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OVW Wrestling TV Review for 7/17/04

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OVW Wrestling TV Report for July 17, 2004


-First off, congratulations are in order for the Louisville Bats, as they picked up a win last night against Syracuse. They are in a tough race with Indianapolis to see who is the worst team in the International League West. Right now Louisville is only the second worst team, holding a two game lead over the Indians. Way to bring honor to the city whose name is synonymous with baseball bats. Anyways….


-Review of Mike Mondo cheating to beat Matt Cappotelli last week.


-Show Open


-Your announcers are Jim Cornette and Dean Hill.


-Matt Cappotelli vs. Carlos Colon w/ Kenny Bolin, Jerome Crony and Nurse Lulu


-This is Cappotelli’s second straight show-opening match. Ray Ramsey is your referee. Kenny Bolin joins us for commentary. Huge “Bolin sucks” chant to start things off with. Colon wins the lock-up. Cappotelli reverses an Irish whip into the corner, hits two arm drags and gets a two count. Cappotelli locks in an armbar, but that’s broken when Colon pulls Cappotelli to the mat by his hair. Cappotelli ducks a clothesline and returns the favor by pulling Colon to the mat by the hair. Cappotelli hits an armdrag and a legdrop. Cappotelli runs the ropes, but is tripped by Jerome Crony and Colon takes control. Colon hits a backdrop and gets a two count. He then shows his inner-Ultimate Fighter by hitting Cappotelli with some mounted punches. Cappotelli makes it to the ropes, but Crony is there waiting and chokes him on the middle rope. Colon snapmares Cappotelli over and hits the chinlock. Cappotelli tries to power out, but gets kicked back down. Colon clothesline gets two. Cornette and Bolin are going on and on about “Mean” Gene Mondo (Mike Mondo’s brother who is seven months younger than Mike. For some reason I’m expecting a midget to fill this role). Colon jumps to the apron and jumps back in, going for a legdrop, but Cappotelli moves out of the way. Cappotelli with some punches and a back elbow for Colon. Colon gets hit with a flying forearm, which gives Cappotelli a two count. Cappotelli whips Colon into the ropes, but he puts his head down too early and eats some boot. Cappotelli is quick to recover, though, as he hits Colon with a neckbreaker for two. Crony jumps up on the apron to distract Cappotelli, but Cappotelli decks him. Lulu hops up on the apron and gets smooched by Cappotelli. Bolin tries to repeat last week’s finish by distracting Cappotelli while he slides in the Bolin Briefcase to Colon. Colon goes to hit Cappotelli from behind, but he moves and Bolin get knocked off the apron. Cappotelli rolls up Colon for the three count. Mike Mondo comes in and Cappotelli gets double teamed until Steve Levington runs out to run off Bolin Services. * ¾


-We get a replay of Matt Morgan’s terrible promo on John Cena from last week.


-Then we get the same John Cena package from last week, showing clips from the Great American Bash match.



-Matt Morgan (OVW Champion) vs. Rory Fox and Robbie Dawber in a non-title handicap match


- Morgan makes a production assistant get on his knees and uses him as a step into the ring. The bell rings and the sacrificial lambs rush Morgan, but are met with a double chokeslam. Then they get hit with a double clothesline and a double noggin knocker. Morgan whips Dawber into the ropes and Dawber gets nailed with a big boot. Fox gets hit with a sidewalk slam. Morgan nails a sit-out powerbomb on Fox. Morgan hits a double legdrop and places one hand on each man and gets the pin. Post-match, Morgan knocks down the referee and starts choking Fox and Dawber. Big Bad John comes out with a chair and a tug of war ensues for the weapon. John wins the battle and Morgan positions himself ever so carefully while Big Bad John has the chair over his head. Morgan finally gets ready, takes the chairshot and proceeds to run off to the dressing room. DUD.


-Promo for the Six Flags: Kentucky Kingdom show on July 23rd.


