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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - May 2009

    If they brought the piledriver back, I'd like to see someone use Jerry Lynn's cradle piledriver. It gave the impression that the cradling motion added extra force to the move.
  2. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - May 2009

    The piledriver isn't allowed in the WWE anymore due to the risk of neck injuries (See the inverted sit-out piledriver Owen gave Austin amongst other examples). The Tombstone was about the only version of the move that was allowed to remain. Actually, any move that is basically skull/head first to the mat in a compressing fashion is outlawed. You don't see any brainbusters anymore, either.
  3. Bobby has pretty much admitted on numerous occasions that WCW was nothing more than a paycheck to him. He took the job for the insurance and to be closer to where his daughter went to college.
  4. Yeah... Schiavone used to be quite good on the old WCW program in the 80's. Getting passed over for Bischoff in the mid 90's in terms of a higher management job might have lead to him just mailing it in, especially considering Shciavone's time with the company.
  5. Diamonddust

    NWA Weekly Programming Thread

    The newest NWA episode re-aired angle where the Horsemen rubs Morton's face in the concrete backstage and then they break it during a big arena show. I know we're all PG now, but the face in concrete angle is simplistic in nature but it's produces such a good visual.
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - May 2009

    Wrestler #1: "Stephanie, I have an idea. What if you refrain from having certain talent, who you have earmarked for stardom, look absolutely helpless against your brother, especially in 3 on 1 situations? That would be a start." Stephanie: "Please see me in my office after this meeting."
  7. Diamonddust

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Yeah... the tag-team DVD looks like a definite pick-up. I know they have a slew of tag-teams, but I kind of wished they would have had a feature on The Fabulous Ones (I know it'd be hard without the full Memphis library), The Andersons/Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Could have done something on Ole and Gene or Ole and Arn), and The Skyscrapers (Especially when The Undertaker was part of the team).
  8. Diamonddust

    Why the decline in tag-teams?

    One reason is because there are no territories anymore. Take the Midnight Express, for example. They were, more or less, a random pairing of talent that Watts got in a trade from Lawler and Jarrett. Watts took a chance, put them together, and they clicked because Condrey and Eaton were both real good workers (Granted, they had been involved in other tag-teams before that). The point being, though, is that they traveled together (Along with Cornette) and had ample time to work together through all the spot shows and regular events. They were able to hone their craft because, well, they had other great teams (The Rock 'n Roll Express, who like the Midnights, were put together pretty much on a whim to be the alternative to the Fabulous Ones) to work with. I'm guessing the WWE sees legit tag-team wrestling as another thing that is too "old school". They'd rather have a team like Rated RKO or Batista and Cena operate for a couple of weeks instead of investing a lot of time and effort into developing a full time tag-team. The irony is that they have had good tag-team wrestling up until recently with teams like Eddie and Chavo, Benjamin and Haas, and all the great tag-team work that the Attitude-era gave us (Hardys, Dudleys, APA, Edge/Christian, etc.)
  9. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    Agreed. This is reminding me a lot of Jericho/Goldberg, although as you mentioned... I hope they let The Miz look good in the ring before Cena gets the eventual win.
  10. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    The thing is... Shane didn't even do the job. He never got pinned or anything... the match just ended after Orton started his assault.
  11. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    I'm all for Shane getting his ass kicked, but he needed to be punted hard!
  12. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    I think Shane needs a good punting just to be on the safe side...
  13. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    Man, I hate Shane McMahon with every inch of my body.
  14. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    It's nights like these I miss J.R. on Raw shitting on their forced sponsor plugs.
  15. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    It's called being a chicken-shit heel. It would have been better, though, if Big Show left the ring and Miz got a "pin" on the downed Cena.
  16. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    I must say... Miz gets extra points for his line about what The Rock does with Cena's scripts. I am surprised they even had a heel run-down Cena's movies. I thought company policy was that all of their films made mega-millions and were cinematic masterpieces, thus no criticism could ever be given.
  17. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    You don't have to be a good worker to be a good manager and give off the appearance of having 'ring knowledge'. Some of the BEST ever were either horrible workers or not workers at all... Jimmy Hart, Jim Cornette, and Bobby Heenan couldn't work their way out of a paper bag because they weren't wrestlers, but they sure could get someone over who couldn't work the mic well or might not have the best personality. Santino has a sound enough understanding of how to work a crowd that he could be used to make others into legitimate heels and seem like a real manager in the process, because he's never going to be anything other than the weekly 5 minute comic relief as a worker IMO. I know what you're trying to say, but for a point of history, Bobby Heenan could bump like a mad-man back in the day and regularly worked tag matches with Bockwinkel, Stevens, and some of his other wrestlers. The reason he was so effective was because when the faces finally got their revenge against Bobby, he could make it look like he was taking the mother of all beatings. But yeah - the best heel managers are the chickens that can run their mouths and then stand behind their clients while they do the dirty work.
  18. Diamonddust

    The OaO Monday Night Raw thread for 5/4/09!

    I really hope Randy punts Shane extra hard tonight.
  19. Diamonddust

    Lance Storm Article

    Hard to argue with anything Storm says, but unfortunately, the pro-wrestling companies out there don't want to present pro-wrestling.
  20. Diamonddust

    The WWE Caption Game!

    Triple H: "See that glass looking ceiling over there..."
  21. Diamonddust

    NWA Weekly Programming Thread

    The new NWA episode is pretty packed: -They show the angle where the Horsemen break Dusty's hand in Crockett's parking lot -They show the Nikita face turn and how the crowd went absolutely ballistic for it. Flair sells it great to set up the main event at Starrcade '86. -They do an extended promo with the Road Warriors to hype the Skywalkers match with the Midnight Express. It contains a work-out segment where they might as well have shown Hawk and Animal shooting up.
  22. Diamonddust

    The WWE Caption Game!

  23. Diamonddust

    The WWE Caption Game!

    Taker: "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way." Batista: *Gulp*
  24. Diamonddust

    "Playboy" Buddy Rose Dead

    He was always a pretty good comical heel to me, especially with the Blow Away diet.
  25. Diamonddust

    The OaO Raw Thread for 4/27/09

    Damn, I hate Shane McMahon.