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This is some anousments that go all over the place

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After a near sellout for ONSII, Vince pulled the gun and ECW is reborn. The question is how in the world are they gonna pull this off? The question abounds why he did this, but right now its wait and see...


-Pokemon Leaving Kids WB?

Recent news from Mediaweek states that Pokemon is not in the fall lineup...Yugi-Oh is also done (well it was nearing its end) In its place? Tom and Jerry. The returning Loontics, and a new version of Scooby Doo- this time with Hightech Gagets. More like 1976 and 1996 instead of 1966 and 1986 am i rite? Gamefaqs already call racism on Kids WB ON the Dubba-CDubba because anime isnt on the line up, but lets make one thing clear, Its isnt over yet and the anime correction has just started if Pokemon is TRULY gone from the line up.



Happy Game for a system that needs a boost. PSP will get that boost and just at the nick of time. The demo is happy and everybody will pay 200 bucks for this baby. Sadly, the DS is starting to prove to be a gimmick (Wait, IGA- NO TOUCH Screen?) and now its only a matter of time before the cookie crumbles. (You dont make a game and not use the other screen for something...)


-Speaking of CV

The 1999 game is set for Next Gen Systems. The new game is based on the MegaDrive/Genesis game, Bloodlines- now get this, they reconned CV 64. BUT the new game has one charitor that is the grandmother of the girl from CV 64. How can you reconn the granddauther...its a fucking mess. IGA- one thing please. WHERE IS MY CV PSP GAME damnit? Get a shave too man, and please dont tell me you like anime when you are bonking the artist that can acually draw a lick. Damnit its now wonder why Kojima is leery when he gives you a budget for a 3D game, since you still live in a 2D relem and need to get out of the shell. Get this, Sony aint stoping 2D RPG's from the PS2, even Disega got some play and they were reletively pleased. Your just envy Kojima. Well, if you do make a CV as good as MGS3 then you will have your own production company and so on...but your not doing it unless you make the transition. (GTA style perhaps?)


-Why Bleedman is running and gunning and still has nothing?

The INTERWEB conterversy with Mandy being death and starting the Iraq war and being apart of 9-11 has made Bleedman a bit hated. Sadly, its not for the wrong reasons. Hes a good desiner- hes no artist. He's a window-SHOPPER, mad as **** they he cant see the real world pass by. The sad thing is he will get a job at warners because they suck horrible. Its time for him to really be an artist and truly be the worker of truth, and not some slave to his friend that cant write a lick. Or maybe he cant and everybody likes him because hes just like the rest of us, primitive- one season people that wishes for the end but it never comes.

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