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Everything posted by Breakpack

  1. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Fruity rainbow Jeff
  2. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    I know, it's so silly. Guys get hit in the head with chairs, sledgehammers and shit.......but this guy soccer kicks people in the head and ends careers. He will kick H in the head and H will stand up showing no affect.......hell you can drop him off a crane in a car and he's fine. It's offically been changed from "Hulking Up" to "Triple H'ing up"
  3. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    JTTS Kennedy
  4. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Randy Orton realized the secret pinpoint area on the head during on of his drugged out rages. He secretly trains his leg to be the uber in muscular development and it is the most powerful leg in sports entertainment history
  5. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    It's from Randy Orton!
  6. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    A switch for JR,selling it by soft spokenness
  7. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Ouch,that looked like it connected
  8. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Where the hell is Cody going from this?!
  9. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    He's cutting stoned promos from a bath tub now. He whipped his cock out and it won the cruiserweight title. NOT VAL VENIS!
  10. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    All rookies should be required to do the hands- hit- the -mat- - and-clap- to-make-a-comeback,ala Brian Pillman.
  11. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Here comes the Boom.Ready or not.How you like me now!
  12. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Last week on ECW
  13. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Where's RNN!
  14. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Invasion theme for ECW preview.I like it.So mission-like!
  15. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    The thought of mid card excites him?
  16. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Because if they remix it enough,he'll eventually get over.
  17. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Regal doesn't enjoy being saddled with bums. It besmirches him
  18. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Isn't that the 20th remix of Lashley's theme?
  19. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    What the hell,an echo?Fire the tech staff!
  20. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    I could see WWE let Cade or Murdoch pin Cena,just to be smartasses to the Cena haters
  21. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Taste the rainbow haired warrior JR should go orgasmic when he mentions Jeff's description
  22. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Backstabber.Because the knees pierce the back!
  23. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    Look at those soupbones!!
  24. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    International flavor
  25. Breakpack

    OAO RAW Discussion for 7/23

    JR has a Home Depot fetish