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Guest The Mysterious One

TMO'S Special Look At DDTWrestling

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Guest The Mysterious One

The Mysterious One’s Take On The Smart Marks


This week I decided to cover an event from TSM’s recent history. The trouble we had we had with http://ddtwrestling.com. This cess pool has caused more trouble for TSM than any other board. How did it begin? Why did they invade? I’ll cover that in a special two-part expose. The First Part: DDTwrestling and how it reached the point where they invaded TSM. Part two will cover the invasion itself.


DDTwrestling is a board full of shit. They boast some of the worst posters on the net. Including The Brain and DJ Jeff.


The first poster I talked to in order to gain a image of DDTwrestling was Downhome. This interview was very interesting. Here it is:


TMO says:

You were an owner of DDTwrestling correct?


Downhome says:


Downhome says:

I started it damnit.

Downhome says:

Well, not DDT, but what it was before that.

TMO says:

yes you were wrestleforum before that correct?

Downhome says:


TMO says:

Why do you think your forum attracted so many troublemakers and idiots (DJ Jeff for example)?


Downhome says:

Because ultimatly, they found out they could get away with things.

Downhome says:

The damn uncensored board also was a breeding ground for stupid shits.

TMO says:

why did they get away with things? couldn't you stop them?

Downhome says:

I tried.

Downhome says:

But the other Admins wouldn't let it be, they just let people do what they wanted to.

Downhome says:

Then BC, he's the worlds biggest f'n pussy of all time.

TMO says:

that was your co-owner?

Downhome says:


Downhome says:

Badchannels, it eventually came down to just him and me.

TMO says:

So where all your experinces bad at DDT?

Downhome says:

Yes, it was all bad.

Downhome says:

It was a constant headache, because all anyone did was bitch.

Downhome says:

It wasn't fun.

Downhome says:

And I was surrounded by morons.

TMO says:

What caused you to eventually leave?

Downhome says:

My grandma and sister and her baby almost died, so I told BC I woule be gone for about three weeks, and in my absense, to find an Admin to help him out while I was to be gone. I came back when I said I would, and to my suprise I was removed from being an Admin.

Downhome says:

I asked in feedback why, but no one would answer me, and BC ignored my questions.

Downhome says:

Then they banned me, saying I changed all the passwords, which I obviously didn't do.

Downhome says:

Then they let me back in, and then the other Admins (Jim, Poontank, whoever) kept banning me after I would be unbanned.

Downhome says:

Then I realized all of those guys, even BC, are simply children, playing a game, a pointless game.

Downhome says:

If Poontank, BC, etc... are over 25 like they say, then they must truly be some mentally incompotent adults.

TMO says:

Was there anyone at all who stood up for you?

Downhome says:

No, not really.

Downhome says:

No one even questioned my being gone, that I know of, and no one cared that was there.

Downhome says:

Except Corey.

Downhome says:

Corey recently emailed me about it, asking just where I was, and I told him.

Downhome says:

He said he was leaving, to come to SmartMarks now, since this is where I am.

Downhome says:

He's a good guy.


Downhome says:

FreeSpirit also did, I think, at least he said he did.

Downhome says:

I don't really know, as I haven't even been back to look at the site or board.

Downhome says:

It's too far below me now.

TMO says:

So you'd never consider going back to be an Admin?

Downhome says:

I would rather shit down their necks.


Downhome says:

Good, I hate that site, it sickens me.



As you can see Downhome has no wish to be involved with DDT. What could cause a happy, nice guy like Downhome to get so mad?


Not able to post on his own board!


That’s just one example of the shit Downhome put up with. After talking to Downhome I went and talked to the poster at TSM who’s spent a lot of time at DDTwrestling….cobainwasmurdered.


TMO: Why did you join DDT?


CWM: Downhome told me about it and when I got there it sucked. The posters were shit, and they treated Downhome even worse than shit.


TMO: So what did you do?


CWM: I unleashed the worst weapon known to mankind on DDT.


TMO: No! Not…


CWM: Angleplex.


TMO: You must really have hated them.


CWM: I did. Agnes and I had a lot of fun there. We went around trying to piss them off and it worked.


TMO: Favorite memories?


CWM: The Time We took over a kliq


I appreciate you coming over and pretending to be a troll BTW.


TMO: Any chance to watch you be a dork…


TMO: Anyway, eventually Treble Charged showed up…


CWM: Yeah I was telling him about how stupid some of them were and he joined up and of course take the chance to make fun of me. Eventually he started flaming them.


TMO: Thanks CWM, you’ve been a big help.



Well, now that I’m done with CWM, it’s time to talk with Agnes.


When Did you start posting at DDT and why?


I started posting at DDT becaues that homosexual Cobainwasmurdered posted the link up at Vanilla Midgets. He said it was a pathetic place so I figured I would fit in.


[qoute]What was ddt like?

Gay. Very, very gay.


Who were the worst posters at ddt?

