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GQ shoots on.. someone

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World's Worst Man


Since I'm just full of original ideas lately, I decided to steal another idea, this time from HTQ. You know the drill, give me some names of wrestlers or posters, and watch the carnage unfold.

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He likes to challenge people's opinions, and doesn't let them get away with going on and on without posting any sort of argument, about subjects they don't really know a whole lot about. Tends to end up as a "you either love him or you hate him" thing. Of course, that's only when he posts, which isn't all that frequently. He just wants to talk about match quality and wrestling ability as opposed to the booking or the business side of things. He also likes people who can have rough, in-depth debates with getting offended or making things personal. He is not averse to telling someone off if they have it coming, though.

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Cameo appearance while on hiatus! Here's a big list to get things going:







Ric Flair

Samoa Joe

Jeff Jarrett

Triple H


Harvey's toasted buffalo chicken sandwich


Street Fighter: The Movie

Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie



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He's my boy. We share a lot of similar interests, even if our wrestling tastes are polar opposites. He gets all of the obscure Simpsons references I make, which makes him #1 by itself.




He's able to have fairly in-depth arguments about things, even if he sometimes gets personal without justification. I don't agree with him tying in quality wrestling with sucessful wrestling, nor do I agree with his sometimes inconsistent application of that principle. Still, the important thing is that he's willing to discuss things on an intelligent level.




Seems to have a treasure trove of wrestling knowledge. He has a short leash for stupidity, which I can understand, given how much he knows, and how many years he's had to deal with people who not only didn't know a whole lot, but acted as if they did.




Seems to crave attention, and will usually say completely ridiculous things to get it. Is unable to control his large Chris Benoit bias. Not a fan of his reviews, which usually amount to PBP, and expressing the virtues of meaningless, dime-a-dozen spots. I don't deal with him outside of the wrestling forums, so while I'm aware of his reputation, I haven't anything to say about it.


Ric Flair


One of the more overrated wrestlers of all time in terms of his pure in-ring ability. He was a great worker, but there's too much hyperbole surrounding him as the "best wrestler ever". But as the total package (mic skills, charisma along with the wrestling ability), he was undoubtedly one of the best.


Samoa Joe


One of the top 3 or so wrestlers to come along in the past few years. His best year was 2004, and I haven't seen a whole lot improvement since then. Granted, that may be because of the position he was in at that time. Even if Joe doesn't improve, he'll likely go on to have a great career anyway. I'd really like to see him in a high position with NOAH, as he'd likely be involved in higher-end stuff than he's been in during the last year or so, but sadly, that's an unlikely scenario.


Jeff Jarrett


He used to be a quite capable wrestler, but hasn't been any good in a while. Other than that, I don't really care about him.


Triple H


I could probably copy/paste what I typed about Jarrett. Although Triple H tends to be overrated by some people who think he was a lot better in his prime than he really was. All of the hate he gets due to his politicking is justified, but I don't particularly care.


Harvey's toasted buffalo chicken sandwich


A tasty bit of business.


Street Fighter: The Movie


Absolutely horrible. Nothing that I wouldn't expect from an American made movie of a Japanese video game franchise.


Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie


Typical anime movie. Artistically good, but very little in the way of plot/character development. It's a fun movie for people who are fans of the video game franchise.




I want a girl with legs like her.




I want a girl who would wear her outfit. She's probably my favourite 2d fighting game character, and 3rd overall (behind Ivy and Sarah). I like her original character more than the one from the SF2 anime series. Overall, Cammy is just all kinds of awesome.

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Bob Jackson.


Seemingly incapable of socialising with other human beings. No matter how cordial and intelligent the conversation might be, he feels the need to drag it down with insults and sarcasm.

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Dangerous A


The only thing I can think of off-hand is that he always seemed cordial when discussing things and seemed like a decent guy all around.




Coffey always seemed alright to me, even though he seems to take heat at NMB. One baffling thing is that whenever I leave any comments on his blog, they don't get approved. Other than that, I've got nothin'.




