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58. 5-day weekend.

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I have a 5-day weekend, which rocks. Our place is having some security something, so we're off Tuesday. I don't know if that's a good thing. But, with my scheduled Wednesday off, I have 5 days to do nothing.


I recently put in for another part-time job, but that already went by the wayside as their hours couldn't work with my current full-time job. Oh well.


There will be no more avatars of myself here, because of all the whiny bitches. Therefore, only porn stars now. Mostly of my look-alike porn star, the lovely Teagan Presley. Pre-boob job, of course.


Myspace has been boring lately. Alex Shelley deleted me after I told him I hope his leg breaks, and it ends up looking like Kevin Nash's chicken legs. What an asshole he is. I can't wait until he's fired. How hard is it to be nice to your fans that took the time to stalk you cuz you're cute.


That's all.


K. Bye.



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1) For various reasons I already mentioned at The Pit. I basically just worry too much.


2) Search "Leena" on this board. There's been a bunch of it, lately. So, the end.

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I don't even have a 3 day weekend. I'm actually working saturday morning as well as monday morning (this was my own doing)


I'm due for my 2 week vacation in late july anyways (still don't know where the two of us are going)

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Ortonsault and Leena: I demand praise for my Week 1 victory in the TSM Fantasy league.


I have a 3 day weekend, which is nice since I live in Canada and don't have a holiday this weekend. I just asked for an extra day off and got it, despite the fact took a week off to go on vacation last week. Good stuff.

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Yeah, anyways. Leena, tell me where me and my gf(?-I dunno if we can call each other that yet, but I say it's in that range) can go for vacation.


She is coming back sunday from a camping trip with her family, so anything nature related would be out the question.


I'm wanting to drive instead of flying, I've been to basically every beach on the east coast and hit pretty much every spot. $ isn't that much of an issue, I was just thinking of like a tour. Hit a slew of cities/areas.


Maybe we should drive towards 'Zona and crash with you :) but seriously, you are a relatively smart enough girl. Where's a good place for two young kids crazy for each other to go all alone for their first trip?



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Ortonsault and Leena: I demand praise for my Week 1 victory in the TSM Fantasy league.


I'm very displeased with my complete lack of luck in Week 1. I'm not even going to be Top 10 in our league due to the demise of my beloved Gymini. Grar. Therefore, I'm going for many risks next week.

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Yeah, anyways. Leena, tell me where me and my gf(?-I dunno if we can call each other that yet, but I say it's in that range) can go for vacation.


I have no idea. I've never been on a true vacation in my life. :(

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I had a four-day weekend, but I only work part-time with a schedule I make by myself, so it's awesome, with two vacations in two weeks coming up.


Also, I'm sad at the loss of avatars of yourself, but I can't complain about the fucking amazing Teagan being your replacement. :)

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I can't go on vacation. I'm poor.


Besides, why would I want to leave here.



Well I'm not saying you have to leave where you are... just do something with your free time that is fun. Which for me is anytime NOT at my job. ;)

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