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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    Guys who you THOUGHT sucked

    Agreed. DiBiase is remembered so fondly because of how well he played the Million Dollar man gimmick.
  2. Diamonddust

    they would never of worked as a heel/face

    Ricky Morton as heel never worked. If they wanted to go that route, Robert Gibson should have been the heel. Ricky Morton was the ultimate face.
  3. Diamonddust

    Guys who you THOUGHT sucked

    I agree with snuka i have never been a huge fan of his work. and i always ask people to name me great matches he had and they always use the muraco cage match or the backland one which where both nothing special. As for dibiase go check his work in mid south as a babyface. his matches with hogan where good . he got a good match out of the warrior. You need to look at how great a worker he was before he went to the wwf. And as for garvin hes the worst choice nwa heavyweight champion ever. and yes i include tommy rich in that. Garvin was the ultimate midcarder whose main thing was a stupid looking stomp At least Rich was super-over at the time they put the belt on him. As for Snuka, I liken him jumping off the top of the cage to what Foley did in the HITC match with the Undertaker. Snuka is remembered more for the spectacle, which at the time was something people just weren't used to seeing. The same with Foley. The match with the Undertaker is nothing to write home about, but it's the spectacle of Foley nearly killing himself on two separate instances that keeps people talking about how great that match was.
  4. Diamonddust

    Guys who you THOUGHT sucked

    DiBiase was the classic example of a great utility guy. He could never be the guy on top or anything like that, but he could do what was needed to advance a program and such.
  5. Diamonddust

    Guys who you THOUGHT sucked

    As a kid, I used to think Ted DiBiase was horrible.
  6. Diamonddust

    Perry Saturn

    Add another Saturn mark here. I always thought he had a badass look and wished he would have been used better when he jumped to the WWE.
  7. Diamonddust

    Raw 10.27.08

    Damn... Nice little flashback to The Eliminators right there!
  8. Diamonddust

    Raw 10.27.08

    How can Orton just take a freaking slap like that!?
  9. Diamonddust

    Cyber Sunday - October 26 2008

    3, I think. One in the Elimination Chamber (which had Jeff kicking out of a pedigree and surviving to the last pinfall), and the two title matches. Before that Jeff beat HHH with a roll-up. A roll-up, yes, but a win. If they really want to capitalize on this feud, have HHH turn heel and take the program to Wrestlemania. Jeff wins Royal Rumble and faces HHH in the main event. Unfortunately, Jeff Hardy would probably be Jeff Hardy and screw things up by that time.
  10. Diamonddust

    Primetime Disscussion Thread

    I forgot... the first Royal Rumble is right around the corner, and that features the contract signing between Hogan and Andre for the match on The Main Event.
  11. Diamonddust

    Primetime Disscussion Thread

    I agree. I remember watching shows a week after a PPV, and Gorilla would flat out say, "Tune in NEXT week for recaps" and such. Also, I'm hazy on the history and all, but how did Andre get the rematch with Hogan at the Main Event? (The next big show coming up in the timeline) Was it based off the fact Andre won the match at Survivor Series?
  12. Diamonddust

    Who was Duke Dory? Former heel announcer in the WWF

    I think his official name was the Duke of Dorchester, and I might be wrong... but wasn't Pritchard actually doing that voice as well?
  13. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Good Lord... Is this "Make Jericho Look Like a Chump" night?
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    That was actually a pretty nice heel move by Jericho... But Jericho should have gotten the pin instead of being DQ'ed.
  15. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    This is going over like a fart in church. So the opponents get to do two jobs back to back? Lovely.
  16. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Yay!!! A "They Live" reference!
  17. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Are you one of the people who thought they'd get in trouble for their commentary with Cryme Tyme a couple weeks ago too? IT'S SCRIPTED. Also, it's a build to a DX Vs Miz and Morrison match. I doubt it. I think it's just an attempt to get Miz and Morrison some heat. I read on 411 that WWE is hyping DX vs. Miz & Morrison and Jericho vs. Batista matches for the next three-hour Raw which I think is in November. I've always thought Miz and Morrison would be a nice addition to DX if they ever went back to being a heel group.
  18. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Gauntlet match? Brings back good memories of when WCW used to have a guy "run the gauntlet" on the weekend shows. They'd start on the Power Hour, go to World Championship Wrestling, and then try to finish up on the Main Event. I always thought it was a good way to build up intrigue and make the shows seem a little important.
  19. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw - October 20, 2008

    Who thought this would be a hot opener?
  20. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Wasn't the same thing tried with Sivi Afi?
  21. Diamonddust

    Monday Night Wars

    The finish wasn't as bad as the actual match in which Hogan made Sting look like a chump. With the way that match was built (And the ass-kissing they gave Hogan right before Starrcade), Sting should have MURDERED Hogan in that match. Instead, he was made to look ineffective, and his momentum was absolutely destroyed. It didn't help that they basically held the title belt up right after that.
  22. Diamonddust

    Monday Night Wars

    Is this the Nitro with the army of fake Stings attacking the nWo, with the real Sting disguising himself as a fake? Because if it is, then yeah, that was a terrific ending. The one thing that I remember from that is the crowd EXPLODING when Sting no sold Buff Bagwell's punch. They went nuts when Sting gave Bagwell the Scorpion Deathdrop and then took off his mask to reveal himself to the nWo. Hollywood Hulk Hogan had a great expression on his face when he saw Sting. WCW turned Sting into a mythic superhero during that time period. And it's down right mind numbing to see how quickly they cut his legs out from under him.
  23. Diamonddust

    WCW Halloween Havoc 1992

    Whatever! I was in the crowd for that Madusa/Paul E. match. Madusa had so much face heat everytime she hit Paul, you'd think Sting was out there. The funniest part of that interview is Harley Race and Vader basically getting out of her way and letting her beat the snot out of Paul.
  24. Diamonddust

    Best Hell In A Cell Match?

    I'll throw a nod to the 6 man Hell in the Cell simply because I got to see that one live.
  25. Diamonddust

    Best Hell In A Cell Match?

    The first two are my favorites, but I also really enjoyed Cactus/HHH. Shawn/UT told a great story and was just a sick brawl at times. Mankind/UT will go down as one of the most well known and influential matches of all time, even though it might not have been a 5 star classic or anything. It's still something to watch the bumps Foley took in that one.