Loss knows what he likes and is able to discuss it on an intellectual level. Even though I've disagreed with him on some things, I've never felt at odds with him in the least, probably because he's quite laid back. It's a good combination of characteristics.

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Jim Ross


He used to be a great play-by-play announcer. That was at least 10 years ago though. Since about '98 he's been absolutely terrible, as he never really modernized his wrestling knowledge and became a parody of himself.


Jim Cornette


Cuts a hell of a promo. Cornette is really fun to listen to, while he's kayfabe'ing it on a wrestling show, or going off in a shoot interview. He really seems to have a great mind for the business, although he probably needs to modernize his approach (based on what I've heard in his shoots).


Gordon Solie


A fine announcer, but I can't help feeling he's overrated these days. I don't know if I would really call him better than a prime Jim Ross, but his voice is certainly iconic. Truthfully, I don't really pay much attention to the announcers, unless they're entertaining themselves (so Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura for example), or if they're really great at dramatically calling the action without going overboard (various Japanese announcers).


Bill Watts


Brilliant old school booker who probably didn't understand the modern game as much as he should have. He still had quite a good run with WCW, despite the silliness of some of his ideas (no top rope rule for example).


Dusty Rhodes


From what I've seen (which admittedly isn't best stuff according to most), he'd probably be the exact opposite of why I watch wrestling. He was terribly charismatic, but couldn't wrestle otherwise. Once I see his work from the 70's (which is supposedly much better) I'll have a better idea about him. His announcing was sometimes entertaining, although that may not have been because he was actually good at the job.


Bob Caudle


Unfamiliar with him


New Jack


I used to enjoy his dives when I was into ECW, but I haven't given a shit about him since I started becoming interested solely in the wrestling side of pro-wrestling.

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Gabe Sapolsky(sp?)


Lousy announcer, good booker. I think his greatest achievement was keeping things together after the scandal in 2004. Even though it was a lot of Joe and Punk, Sapolsky was still able to make stars out of the Gen Next guys, Jimmy Rave and others. He also deserves kudos for taking ROH out of the "indy dream match" rut it was in, into a promotion that runs some pretty good, long term angles.




Homicide is so fun to watch, because he takes his job seriously. That means he's always playing his character and playing it well, and always gives a solid effort in the ring. He should do well for himself in TNA, as he has the natural charisma to get over with the fans and is quite capable in the ring as well.


Dragon Gate


Probably the definition of a fun promotion. They produce some good wrestling (nothing mind-blowing), but their shows are always entertaining due to the characters and how well they're booked. The promotion is admirable in that they've carved a niche for themselves in a struggling wrestling market in Japan, to the point where they might be the #3 promotion in the country right now.


Magnum TA


Haven't seen enough.


Stan Hansen


Probably the best brawler ever. He just brought a stiff, believable style of brawling to his matches. And not only that, but he was quite the smart worker too. Great selling, great ability to put over a story. Criminally underrated by some.


Steve Williams


Doc was always "on" in the ring and had some really good body language. You'd always know how intense, rough and prepared he was just by watching him in the ring. He was really good at both American style tag-wrestling and the king's road style in AJPW. His tag team with Terry Gordy is one of my favourite teams of all time, and they tend to be quite underrated, especially in favour of the vastly overrated Steiner Brothers.

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Did that match take place in the Dragon Gate promotion? ;) I haven't seen it anyway.


Well, it was a dragon date showcase. I count it! lol.


Go see it now. It's out on Youtube. You should buy the DVD anyways because that entire show was loaded.

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Jamie Noble


Solid wrestler, but he tends to not be any good at structuring longer matches. His selling is also goofy and over the top sometimes, especially when he does that bizarre moaning/crying.


Chuck Palumbo

Johnny Stamboli


Not much to say about these 2 other than Palumbo improved quite a bit in All Japan, but Stamboli did not.


Chris Kanyon (before his recent "craziness")


I enjoyed his work in WCW, especially his feud with DDP. He had a neat moveset at a time when I hadn't been exposed to much wrestling outside of WWF/WCW.


