrettably, knows who he is.

What are their names: Adam, Mike, Mike, Toby, Pooch, Dave, Dan, Josiah, Dan

Have a crush: Not right now, no.

Favorite color: Black

Favorite girl name: Katie

Favorite boy name: Christopher

Want to get married someday: Absolutely.

How many kids do you want to have? This has recently dropped to one. I was an only child, and from talking to others, the pluses outweigh the minuses. Also, Earth be CROWDED like a motha.

How do you want to die: HAVING SEX WITH DAWN MARIE. If not that, in battle with a Klingon warrior. If not THAT...in my sleep. Or never, if possible.

Have you ever had any broken bones or stitches: Broke both bones in my lower left leg several years ago.

Most embarassing moment: Ha ha...


So I was very much in love with this girl, which was bad news as she was with someone else, which was all the worse as I helped get them together. So one night in front of everyone, she asks me "how are you?" I thought she said "I love you." I...MAY have said it back. It was bad news.


How many people have you kissed: SIX THOUSAND. 5? A little more plausible? Cindy, Sara, Lisa, and two college coeds whose names escape me at present.

How many CDs do you have: 20ish

Have you ever committed a crime: I'd LOVE to say no. Shoplifting? When I was younger? I'm sorry. Oh, and internet piracy.

Have you ever been in a fight: I've hit and been hit, but I'd never say a fight, no.

If you could be any character from literature or film, who would you be: Sandy Cohen. Not so muych now as someday.

If you could be any animal, what would you be: Fuckin', a dragon, man.

If you could have one super power, what would it be: Shapeshifting. Yeah, bitches. How'd you like to meet Scarlett Johannsen? WHOOPS IT'S HOFF

If you could have three wishes, what would they be?

1. The halting of all world conflicts.

2. A global economy and society that could handle such a radical change in the world.


What is the last book you read: Did you enjoy it? George R.R. Martin's A Feast of Crows, and oh, fuck yes.

What is the last movie you saw: Did you enjoy it? V for Vendetta, and yes. Or, to be fair, Sin City's "Mega Tits," which would also be a yes.

Do you collect anything: Not really. I used to collect WWE action figures. I've been reading comics, but not really collecting yet.

What is your favorite restaurant: If I didn't say Perkins, it'd be a damn lie.

Do you have any scars: Nope.

Have you ever been to the hospital: When my leg broke. There was a 2/3 chance they'd need to put in pins. PERMANENTLY. Dodged that bullet.

Have you ever stayed up all night: Yeah, for the best possible reason: DVD marathons. Mostly NewsRadio and Star Trek shows.

Do you cook anything well: Eggs. ...I make okay pasta, too. Not from scratch, though.

What is your favorite game: President! w00t~

Where do you want to go to college: If I went BACK, it'd be the U of Minnesota.

What are you doing this weekend: WORKING Saturday, hanging out with the guy after that.

What are you wearing right now: Boxer briefs.

When was the last time you went shopping: Yesterday, although I was more there with my roommate while he shopped. I did buy something, though.

Single or group dates: Single, preferably.

Where would you most like to visit: Seattle. :(

The Simpsons or Family Guy: Family Guy

What is your favorite dog breed: Pug

First thought waking up? It is TOO EARLY!

Last thought going to bed? Sex, usually.

Motto to live by: Enjoy life.

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