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Everything posted by mysterious_w

  1. mysterious_w

    If Wrestling Had a Draft...

    Samoa Joe Rob Van Dam HBK Edge Hmmm.. 4 all-round excellent wrestlers, with varying styles. One spot fiend (with a chair), one badass, two excellent mike workers. Every big promotion needs a giant though, so 5th pick is... The Undertaker Still the best giant in terms of in-ring ability and drawing power. It could have been Kane or Big Show... if it was 8 years ago. (btw this has gone through many edits, Benoit was originally in instead of Michaels, and Jericho for Edge)
  2. mysterious_w

    oAo thread for ECW on June 5th

    I'd prefer to see people get moved to ECW for Punk to feud with, rather than see him go. He's pretty much number 2 on the show right now, if they built him up for 6 more months then had him going for (and getting for a couple of months) the ECW title, it could put him right up at ME level. Move him to Smackdown or Raw, and it'll be at leats 2 years before he could get to that stage. Or he could flounder like so many others (Carlito, Shelton etc.....)
  3. mysterious_w

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

  4. mysterious_w

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    3-on-1? Vince knows that's not a challenge, Lashley's beaten it many a time. Drag out Stevie Richards and Guido for 5-on-1 goodness.
  5. mysterious_w

    One and Only Raw Thread for 6/4/07

    It could rock the socks off Smackdown for sure. Think about it, MVP's in the back admiring his belt, when Vince starts to stroll over staring at his belt: Vince: "Is... is that a championship belt you've got there, heheheheheh..." MVP: **Backing away** "Err.... uhm.." Vince: "Now, now, don't run... HEY DON'T RUN. You haven't even told me your name...." MVP: **Breaking into a full-blown sprint** "CHAAAAVOOOOOOOOO GUERRRRREEERROOOOOO!!!!!!!" And Chavo jobs to Mark Henry for the cruiserweight championship.
  6. mysterious_w

    OAO One Night Stand

    Aww... now you've just given me a fantasy booking idea that's so awesome in my mind that it'll obviously never happen. Londrick beat D&D on SMackdown this week, everyone escapes getting split up in the draft, and there's a tag team unification bout between Hardy's, MNM, and WGTT. Which would be the greatest 3-way tag bout (and probably greatest tag bout overall) since the Dudleys/Hardys/E&C wars of 2000-2001.
  7. mysterious_w

    OAO One Night Stand

    How come for the lumberjacks match MVP was introduced as US Champion but Chavo wasn't introduced as Cruiserweight Champion? And how long has it been since he's been on PPV? Vengeance could be really good if they make it 3 and a half hours long and cut down on the number of video packages. As long as they get some time, the Cruiserweight, US, WWE Tag Team and World Tag Team matches could all be very good.
  8. mysterious_w

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I agree, remember when Taker was Biker-Taker (I still fucking hate that gimmick), and he only used to bust out the tombstone a couple of times a year? It made it seem really big and impressive. They don't even have to think up whole new spots, just variations (e.g. Cena could completely rip off Kobashi and make a Super F-U wrist clutch Death Valley Driver)
  9. mysterious_w

    Full SNME Spoilers

    Are the ratings out yet?
  10. mysterious_w

    OAO One Night Stand

    That's kinda like saying why did they bother putting the Last Man Standing match on at Backlash, they already had the fatal-4-way. More matches that people want to see, more reasons for people to buy the show, more money.
  11. mysterious_w

    SmackDown Spoilers for June 1

    Kennedy and Booker are back in a few more weeks right? They can easily have a solid 3 month program with either of those 2 and Edge.
  12. mysterious_w

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    Luna was gone a couple of years before Gangrel though wasn't she?
  13. mysterious_w

    The Youtube Thread

  14. mysterious_w

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I've just been watching a load of Kawada matches, and it got me thinking; who do you think is the stiffest worker in the WWE? Sure Benoit and Flair have their chops, but other than that I don't regard either of them as particularly stiff.
  15. mysterious_w

    OAO ECW Thread for 5/29

    Found it http://youtube.com/watch?v=Pmc3jh3YZoA
  16. mysterious_w

    OAO ECW Thread for 5/29

    I'm guessing this is from In your House 4: Great White North (Flicking through '95 PPV's to see any dodgy HBK finishes). I can't find the match in the old-school thread, anyone have a youtube link?
  17. mysterious_w

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I hope she loses and has to pay Sandman's legal fees.
  18. Waits for someone to make a joke about Cena's workrate. Was I the only one expecting this to involve Batista? With it being in Charlotte I was sure it was Flair, until I saw it was the WWE champion.
  19. mysterious_w

    OAO ECW Thread for 5/29

    The chick with the huge rack in the 2nd row pissed the hell out of me, you could tell she was gunning for Orton's cock.
  20. mysterious_w

    The Youtube Thread

    225 finishers you'll never see in the E (well, apart from #125 obviously): 1-50 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKGaHeA-xfs 51-100 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZdSu5aTT7E 101-150 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CYQUybfGMk 151-225 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FErnDQ2yydI What's your favourite? Mine's the Avalanche Shiranui, so elegant looking.
  21. mysterious_w

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The only time I've ever seen someone hurt themselves with an SSP was the aforementioned Brock attempt and Mark Briscoe's top-rope to the outside SSP in ROH. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoE2wwosjMI Maybe London should have saved it for PPV, he might have got let off a bit if the crowd went wild. But then again, when was his last PPV match?
  22. mysterious_w

    OAO One Night Stand

    I can cope with a job to Orton on his way out, especially if he busts out the Van Terminator. Is the tables match one fall or elimination?
  23. mysterious_w

    Full SNME Spoilers

    Internet was down for a bit so I was watching the ME of Unforgiven. Comaparing it to Raw I'd thought the Cena Sucks chants had gotten weaker over the last 9 months. Guess they were just tired from booing him solid a couple of hours before.
  24. mysterious_w

    3hr Raw to be Draft Lottery

    Edit: Posted in wrong thread
  25. mysterious_w

    3hr Raw to be Draft Lottery

    It would be a good time to call up Harry Smith and Colt Cobana (I doubt the results of any "Development" they give him would be impressive).