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44. #7.

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#7: Carnival. REMOVED!





#7: Hoff


Positives: He's usually an intellligent poster. He plays the jerk role pretty well.


Negatives: He goes through spurts of being a very whiny bitch. He should never try being funny. He relies on being established too much. He hates me.


#6 coming eventually.

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Positives: He's quite funny. And cute. And is a computer geek like me.


Negatives: He's an asshole. He lies to me, a lot. He constantly demands to see me naked. He's a really bad poster. A lot of people hate him. He's got some ugly hair thing growing on his chin. He wants to be black. He wants to fuck Black Lushus in the ass, and vice versa. He has loser friends. He lives in Nebraska. He hides on Yahoo all the time. He's a little pussy that's afraid to talk to me. He gets mad when I ignore him, even though he ignores me WAAY more. He loves Jeff Jarrett. He's a TNA apologist. He probably wants sexual relations with Zack Malibu. He fucks random ugly bitches, then puts the moves on me, thus relegating me with the rest of his skanks. He worries about me screwing him over. He's constantly paranoid when talking to me. He weighs like 100 pounds soaking wet. He's dirt poor. He has all these horrible traits, yet he always posts, and you grow to like the wigga.


WOW... all those negatives :o


Yet he's #7 on the GOOD side...

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Overly paranoid people that cause unnecessary netdrama that no one but the two (in this case three, with BL) people involved in care about tend to upset me, but I see what you're saying about you considering him a top playa, I suppose.


I've also realized at this point that this list will probably be made up of people who post 15 or so times a day, everyday, so I assume I didn't make the cut. Oh well!

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Overly paranoid people that cause unnecessary netdrama that no one but the two (in this case three, with BL) people involved in care about tend to upset me, but I see what you're saying about you considering him a top playa, I suppose.



whoa...what are you talking about here?

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Nothing, really. I just felt like adding 2 counterfit cents. Or maybe I was referring to a blog entry where the comments section is nothing but "Talk to me on Yahoo!" "No talk to me" "lolz you're ignoring me" "no you're ignoring me", etc. Please disregard.

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Carnival is removed for not being the clean cut, rich, white boy that I want him to be.

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well i see it's that time of the month again...and I'm the one who causes the internet drama....there is all the evidence you need.


I hope I make the bad list at least.

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