Bologna Pony
Damn, I've got a ton of typing and writing as far as homework goes. Fortunately, I only have two or three weeks of classes left.
-It seems like Glenn Beck is slowly making it into my worst things on TV today list. I tried giving his show a shot, and it was just painful to watch, not to mention unfunny. The guy tries so hard to be funny, but fails. Also, his whole "I'm going to see the Da Vinci Code because supposidly, the French hate it!" comment was corny. I thought hating on the French went out of style a while back. Besides, the French gave us the movie High Tension, and the music of Francoise Hardy.
-Speaking of "The Da Vinci Code", who gives a flying fuck about it? The book sucked major balls, so the movie will most likely suck major balls as well.
-Hillary Clinton recently gave a speech that lambasted the current generation of kids. Now, I'm normally all for ripping on kids today. Hell, I hate kids today. But come on Hillary, you sound like that crazy old lady who yells at kids to get off her lawn. Eh, I never liked her that much anyway.
That's all for now. Next time: Will BUTT-Heads fear of commitment cause Beavis to become institutionalized?
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