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WP really annoys me

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Hawk 34


I thought about starting another thread devoted to him but decided against it. He's really on my nerves tonight with his complete inability to understand that cleaning ladies are common and his walking into my thread about my ex-girlfriend and her bf.


also, the comments in the munchie thread as well.


Anyone else getting tired of this guy? It was cute for awhile, then downright sad and now it's irritating.


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I've been tired of him for the longest time. He's very annoying, and an attention whore.

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Put the guy on ignore.


I agree that his gimmick stuff has gone on FAR too long...


Cleaning ladies aren't common for poor people like me. :(



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I want to see this "100 better matches then JvPII" list. I assume 97 of them involve Chris Benoit.


I'll go on record saying Benoit's best match doesn't equal Joe's best match.

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I would agree. Some people might treat that statement as heresy, but I believe JvP II was indeed better than anything Benoit's done. Of course, Benoit has a shit load more ****+ matches than Joe, so it's not like Joe is > Benoit just because his best is better than Benoit's best.

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First off, cleaning ladies are not common around my parts. Nobody has them. Nobody. People would probably get laughed at for being lazy because they have a cleaning lady.


Joe vs Punk II is severely overrated. I will be watching about 7 or 8 better matches this coming PPV. Yes, there are some that like it but there are some who hate it as well. I didn't say I could list 100 matches better than that. That was for Misawa vs Kawada from 6/94.

I said I could list 5000 matches better than Punk vs Joe II. Easily. However, that is for matches that connect with me. If for whatever reasons it connects with you to the point where you think it's an all time great match than that is fine. However, it would be wrong to assume that it connects with everyone that way.

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