-Jim Cornette has Big Bad John. John briefly talks about his match at Six Flags with Mike and Mark Bell. He adds that he’ll be watching the Cena vs. Morgan match very closely at Six Flags.


-Review of the Johnny Jeter vs. Joey Matthews match from last week.


-“The Thrillseeker” Johnny Jeter vs. Johnny Nitro w/Melina


-Robert Brisko is the referee. Nitro wins the lock-up. The two trade wristlock reversals. Jeter gets a quick two-count. Jeter knocks Nitro down with a shoulder block. Nitro goes for a hip toss, but gets caught with a knee to the abdomen. Jeter takes Nitro down with a rana. Multiple dropkicks gets a two count for Jeter. Jeter runs into the ropes, but gets tripped by Melina. Jeter goes after Melina and then takes off to the dressing room. He comes back with Synn and she chases off Melina. Back in the ring, Jeter hits Nitro with a back elbow. Nitro reverses an Irish whip, sending Jeter into the corner. Nitro with a scoops slam for two. Nitro gets another two count from a backdrop. Nitro hammers on Jeter and sends him into the corner with HUGE Irish whip. Nitro goes for the pin, but Jeter kicks out at two. Nitro locks in a surfboard, but Jeter quickly powers out. Irish whip by Nitro is reversed, but Jeter is hit by a head slam. Two count on Jeter and Nitro goes back to the surfboard. Nitro lets go of the hold and dropkicks Jeter in the head. Nitro does a little break dancing before dropping a leg across the throat of Jeter. Nitro goes of the pin and gets two. Nitro goes for a belly-to-back suplex, but Jeter is able to shift his weight. Jeter falls on top of Nitro and gets a two count. Nitro is quick to get up and starts hammering on Jeter. A bodyslam on Jeter gets two and Nitro goes to the surfboard for a third time. Jeter powers out, but gets taken to the corner. He fights his way out and hits a flying forearm. Jeter hits a spin kick off the ropes for two. Nitro charges Jeter in the corner, but Jeter gets a victory roll and the win. Melina comes in the ring and slaps Jeter, which prompts Synn to attack her. Synn gets a few good shots in before Nitro comes over and suplexes her. Joey Matthews comes out to continue the attack on Jeter. **




-Cornette has Johnny Jeter and Jeter challenges Joey Matthews and Johnny Nitro to a tag match at Six Flags. He adds that anybody who wants to can be his partner. Synn says she has a person from her past that will make a great partner for Jeter. We’ll find out who it is next Friday at Six Flags: Kentucky Kingdom.


-Review of the Troubleshooters naming Beth Phoenix as the newest member of their team.




-Adrenaline (Chris Cage and John “Tank” Toland) vs. The Jersey Shore Crew (Aaron “The Idol” Stevens and Danny Inferno) w/ Nova and Trudi Denucci


-Cage and Inferno start out. Cage wins the lock-up as Nova joins us on commentary. Cage gets Inferno in a headlock. Inferno throws him off into the ropes, but Cage knocks him down with a shoulder block. Inferno goes for a hip toss, but Cage reverses it and hits one of his own. Cage tags Tank in and Tank goes to a headlock. Cornette asks about Nova’s opinion about Beth Phoenix joining the Troubleshooters (The Crew will face the Troubleshooters next Friday) and Nova goes on a hilarious rant about how he’s beat women before and he’s not afraid to do it again. Tank hits an armdrag on Inferno and make the tag. Cage goes for a wristlock, but gets caught with a right hand. Inferno tags in Idol and Idol goes to the headlock. Idol gets thrown into the ropes and hits Cage with a shoulder block. Idol runs into the ropes and is hit by multiple armdrags from Cage. Nova on Adrenaline’s yellow and black tights: “Hey, the Killer Bees called and they want their tights back. Buuzzzzzzzz!” Cage tags in Tank. Cornette suggests the Jersey Shore Crew wear yellow and brown tights so they can be “called the Drizzling Sh…well never mind.” Stiff forearm takes down Tank and Idol makes the tag. Inferno slams Tank, but Tank moves out of the way of an elbow drop. Tank hits a Japanese armdrag and a dropkick. Nova says he’s going to ringside and cheat for the Crew. Cornette asks him if he’s actually admitting to cheating before he does it, to which Nova replies, “Of course!” Tank makes the tag and Adrenaline whips Inferno into the ropes, hitting a legsweep/legdrop combo. Cage gets a two count on Inferno. Cage starts throwing dropkicks at anything that moves. Neat spot where Cage has Inferno in a standing headlock and Idol in a leg scissors. Tank comes in with a dropkick and Cage takes the Jersey Shore Crew down. Inferno reverses an Irish whip, sending Cage into the ropes. Idol has the top rope pulled down and Cage goes tumbling to the outside. Idol throws him back in the ring and Inferno gets a two count. Inferno tags in Idol as we go to a break.


