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Thanks bud. My Rocky IV tape is actually a little worn out at that spot because I used to rewind it so much just so I can watch it over and over again.



I'm a conflict of emotions right now. Frustrated, happy, really optomistic, sad and very worried. One good thing as of late is that I am now feeling more confident than I ever have been in my life. Though in a way I hope that doesn't make me lose my anxiety fears since I find they actually keep you extremely alive inside especially when you try to confront said anxiety fears. I guess I'll have to start diving soon or something so I can get that alive feeling back.

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I'm depressed too. I just found out my DUI's probably going to go through, and I'll likely be on probation for a year. I was thinking things were going to be moving forward really well, but it's looking like that might not happen right now.

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I'm depressed too. I just found out my DUI's probably going to go through, and I'll likely be on probation for a year. I was thinking things were going to be moving forward really well, but it's looking like that might not happen right now.




Stay away from the alcohol. I don't really know what else to say.


I know it's easier said than done but just do it before you do something you truly regret and become even more depressed.

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And exactly who is to blame for being a drunk driver, hmmmm?


That's right - YOU.



Peter, we should talk about the Ghostbusters cartoon some day. That show was hilarious when they were hitting on all cylinders.



Remember when they were all going around looking for a troll? and Ray comes up with the theory that instead of moving around and missing the person you're looking for (because they're moving around as well) you should stay still and eventually they will come to you? Egon than tells Ray it's the stupidest theory he's ever heard only to be of course proven wrong when Ray's elementary school teacher passes by.


The time when Ray? and Egon were throwing a sterotypical cartoon bomb back and forth to each other where they're debating wether it's real or not is one of all time favourite TV moments.


Boogieman episode WAS AWESOME.


And that episode where Peter goes all out to save Slimer who got sucked into some kind of well; I don't remember what it was but it was really emotional.



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