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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    Just refusing to job

    Roma didn't want to lose to Wright, and he made Wright look like a fool in the match. I imagine they sent Orndorff out there in case they needed to "beat" a little sense into Roma on the event he didn't go along with the finish.
  2. Diamonddust

    The complaints over 'unrealistic' angles

    I do miss the old days of how they'd actually explain why a camera was backstage to capture a beating. They'd explain it as if, for example, the Horsemen hired the camera crew to document the mayhem in order to send a message or something along those lines.
  3. Diamonddust

    Just refusing to job

    Austin should have never lost to Kane at KOTR '98 regardless. Still, him winning the belt back on Raw the next night was a very entertaining episode.
  4. Diamonddust

    Just refusing to job

    Honky would have walked out had Vince not changed his mind. Clearly, Honky was legally able do that, suggesting he wasn't under any kind of contract, or if he was it wasn't a very good one. In the interview, he gave the impression that at the time of the Savage match, he was just then making real good money. As IC Champion, he would headline the B-Shows, and those would generally sell-out. He also said that after the planned loss to Savage, the idea was to "rebuild" him, in his words... which meant going back to the lower portion of the card and taking a major income cut in terms of how much he got paid each night.
  5. Diamonddust

    Just refusing to job

    Honky Tonk explained it on a shoot interview with Raven. He was in possible negotiations with the NWA at that point, and they told him not to drop the IC Belt on TV in front of millions of people. The justification was that back in the day, stars did not job on television due to the fact you could be let go immediately after a loss. If Honky Tonk lost the belt on the NBC program, it would have crippled any momentum he had jumping ship. On the other hand, however, as Raven mentioned... if McMahon wanted the IC Belt on Savage, it would have been put on Savage regardless.
  6. Diamonddust

    Just refusing to job

    Agreed. Bret flat out refused to do that job.
  7. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    You bastard... Steele was the last piece to the team of the Wild Samoans and Great Kabuki against Atlas, Johnson, Maivia, and Snuka.
  8. Diamonddust


    I remember a rumor a while back that said Halloween Havoc was being considered as a WWE PPV name, but it never materialized. No way WWE will ever use Starrcade. And if you're going to replace Night of Champions, it might as well be Clash of the Champions.
  9. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Thank goodness I just got in from The Dark Knight so I saw I was on the clock... With my next pick, I'm going to jump way back in time to take a tag-team that had it's dominant run during the 50's and 60's. Time saw several versions of this team, but I'm selecting one of the more popular versions. One member of this team was quite influential as he was Jerry Lawler's mentor, and, well... if you've ever seen Ric Flair do his strut in the ring... he got it from this individual as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm proud to select... "Fabulous" Jackie Fargo and Sonny "Roughouse" Fargo... THE FARGOS My plan is simple: Do a Memphis-based 6-man feud with Jesse Ventura and The Fargos against Austin Idol and The Valiants.
  10. Diamonddust


    Agreed. This gimmick is gold and could work even better now since the faces don't have to win every time like in the old days. Faces didn't quit but now everyone taps out. Vince is being a stubborn ass here. I'll take War Games over the Eliminator any day. Watched War Games 94 the other day. It was fun but way too short and bloodless. Although it worked just great for 91, War Games works much better with five on a team than four. Funk was funny and crazy as usual, dancing around the ring, falling between the two rings, and hitting everyone with his boot. I guess we have to let Vince take baby steps here. I mean I'm still shocked he's using the name "The Great American Bash" for a PPV.
  11. Diamonddust

    Guys who you KNEW sucked

    Truth is though.. those talents got those simple moves over. Every time I hear someone knock The Rock and say he wasn't a great worker, I point to the fact he made a simple elbow drop the most anticipated move of the match. It takes skill and talent to be able to do that.
  12. Diamonddust


    1. 1992 was really the last great War Games. Some of the last ones were downright mediocre. 2. WarGames is not as simple as setting up a cage. You need two rings, that involves changing a lot of things around. The rest of the card has to work around the format, and one side of ringside can not see matches in the other ring as well. The production people may have found it's just not worth the trouble. Honestly, I've found the concept a little overrated. Most of the matches barely clear 20 minutes. 1996 had a good concept with Sting but the rest of the match felt flat. 1993 was awful. I refuse to even call 1998 and 2000 honest War Games matches. Another thing to consider is the amount of seats and ticket sales generated you have to take out in order to put up two rings.
  13. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I believe he's already been selected as part of the Headshrinkers.
  14. Diamonddust


    In a slight defense of Sid, I was watching the match earlier today and noticed some of the called spots. My guess is that Sid probably didn't know the camera was on him at the time. When you have that many people in the ring at a given point, you never know when the camera is going to be focused on you at any time. Not a real big excuse or anything, but something to consider... but yeah... Sid was pretty much blatantly calling the spots.
  15. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I'm going to go ahead and take a singles wrestler ahead of the tag-team I have in mind simply because I know the team I want isn't in danger... and even if it is, I have a back-up plan in place. I'm going to take another "I can't believe this guy hasn't been selected yet" pick. He's a current WWE Hall of Famer, and he's officially considered the actual head of one of the most prominent wrestling families around. I already have his son-in-law on the roster, and well, his grandson ended up being the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. I'm sure you already know who I'm talking about, but let me also say... he had an AWESOME finisher in the Stump Puller, and he probably had one of the best tattoo jobs in all of wrestling history. Ladies and Gentlemen... "HIGH CHIEF" PETER MAIVIA My plan is this: I'm going to have a massive 8-Man Tag-Team match on my card: Peter Maivia, Rocky Johnson, Tony Atlas, and Jimmy Snuka vs. The Wild Samoans, The Great Kabuki, and ??? It'll open up a couple of other people I had previously slotted in places, but I have plans for them... and honestly, I don't see them being changed.
  16. Diamonddust

    Random Thoughts

    My understanding is that he wasn't a bad worker, he was decent. The problem was that he was so much bigger & stronger than everybody else that they were afraid to work with him and he needed to take extra precautions that made him look sloppier than he actually was. It depended on who he was working with, too; a guy with a solid workrate and who wasn't terrified of him would work a pretty good match, but if you've got a semi-acceptable worker who won't take half of Andre's moves because he thinks he'll crush him, then his moveset's going to be extremely limited and the match will bomb. That and promoters were very protective when it came to Andre. They couldn't risk making him look vulnerable because he was always pretty much a guaranteed sell-out when he came to town. He couldn't look like everyone else, taking bumps and doing the normal things or he'd just be another big guy in wrestling. Andre did, however, know how to work as a big man and used his size and bulk to his advantage, unlike a lot of other big men after him.
  17. Diamonddust


    I'm pretty sure Arn was legit hurt at the time. Gotcha... Just finished watching it... I don't care how many times I see it... I still cringe every time Sid nearly kills Pillman and then powerbombs him again for good measure.
  18. Diamonddust


    I'm drawing a blank on this one... Why did Larry Z. replace Arn Anderson in WarGames '91?
  19. Diamonddust

    Monday Night Wars

    The 8/25 episode is the one with Anderson's retirement speech, and of course, the 9/1 episode is the one with the NWO's "response".
  20. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Damn... the Memphis-era Koko was on my radar for a couple of different things.
  21. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    I think she looks 100 times better.
  22. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    It'd be nice for them to mention that the Walls of Jericho would be very effective against a guy with a bad back like Michaels.
  23. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Tempt him Jericho!!!
  24. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    Just curious - has he always been announced at under 200 pounds?
  25. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (7/14/2008)

    I'd give it to Summerslam and a stipulation based rematch with Batista.