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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    TSM Profile: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

    So who's the other? Warrior? Kevin Wacholz (Nailz) I would have guessed Bruno, but Nailz does make sense.
  2. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    It would have also been a nice gesture if they could have gotten The Rock to induct him, and then whenever The Rock goes in... Steve Austin returns the favor. However, as you said with the Bret Hart example, that isn't going to happen.
  3. Diamonddust

    TSM Profile: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

    Instead of "Most Controversial", I'd describe Savage as "Most Bat-Shit Crazy/Paranoid".
  4. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    In regards to Flair, I can see why Austin would want him. Having the wrestler many consider the greatest of all time induct you into the Hall of Fame does send a distinct message.
  5. Diamonddust

    Cuts are a comin!

    Simmons I can understand, but Slaughter is a shocker.
  6. Diamonddust

    TSM Profile: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

    Yeah, as a kid, I did rather enjoy the Savage vs. Crush feud.
  7. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Nah. I think the absence of kayfabe would be the way to go. Oh I agree... but still, it would be pretty funny.
  8. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    If Vince inducted Austin, the only way that would work is if Austin came out, shook his hand, and then gave Vince a stunner before giving his speech.
  9. Diamonddust

    TSM Talks (to the voices in their head): The Legacy

    I think WWE are keen on him. I suspect his lower card status has probably had more to do with his behaviour, rather than them not having much faith in him. He and Dibiase probably are Orton's lackeys for the time being, but will likely become characters in their own right in the future. Ted's just filmed a movie, so hopefully he picked up some acting skills. If this had happened a little earlier, I would seriously be picking DiBiase to win Money in the Bank, thus throwing a source of friction in the group with Orton. He's still technically my pick to win it if he's in it, but at this point... I think it'll be too soon.
  10. Diamonddust

    Let's Talk About: The NWO

    Invasion angles had been done numerous times (UWF vs. JCP for example, and may we not forget the actual Invasion). They were just usually botched so badly because of the politics and ego involved (Well, I'm not losing to that guy... he came from a LESSER territory/group so I'm going to have my wife beat him up). At least Bischoff was able to create a rival group from his own talent and play it off as an invading force. Say what you want about the guy, but when the NWO angle was over... it was white-hot.
  11. Diamonddust

    TSM Profile: "Macho Man" Randy Savage

    1. Will we ever see Randy Savage in the world of professional wrestling again? Even in a non wrestling capacity (say getting inducted into a certain Hall of Fame)? Or do you think he's the rare case of a wrestler who saved his money over his career and is content in retirement? -I think Savage is content in his retirement, and unfortunately, I don't see the WWE embargo against him ending anytime soon. Until the issue between him and McMahon (And you know it has to be pretty deep since McMahon has been able to work with other people who hate him and vice versa) is resolved, Savage will continue to be ignored by the company... and that's sad considering what he's done in his career. 2. Do you think his sterling WWF heyday was in anyway tarnished by his mostly mediocre WCW (Post DDP feud) and TNA runs? Has it been tarnished by the rumors regarding his WWF departure that sprang up after his retirement? -I don't think so. His heyday produced some great stuff and gave people an alternative superstar to Hulk Hogan. I think people will remember him more for the good than the bad in his career. 3. Where would Savage rank in a list of The Greatest of His Era? Greatest of All Time? -In terms of his era, he would definitely on top during the late 80's and into the early/mid 90's. As I mentioned, he was a legit alternative to Hogan's style, and it worked. As for the Greatest of All Time, he'd definitely make it in the top 20-25 in that discussion, but I don't know exactly where he'd be placed. 4. Don't usually like to divulge in this type of gossip but what are your thoughts on the rumors RE: Savage's estrangement from WWE? Is it a result of his unreasonable demands? A result of an affair with Stephanie? Savage just being content in retirement? Something entirely different? -I think it might be a mixture of things, but there's obviously something rubbing McMahon the wrong way when it comes to Savage. I'm not saying he did have an affair with an underage Stephanie, but to be perfectly honest, everything you read or hear about Savage does paint him as being pretty paranoid/out there... so I imagine something happened that caused a pretty big rift. I think Savage is content at this point, otherwise, he'd be one of these veterans going on talk-shows and things like that... complaining and badmouthing the state of the industry. 5. Favorite moments, matches, etc. Some of my favorite Savage moments are: -The ending to Savage/Warrior at WM VII when Elizabeth comes to his rescue. -Savage and Steamboat deciding to steal the show at WM III and then doing so. The crowd buying it hook, line, and sinker is awesome. Really, that whole feud was great. -The whole Megapowers saga. -His stuff with Jake Roberts was the definition of a good, old-fashioned blood-feud. -The feud with Flair over Elizabeth -The feud with DDP was entertaining as well.
  12. Diamonddust

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    Or in typical ECW fashion, after cutting the speech, someone comes out, destroys him and wins the title. As much as I like Dreamer, I would laugh my ass off if that happened.
  13. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Yeah... from what I remember... a large part of the praise for the show was Booker T's title win.
  14. Diamonddust

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    Forgot about that. Still, it does make sense to get the belt off of Matt with the whole Edge/Jeff/Christian angle about to start.
  15. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Yeah... it would have to be for that reason... Although we get the added bonus of the whole Russo/Hogan/Jarrett situation.
  16. Diamonddust

    ECW - January 13, 2009

    Maybe to appease the nit-pickers out there... there will be a ECW Title match at the PPV, thus keeping the champion out of the Rumble match.
  17. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    If Watts is being inducted, here is something to think about: Who does Jim Ross induct - Bill Watts or Steve Austin? A very strong case can be made for Ross to induct either into the Hall of Fame. If Ross inducts Austin, who inducts Watts? (Eric?) If Ross inducts Watts, who inducts Austin?
  18. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    Not a real smart showing by Snuka and Manu.
  19. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    DH Smith is my guess.
  20. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    Where as that would make a great show... you'd have the logistical problem of who "headlines" the ceremony.
  21. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    That's a blast from the past for a song choice...
  22. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - January 12, 2009

    What I would give for a vintage Jericho rant on Stephanie... just for old times sake.
  23. Diamonddust

    2009 Hall of Fame

    Not surprising to be honest, especially since he's supposed to be doing some Legends Roundtables soon.
  24. Diamonddust

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    That should be interesting, if only for who they include and who they leave off.
  25. Diamonddust

    2009 PPV Prediction Contest

    If the six-man isn't counting, I did relatively well (Only making one mistake).