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So how about that Kurt Angle eh? Great worker right? Wrong. Lets start with the masturbatory matwork/grapple sequences with lots of pretty counters and rolling around. Good matwork should look realistic and effective, not pretty and contrived. His supposedly "great" matches with Benoit are a good example of this. Oh, and lets not forget the "trading german suplexes" spot where both guys essentially no-sell the damage from multiple german suplexes (granted, with how germans are done in the WWE, they look like they hurt about as much as a Hogan backrake of doom). Masturbatory indeed. And let us not forget Angle's great selling in later stages of a match. Generally when a wrestler has been worked over with big moves for a few minutes, he doesn't immediately pop up and go on a big run of his own moves. At least, no wrestler that knows how to properly sell. It's called patience and Angle has none. When he transitions into his own offense, he hits a move and then immediately follows up with more and more and more. The smart wrestler, after being controlled and beaten up for a good stretch, will transition into his own offense by hitting a move, then immediately collapsing or otherwise selling the damage he's been taking for the past few minutes. This creates some doubt into the outcome of the match as well as creating drama. Who will come out on top, the guy who just hit a big, desperation move, or his opponent who's been laying a beat down for the previous few minutes? A lot of wrestlers are guilty of this, including another supposedly "great" worker in Satoshi Kojima. But Angle hype seems to greatly outdue any Kojima hype I've ever seen. So I figured I'd take him down a notch.


And here's hoping that Brock Lesnar ends up back with the E. At least then they'll finally have a full time main eventer that can actually, you know, work a good wrestling match. Although I suppose if he could get his no-compete clause thrown out he could end up in NOAH or NJPW and wrestle better workers in a less controlling enviroment. Come to think of it, here's hoping Brock wins the lawsuit and doesn't end up in the E.

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The smart wrestler, after being controlled and beaten up for a good stretch, will transition into his own offense by hitting a move, then immediately collapsing



Everything else I agree with, even if it isn't anything new.

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The smart wrestler, after being controlled and beaten up for a good stretch, will transition into his own offense by hitting a move, then immediately collapsing


No thats what the babyface does.

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