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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Probably the same that knew who Eddie Graham and Gordon Solie were last year, unfortunately.
  2. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Welcome to the Hall of Fame "Cowboy" Bill Watts! It was already announced on 24/7, but hey... no one's complaining.
  3. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    My guess? More Taker than Shawn.
  4. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Each week, Randy's entrance graphics/vdieo simply needs to be a replay of Stephanie taking the RKO over and over again.
  5. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Hahaha.... Randy continues to bring the goods!
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Now I'm just hoping Randy knocks the hell out of him right now.
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    If Lawler is the opponent for Jericho, I've got to admit... I'm looking forward to their interaction.
  8. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Note the bag... Cue the tropical fruit here in a few.
  9. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Gotta love Snuka's theme music... one of my favs!
  10. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Me thinks Jimmy is going to get another coconut to the head tonight!
  11. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - March 2, 2009

    Oh this should be fun!
  12. Diamonddust

    Bash at the Beach 2000

    Hell, I'd take Dusty Rhodes on commentary by himself before I took Mark Madden. As mentioned before, Madden is every bad sports-radio commentator stereotype rolled up into one.
  13. Diamonddust

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Garvin debuted as the "new" Freebird member at the June '89 Clash of Champions (VII). From what I've gathered, they hyped that the Birds would be getting a new member (Gordy was still with NWA/WCW at the time), and out came Jimmy Garvin with Hayes and Bam Bam. They went on to win the World Tag-Team Titles at that show.
  14. Diamonddust

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    I agree with the fact the comedy bits haven't helped Lawler, but I think him and Jericho could pull it off - Lawler could sell like a madman (Even without big bumps) for most the match until Rourke does his thing to Jericho. Hell, if he was healthy enough, I'd put my money behind Steamboat even in his 50's.
  15. Diamonddust

    Do you watch all the stuff?

    My must watch shows are NWA, The Legends Roundtable, World Class, and now Mid-Atlantic. I'll watch the Hall of Fame profile depending on who it is about. Monday Night Wars are hit and miss (I'll pick it up more once they get closer to the Mike Tyson angle). I'll watch Prime-Time if nothing is on, and I just want to kill some time.
  16. Diamonddust

    Bash at the Beach 2000

    Madden is a fat ball of pure, concentrated horrible. Seeing him every so often on the NFL Network' "Top 10" program causes me to grow nauseous. He's every bad sports-commentator stereotype rolled up into one pile of lard.
  17. Diamonddust

    WCW SuperBrawl III

    The Rock 'N Roll weren't invading. They were brought back first (And had the benefit of being recognized as former NWA stars), and then the Heavenly Bodies came out as "invaders" from another promotion. And just by the dates and everything, Bischoff would have assumed control of WCW in early 1993 (Since Superbrawl was in Februrary and Watts was gone by that point).
  18. Diamonddust

    Bash at the Beach 2000

    Ultimately, the support from Time Warner was never going to be there.
  19. Diamonddust

    The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania Thread

    Same here... and Atlanta pretty much has everything they need to host an event like this - Big, indoor arena, major transportation hub, tourist attractions, hotel rooms, etc. If it is ever held in Atlanta, it's only a 3 or so hour drive for me, and I would definitely make an effort to attend. The only other city that I could pull off is if they ever ran Wrestlemania in New Orleans.
  20. Diamonddust

    Bash at the Beach 2000

    I must admit... I was naive enough to think that Russo would do a good job in WCW... boy, was I dumb about that. As mentioned before, Russo's fatal flaw was that in WCW... he didn't have anyone over his shoulder picking out the occasional good idea from the mountain of horrible ideas that he'd "come up" with. He also didn't have two white-hot stars to work with as he did with Austin and The Rock.
  21. Diamonddust

    Bash at the Beach 2000

    Russo gave them the product he knew how to produce. If WCW needed a more wrestling-based product to turn itself around then Bill Busch should have been smart enough to know that Russo wasn't the guy to produce it. Again, what sense does it make to bring in Russo and than ask him to do the complete opposite of what he knows how to do? It's insane. To be honest... Russo didn't really know how to produce that product well enough without someone over his shoulder (Read: Vince McMahon) striking out the slew of bad ideas that would come up while keeping the occasional good ideas. Besides, Bill Busch and the rest of the Time Warner people didn't give a crap about wrestling anyway. They wanted it off the books so it's not like they were willing to put a lot of effort into the product at that point.
  22. Diamonddust

    WCW SuperBrawl III

    I don't remember anything about a WCW/SMW agreement outside of this match. Care to enlighten us? I love inept WCW stories. Long story made short: When Watts was in charge of WCW, Cornette made a deal with him to do a talent exchange because Smokey Mountain was on its ass, and Watts agreed some of the WCW guys needed some more experience. He agrees to pay Cornette for the talent swap and to do an angle on Superbrawl. Well, Watts soon leaves the promotion, but the deal with Cornette is still in place because Cornette and Watts both were smart enough to put it in writing to ensure Cornette got paid. When time came for the angle, people, namely Bischoff, were cutting Cornette's legs off at every turn. WCW execs were also upset with Cornette because the invading SMW talent were badmouthing WCW on promos, which is as ridiculous as it sounds. The deal then ended after that, but people were pissed that Cornette ended up getting paid for it. There was also the issue of Cornette coming down to the Powerplant to do promos with Ole Anderson's son, which just so happened to be the day Bischoff showed up to speak with Ole. Ole, being Ole, was a smart-ass to Bischoff while Cornette said he put a big booger on Bischoff's sports car. Ole was then fired the next day by FedEx, fax, or mail... I can't remember which.
  23. Diamonddust

    Guys who you KNEW sucked

    And another instance of workers being neutered by the WWE since they weren't about to be allowed to do the violent Sheepherder stuff in Titan-land. Maybe that's one way of looking at it. Of course that gimmick also allowed the team to work a much easier style while making a lot more money on the independent circuit after the fact. Very good point.
  24. Diamonddust

    Guys who you KNEW sucked

    And another instance of workers being neutered by the WWE since they weren't about to be allowed to do the violent Sheepherder stuff in Titan-land.
  25. Diamonddust

    WCW SuperBrawl III

    Depending on your definition of year (A calendar year, like all of 1993, or say March of 1993 to March of 1994). The Nasty Boys had a U.S. Tag Title match on Halloween Havoc '90, and they were wrestling the Hart Foundation for the gold a few months later at Wrestlemania VII. Actually, The Rock and Roll Express trump the Heavenly Bodies as they appeared on this show... and then appeared at the 1993 Survivor Series as well (Wrestling the Heavenly Bodies).