Mr.Biggelsworth was by far the worst. Reading his constant posts about masturbation was the biggest waste of my time until you sent me this PM.


Other bad posters included IAMTHEKING, ACS, Cobainwasmurdered and Treble Charged.


Do you have any favorite moments from your time at DDT?

My favorite moment over there had to have been my first day there when CWM and I totally OWNED IAMTHEKING. He eventually made an excuse that he was drunk, and later pretended it never happened.


Another favorite moment was when 15 of the posters went on "strike". The "strike" lasted approx. 10 minutes, when I learned that there was in fact, no strike. (I don't know how this happened. I am assuming they somehow traveled back in time and changed history by never starting the strike, but I could be wrong)


My final favorite moment was when that little tool Marvelci or whatever his name was posted his picture up. It was a pretty brutal picture, and he tried to cover it up by saying he was "trying not to laugh" when he was taking it. He and I got into it for about 4 or 5 pages, where we came to an agreement of sorts. It was a truly disgusting site, and I hope nobody ever has to look at it again.


What was your reaction when DDT members started showing up here?

I didn't post at DDT much by that time, and I rarely visited the "No Holds Barred" forum, so I didn't really see them much. You have to ask Treble Charged about that.


Thank you.

I'll expect my payment by Friday.


I finally decided to rack down the last three major players in this little play, Treble Charged, Incandenza, and Bob Barron.




TMO: How Did you guys find DDTwrestling?


Treblecharged: Well, I remember being in a chat with CWM, and him pointing out someone on that board that was really dumb. He provided a link, and I saw that CWM and Angle-Plex were public enemy #1 over there, and subject to much insulting. Never one to pass up a chance at making fun of CWM, I joined immediately. I forgot about the board for awhile, though, until one night, when I became incredibly bored, went over to their site, and saw that it was as terrible as ever. Then, I made it my mission to flood their 'Uncensored' folder (equivalent of our 'No Holds Barred'). Wanting to share my exploits, but knowing that Dames frowned upon inVasions (after what happened at the Cherrieboard), I posted a thread at SmarkTalk (http://smarktalk.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=21&t=143) letting people know what was going on, as well as PMing other users who I thought might be interested in seeing what was going on over there.


Incandenza: I can't remember when it was, exactly--a couple of months ago?--but I started because of Treble Charged and CWM discussing something about nudie pictures and being banned. I asked what they were talking about, and TC pm'ed with the details. It was in one of those DJ Jeff bashing threads.


Bob Barron: Treble Charged told me about all the fun he was having there so I decided to join him and see what we could do.


TMO: Inc, Bob what did you think of DDT?


Incadenza: I can't give you a fair assessment of it. With one exception, I stayed entirely within their Uncensored board, and that isn't the kind of place to see the best in people.


TMO: Fair enough, Bob?


Bob Barron: It was pretty much a place full of marks and morons. And DJ Jeff


TMO: Treble when did you start getting involved in feuds over there?


TrebleCharged: When did you start feuding with posters there:

I started 'feuding' with posters there when they got offended at my sig, which included many pictures of Kitana Baker (http://www.kitanabaker.com/), who was the lesbian 'Peaches' at the WWE's Unforgiven PPV. A few of the pictures featured her wearing little to no clothes, and this seemed to displease the prudes that posted there, for whatever reason.


TMO: Inc, Bob who did you guys think were the worst posters at DDT?


Incandenza: All the ones I encountered sucked. I can't be bothered to remember who sucked more (outside of one very obvious person), but I can assure you of this: flaming isn't any of their strong suits.


Bob Barron: DJ Jeff, The Brain, Jack O'Neill. Jack was this guy who kept flaming us and basically calling for our heads. We pointed out that he was well flaming outside of uncensored and that just made him angrier. The first two are pretty self explanatory.


TMO: What Names Did you two post under?


Incandenza: Intially it was OMGAvril!, which was the name I used at the fondly-remembered-by-all-involved Avril invasion. I got about 30 posts in under that name before I was banned. I re-registered as slothrop, but have done nothing of note with it, nor do I plan to.


Bob Barron: cheese_whiz, brock_lesnar3003.


TMO: Treble what the hell is up with you and The Brain?


Treblecharged: Brain was one of the people most upset with my sig. However, in his sig, he featured a picture of the Canadian flag burning, with the words, 'FUCK CANADA!!!' written below. Being a Canadian, I was naturally offended by this, and demanded that he remove it right away. He retorted with his typically, 'YOU SUCK AT FLAMING!!!' response. Of course, he found that the mature thing to do would be to come here, and refer to himself as a form of venerial disease (in this case, 'herpes'), thus pissing off everyone here. He also made some racial comments while at TSM, and when people over at DDT read that, he became an idiot in their eyes, as well. I have a feeling he's still here at TSM, though, posing as someone who is reasonably intelligent (if that's even possible for him). The 'crowning jewel' of the 'feud' though, was when The Brain offered to fly me down to Atlanta (where he said he lived), so we could settle our differences, man to man. I gave him an address, that, while not mine, did exist, as well as a fake name (Glen Zellers, playing of my custom title here at TSM, and the Canadian department store, 'Zellers'). He seemed to be quite upset I wouldn't be joining him down in the 'Redneck Riveria', as I jokingly referred to it.