-Promo for the July 23rd Six Flags: Kentucky Kingdom show. On the card, we’ve got Matt Morgan vs. John Cena; Seth Skyfire and Mac Johnson vs. Adrenaline for the Southern Tag Titles; and The Troubleshooters will face The Jersey Shore Crew in a Six-Person Tag Match.


-We’re back to action and Cage is trying to break out of a chinlock, but fails. Inferno punches Cage down and tags in Idol. Idol takes Cage down with a backbreaker and hits a running legdrop for two. Cage punches Idol, but Idol falls into Adrenaline’s corner and punches Tank off the apron so Cage can’t make the tag. The referee has his back turned and the Jersey Shore Crew hit Cage with a double backdrop. Pin attempt on Cage only gets two, as Tank comes in for the save. Cage gets whipped into the corner and Idol takes him down with some mounted punching. Idol goes for the pin, but Cage kicks out at two. Inferno tags in and hits a snapmare and a knee drop for two. Cage blocks a suplex attempt and rolls Inferno up in a small package for two. Inferno goes back on the offensive and tags Idol back in. He misses a legdrop, but Cage can’t get to the corner to make the tag. Inferno tags in and gets a two count. Idol tags back in and hits a snap suplex for two. Inferno tags in a goes to a chinlock. Idol tags back in and the Jersey Shore Crew sets up Cage for a double backdrop, but Cage flips out and falls into the corner! Inferno whips Idol toward Cage, but Cage moves out of the way. Cage crawls through Inferno’s legs and makes the hot tag! Tank hits multiple clotheslines on the Jersey Shore Crew. Tank hits a flapjack on Inferno and nips-up. Idol gets whipped into the ropes and is hit with a one-handed spinebuster. Tank goes for the pin, but it is broken by Inferno. Cage comes back into the ring to fight off Inferno. The referee is trying to break up Cage and Inferno, but while his back is turned, Tank has Idol rolled up. Nova comes in the ring, but is met with a spear from Tank. Idol tries to take advantage of the distracted Tank, but Tank hits him with a double sledgehammer and goes for the pin. Trudi Denucci distracts the referee and Nova comes in and hits Tank with a wrench. Idol rolls on top of Tank and gets the pin. Great tag match and funny commentary from Nova. ***


-Post-match, Southern Tag Team Champions Seth Skyfire and Mac Johnson come out to talk to the referee and protest the decision. The Jersey Shore Crew attacks, but Skyfire, Johnson, and Adrenaline fight back. The Troubleshooters come out and a HUGE brawl erupts. Beth Phoenix goes after Trudi Denucci and tries to break her arm with a Payne Killer as we fade out.


-The End Result: Great tag team match and a good match from Nitro and Jeter. I continue to hate Matt Morgan and his segment to build him up as some monster wasn’t that good. Short of the Matt Morgan/Big Bad John stuff, there is not a whole lot to complain about this week.

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Guest Samurai Johnny Frankenstein

Is that Rapid Delivery Rory Fox????? I thought he dropped off the face of the earth

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I'm pretty sure that was him. It took me a second to place him when his name was announced.

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