ECW's The Zombie


I thought the "promo" he cut was a hilarious way to annoy the audience and get heel heat. Otherwise, it's typical McMahon, taking shots at people who've "wronged" him. In this case, the Sci-Fi folks who demanded something in the way of sci-fi angles/gimmicks.


DVDVR message board


The two biggest problems with the place are the people who piled in during the sleaze thread, and the contrarian bullshit. The former lead to a lot of casuals being introduced to the board. Not that there's anything wrong with being a casual smark, but some of these people are just downright stupid and end up flooding the board with awful posts. And then there's the contrarian mindset, which might be more annoying. It gets tiring to see people try to tear down something just because it's popular. There's just so much hyperbole and over-exaggerration from some folks. And then of course, there's the swarmy, sarcastic assholes who are free to stir shit up without any intervention from the mods. So those problems have somewhat dwarfed the intelligent conversation, although there's still some to be found if you can get into a thread before the riff-raff takes things down the crapper.


But since it's pretty much the cross-roads of the "smart community", there are a bunch of good posters there. You usually get some entertaining posts every now and then as well. And their 1980's project is probably the best thing the "IWC" has ever done. I guess you gotta take the bad with the good.

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Shane Helms


If he was in the indy's, he's dime-a-dozen. Just seems like a bland, faceless worker.


Paul London


Great bumper. It's a shame he left ROH before their big breakout in 2004, then he might have a body of work worth talking about. Right now, he's just going to waste.


Brian Kendrick


One of the few who came out and said why they left the WWE ("It burnt me out on wrestling", "I didn't like being restricted") only to take the money and go back after hanging around the indies for a while. I don't particularly like that. He's a fine worker, but nothing worth talking about.


Rob Conway

Doug Basham

Finlay's midget


Haven't seen enough to form an opinion, nor do I care to.



CRZ's message board


I haven't read anything from CRZ since about 2000. Back then, I thought he was from the school of Scott Keith in that they were guys who didn't really know a whole lot about what they were writing about. I can't remember anything specific, so maybe I unfairly lumped him into Keith's group. Whatever the case may be, I haven't even given him a thought in years, and I have no idea if he's even still around.

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Dave Meltzer


The most credible source for wrestling news, and has a wealth of knowledge. He isn't much of an analyst concerning what goes on in the ring though.


Wade Keller


I don't understand how he has a job. Grossly inferior to Meltzer in every way. I wonder about anyone who'd call the Lesnar-Angle iron man match "one of the greatest matches ever".


Dave Scherer

Bob Ryder


I never paid much attention to these two.

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Vince Russo


Someone who really doesn't understand pro-wrestling. A classic example of a guy who fell ass-backwards into success. Austin was insanely over mostly due to himself, but Russo rode the coattails of that success and thought he was the reason for WWF's turn around. Then he ended up being an utter failure in WCW.


Vince McMahon


His negligence and ego is a cancer on American pro-wrestling. His failure to know that the people he's leaving in charge of the promotion (his daughter) are killing it is just mind-boggling, considering almost everyone else knows it. His childish vices and ideas of what pro-wrestling is are laughable. The best thing that could have happened is if he left some capable individual in charge of the promotion in 2001. Then maybe business wouldn't have tanked so much, and product would be better all around. Now it's too late, because when he's done, Stephanie and Trips will be in charge. And that will just lead to catastrophe.


The finish to the King of the Mountain match last Sunday


Didn't see it.

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The SHIMMER concept is admirable in that they're actually pushing women's wrestling, as opposed to a T&A sideshow. I saw the second show and bits of the first and thought it was alright. There wasn't anything to write home about, but it's probably just as good as current joshi in Japan.


Dave Prazak


He combines a knowledge of wrestling holds with a sharp wit. So he can call a serious match, and call it well, but he can also be entertaining and crack some funny jokes. I really like him as an announcer.


Jimmy Jacobs and The Ballad of Lacey


Haven't gotten this far in my sequential ROH viewing yet.

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