TMO: Treble who were your main allies in this feud?


Treblecharged: My main allies at DDT were cobainwasmurdered (although, between just you and me, I really don't think he understood what was happening. I was using really big words at some times, and I think a lot of it just went right over his head), bob_barron, and Incandenza. The Uncensored folder was out haven, and no one was safe from our path of destruction.



TMO: Bob, Inc do you have any favorite memories from ddt?


Incandenza: TC's thread about why he should be a mod was pretty funny. I also enjoyed pointing out their mods' hypocrisy vis-a-vis offensive banners, as TC's naked girl was somehow deemed worse than a nude Marilyn Manson humping a bible. Neither offended me, but c'mon. I also liked TC's triumphant return as Aqua.


Bob Barron: When TC and I accused DJ Jeff of supporting domestic violence because he had a banner of Stone Cold Steve Austin.


TMO: Any of you three ever go back there?


Treble Charged: I still occasionally visit DDT, but whenever I go there, I feel that I kill many valuable brain cells, so, I try and limit my visits to once every few days. However, after my 'treble charged' account was banned, they did the unthinkable, and DELETED ALL MY POSTS. Bastards.


Incandenza: About once a week, I'll go by the flaming folder and post once or twice, but no one ever notices me. As for it still sucking, judging from those rare visits, I'd say yes.


Bob Barron: I go by occasionally. DJ Jeff is much more idiotic there then he is here and some of his posts are very funny to read.


Some DJ Jeff posts at DDT-









TMO: Incandenza, Bob, last question. What was your reaction when DDT posters started showing up at TSM?


Incandenza: I wasn't surprised, as I saw them discuss invading us over at their board. Plus, DJ Jeff told them we were from TSM, which we--Bob, TC and myself--NEVER told them. It was never an invasion like at Avril or sweetcherrie. It was just three bored guys acting like dicks in a folder where acting like a dick is suppose to be allowed.


Bob Barron: I thought it was funny but I felt bad for the mods and admins who had to deal with it.


TMO: Thanks Guys.



Next Tuesday I’ll have the Second Part for you guys. It’ll be on DDT’s Invasion of TSM. To End This here’s a few DDT threads.




With This Post I become...


Why Was I banned? (Canada Owns Is CWM)


Unfortunately Treble Charged’s posts were deleted. This ruined many great threads.


Well that’s all the SHIT I can stand this week. Goodbye.

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Guest Incandenza

After being banned over there and coming back, some of DJ Jeff's stuff is actually pretty amusing.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

TMO is pissed about TC's posts all getting deleted, the article would have been much better if he could have had some of TC's posts AS TC and not just as Aqua.


CWM and TC had a amusing thread where they talked all in emoticons that TMO badly wanted to use but oh well.

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Guest Incandenza

The links under "Some DJ Jeff posts at DDT" only take you to the forum's main page.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Blame Bob, He provided the links and TMO trusted him.


Damn you Bob!


*gets TMO to take a look at it*

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Guest Angle-plex

lol. I completely forgot when you....I mean when CWM and I took over "The Pit". Good Times.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

That was fun because they just got more and more pissed off until they disbanded the group.

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Guest Angle-plex

Look what Brain posted about Treble Charged:


I have had a few good fights here.  Trebal Charged(aka Aqua)from smatmarks has been a victim several times.  He is just trolling now and I told him that unlike the smatmarks we know how to ignore trolls.  Peenywise attempted to step up, but left quickly when he saw I wasn't backing down from his "intelligent flaming", what a fucking joke!  KOL tried to ban me from uncencored because I was ruling eveyone.  I think he felt threatened or something.  Then there was that danomite jackass that I ran the fuck out.  So, yes I have had some fights.



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Guest Incandenza

That whole thread AP just quoted from is bizarre. The Brain is arguing with some guy named The Oak, who appears to have been banned, but is still posting.

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Guest LooseCannon

One thing I've noticed is that Jeff isn't afraid to post in Uncensored over there like he is in NHB here.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

RIP OFF! Agnes and I did the EXACT same posts when DDT was wrestleforum.

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Guest LooseCannon

That Bastard!


I just wish he'd post in here more often. I think that says something awfully sad about DDT that Jeff posts in Uncensored with impunity.

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Guest Angle-plex
RIP OFF! Agnes and I did the EXACT same posts when DDT was wrestleforum.

Yup. And after all the shit I've done, I still haven't been banned there.


I'm thinking about going and flaming the "greatest verbal warrrior ever" KOL tonight.

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Guest Kotzenjunge



Hee hee. See if you can figure out who I am.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

No, I actually have yet to post.


Where the hell is the Uncensored area?


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Okay, I would if I could. Your link takes me to a page with no chat link.


Fo sheez,


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