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Everything posted by JohnnyBlaze

  1. JohnnyBlaze

    Reaper (CW)

    Just to bring it back to actual discussion about Reaper... I saw this preview the other day. Seems someone likes it: http://content.meevee.com/?q=node/fullstory/7019
  2. JohnnyBlaze

    Fall Programming

    looking forward to this fall tv season..so many shows to watch. I'm definitely chomping at the bit waiting for heroes season 2. I have a reaper on my radar, and my girlfriend managed to get me hooked up in lincoln heights (don't ask, but if you watch season starts on the 4th). Anythign else I should be checking out?
  3. JohnnyBlaze

    Mobile Games

    broke my psp, looking for more games to play on my cell phone. Already have God of War: Betrayal (excellent btw), anything else?
  4. JohnnyBlaze


    i could go on for days with what i liked in this movie...the almost sex scenes were classic though.
  5. JohnnyBlaze

    Who Wants to be a Superhero?

    Yeah not sure what mindset's deal was. Maybe he wanted to go home. What did you think of this last ep...it was damn good tv.
  6. JohnnyBlaze

    Be Kind Rewind

    When I first heard the premise I wasn't thinking it would be much, but the trailer completely turned my opinion around. I'm definitely seeing this.
  7. JohnnyBlaze

    The History Channel

    I like it...sue me. It definitely keeps me occupied during the summer. My new weekly viewing for this summer is the Universe...this kind of stuff has always interested me. Plus I've always loved mail call...good stuff.
  8. JohnnyBlaze

    The History Channel

    I don't know...I know I got made fun of for watching it in college. I've always thought history was pretty cool. Dogfights is great to watch, and I have the episode about possible space disasters of the Universe saved on my DVR.
  9. JohnnyBlaze

    The History Channel

    ice road truckers is high quality. The universe has kept me interested as well... one of the upcoming episodes is about alien galaxies...thats got to be a good one.
  10. JohnnyBlaze

    Who Wants to be a Superhero?

    i thought it was cool with they got their new costumes...although there was a common theme among most of the female costumes... Definitely entertaining.
  11. JohnnyBlaze

    Summer Television

    Heroes was outstanding. I started late...on it, but catching up during the season was definitely worthwhile. I've been watching fallen all weekend...definitely worth it.
  12. JohnnyBlaze

    Summer Television

    Figured I'd start a thread to see what other people are watching this summer...I'm kind of looking forward to a movie that came on last summer, that abc family is finishing up this year called Fallen. Anything else I should be checking out? Anyone else waiting for fallen?
  13. JohnnyBlaze

    Summer Television

    The sunday night hbo lineup is really good right now...one thing thats looking pretty cool...is the flash gordon remake on scifi. Anything where you get to hear "FLASH...AHHHHAHHHHHH...HE'S THE SAVIOR OF THE UNIVERSE!!!" is alright in my book.
  14. JohnnyBlaze

    Who Wants to be a Superhero?

    I mean...i think you are supposed to enjoy the comedy aspect...it seems to play the line of takign it seriously and straight up comedy pretty well. Just and FYI..the premiere is tonight at 9.
  15. JohnnyBlaze

    Flight of the Conchords

    I'm still processing the absolute laugh riot that is "Business Time"
  16. JohnnyBlaze

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I played a mobile game (hold the jokes) the other day, that was actually worth my time. I don't normally play them, but when I saw a God of War game was available, I had to give it a shot. Definitely worthy of a pickup...actually makes you get the same feellings you get when you play the console version (somewhat).
  17. JohnnyBlaze

    Where does Kobe Go?

    Interested to hear others thoughts. East or West? Clippers like what almost happened a few years back? Isiah sells the farm for him? What do you guys think.
  18. JohnnyBlaze

    Navigational Systems

    Technologically gifted probably wasn't the best wording, but yeah when driving it's kind of cumbersome to use your phone for things. Plus, it's a lot better to hear someone telling you what to do than to try to read it. I'm not knocking the use of google maps and cell phones either, just think some people might be better served with nav systems.
  19. JohnnyBlaze

    Navigational Systems

    Does anyone else have one of these in their car. I kind of a tech nut so I went out and grabbed a TomTom Go 910 after doing a little research. I couldn't be happier with the results. I'm always going places I haven't exactly been before in the D.C. area, and its really good navigating through the streets of downtown. It also has a boatload of features, like the bluetooth phone connection, and the built in Mp3 player (great for when I forget my iPod). I especially like the ability to add other voices to it. I had Mr. T programmed in for a few days...and drove my gf nuts. Good times. Anyone else a tomtom fan?
  20. JohnnyBlaze

    Navigational Systems

    QFT In the spirit of what these two guys said, I not only have GPS on my cell (which I rarely use), but Google Maps is actually downloadable to your phone these days as well, which I've used all the time since getting it. In fact, yesterday it was particularly useful since we were by my friend's house in North Portland and were headed to a party that I had no idea where it was. So, solution: Bust out my cell, go on facebook, catch the address, then open up Google Maps, and it was all mapped out right there for me. That's technology used practically. Unfortunately not everyone is technologically gifted as others. I'm into gadgets so obviously I could have done what you explained, but for others it's not that simple. Especially with some of the features that these navigational systems come with. The ability to get realtime traffic reporting on the tomtom is a godsend, I'm not sure there's another way to get that in the same format. IMHO.
  21. JohnnyBlaze

    Navigational Systems

    I usually have a pretty good idea of where I'm going before I start driving, and don't really need to use the tomtom that much. But its great to have as a back up if for some reason you get lost or turned around. A few times I've gone somewhere and then decided to go somewhere else right after, and didn't know exactly how, or the fastest way to get there and the 910 has definitely helped me do that.
  22. JohnnyBlaze

    New Football League

    Has anyone seen this... Report: New Start-up League Could Rival NFL ..thoughts?
  23. JohnnyBlaze


    Yeah I've seen a lot of 720p DLP sets popping up that seem like good deals. I think they work out fine for the non HD enthusiast who wouldn't be able to tell the difference between 1080p and 720p, but for me I'd have to pass. I'd buy one for my girlfriends place though.
  24. JohnnyBlaze

    Cleveland Cavaliers vs San Antonio Spurs

    That seems like a double edged sword. The genius of the Suns is nash's ability. Essentially you would need another player with a skillset close to nash (at least passing wise) to basically be a facilitator of the offense. Stoudemire is completely uninterested in passing, and marion puts up decent assist numbers but by no means is he an excellent passer. It would be pretty hard to find someone with the passing acumen of nash who wouldn't be a complete liability on offense.
  25. JohnnyBlaze


    This movie looks outstanding. The R-Rated trailer is that much funnier. I've missed Michael Cera since the unfortunate end of Arrested Development. I've been getting my weekly fix with his new show. I think it's really funny, and shows some of the same wit and deadpan stuff that was in AD. It's called Clark and Michael and it's about him and his friend Clark trying to pitch a script in Hollywood. The eps come out every wednesday, and thats pretty much my reason for turning on my pc wednesday mornings. Has anyone else seen it?