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Bloggin' yo.

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My first blog post ever. This is neato.


You know what's cool? Going to work three hours late and getting away with it. It's times like this when I love my job, or the fact that there's no one to replace me and by the time there is, I'll be leaving of my own accord already.


That. That is cool.


You know what's not so cool? Accidently deleting all your TEW data. Now I have to start all over. All that hard work: gone. My huge feued between Undertaker and Benoit that's been culmitating for six months: gone. Fuckin' computers.


I have found gabber and it is good. Too bad I can't find any albums anywhere. I mean, what the fuck? A whole genre and I can't find one actual album for sell for less than, like, 30 bucks.

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