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Part two of the worst feuds in wrestling history

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Gary Floyd


DDP vs. Evad-You see, Paige cheated to win some cash, or whatever (it's been a long time, so i don't really remember everything), and Kevin Sullivan's lovable (re. annoying) brother falls for Kimberly. Or something like that. All in all, a bad imitation of the Savage vs. Steele feud.


HHH vs. Kane -aka "Kane fucked Katie". One of the most tasteless moments in wrestling history, and not in a fun trashy way. I mean the kind of tasteless that makes you hate yourself for watching it.


Ed Ferrera vs. Medusa-You know, people may complain that the current cruiserweight division in WWE is a joke, but compared to WCW during the Russo years, it's the Super J Cup . Add to the fact that it all had a non-wrestler who's also a booker putting himself over and winning a belt that once gave us some awesome matches, and you get this shitstain in the history of wrestling.


Stone Cold vs. Vince for Jim Ross's job-Pointless bullshit that at least gave us the return of Joey Styles. The feud itself, though short, gave us moments (particularly "Vince pull's things out of "J.R.'s ass") that were almost Katie Vick levels of bad. In the end though, Ross is back, and I'm still hoping for the day when Lawler is caught fucking a 14 year old girl, causing him to be fired.


Jake Roberts vs. Rick Martel-Included thanks to the suggestion from Culloden Hastings.


And that's all the feuds. Next time: unpopualr and popular opinions.

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Good ol' Katie Vick. Oddly enough, shortly after that funeral home skit was when I began to stop watching pro wrestling. I wonder why?

I have a friend who's a hardcore wrestling fan, who quit watching WWE after that.

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This isn't a feud or anything, but I LOVED the IWC's reaction after that one WCW ppv where Bischoff said that there was going to be a surprise that "Vince McMahon could do nothing about." The highlight of the night? Goldberg turning heel. Man, the backlash after that one was great.

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