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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Khali might be bloody awful as a worker, but I don't think he's the worst in history. In fact, Khali has actually started growing on me. The "angry" rants he did at the phone the other night were pretty entertaining.
  2. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to take a former World Champion that is still on the board. He had a great, heat generating gimmick, and even though he wasn't from that country... he looked convincing enough. He was one of the top heels in the country at one point, and he held multiple titles through various promotions. I'm definitely going to use his primary gimmick, even though it is a bit of a relic these days. Ladies and gentlemen... "THE RUSSIAN BEAR" IVAN KOLOFF As I said, I plan on keeping his USSR gimmick in tact, and the guy I'm drafting to be his opponent will make an excellent foil.
  3. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to take someone who will probably still be on the board for a while, but I want to go ahead and snatch him up to work a program with Jesse Ventura. He was a MAJOR star and draw in the Memphis area, and he could have easily gone national... if he had the drive to do so. Many have said he simply didn't like the travel involved, and that is why he stayed in Memphis. Regardless of that, though, he had the distinct ability to talk a crowd into the area and generate major heat. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... "THE UNIVERSAL HEARTTHROB" AUSTIN IDOL My plan is to work a face Jesse vs. a heel Idol in a battle of "Who Has the Better Body" gimmick.
  4. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Crud... another great worker I hoped would fall to me
  5. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Rats... I had El Santo valued very high.
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    You're right... Herd was an idiot. He was an idiot to the point that even though he hated Flair with a passion, he still didn't have the patience to fire him AFTER the Great American Bash that year. He fired him a week or two before Flair was set to headline the event, thus forcing WCW into such a horrible position. The title belt situation was complicated due to the fact it was still the old NWA belt, and Flair had the much talked about deposit on it due to the fact the NWA required the champions to put it down to ensure they wouldn't sell the belt. Herd wouldn't pay the money back so Flair kept it. WCW sued, and that's why the WWF had to blur the image. The precedent established there pretty much guaranteed Hart wasn't going to show up on Nitro with the belt, but yeah, he still should have done the job.
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    From the Wrestling Observer update today: Needless to say, I CAN'T WAIT to see these two episodes. It's about time they got Flair on the panel. I know it's been said before, but it would be nice if the WWE decided to put all the Legends Roundtable discussions on DVD at one point. They could easily do the series where they highlighted individual talents as one collection (The Andre the Giant/Iron Sheik episode alone should be made available to as many people as possible... such a funny episode), while the "theme episodes" - Territories, Wrestlemania, Characters, etc. - could be another package.
  8. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I like them a lot better than Power and Glory... they could work a hell of a match, and their work with the Rockers at Royal Rumble 1991 is still a favorite match of mine.
  9. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to go against convention and draft another big man to work with Andre since some bastard already took Ernie Ladd. I was originally going to work Jesse against Andre, but I've found a new plan for Ventura. Anyways, this man was a very well known big man in his day, and he had quite a unique pinning gimmick that has never been copied, but it could easily be. He wasn't the most attractive of wrestlers, but his look added to his gimmick. He main evented a Wrestlemania, and his last name is also what inspired the last name of one of America's most beloved television families. Ladies and Gentlemen... The master of the 5 Count... KING KONG BUNDY Again, he can also work against a number of other people on my roster if so desired. Just for clarification - I'm taking the Georgia/World Class version of Bundy. I like the younger Bundy a bit better than the one that main evented Wrestlemania II.
  10. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Another great pick, but luckily... not one I was looking at currently.
  11. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Damn you!
  12. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    KingKamala, You dirty bastard!!! You took my highest rated star on the board at the present moment, and a guy who had a ready made feud with Andre the Giant. I haven't drafted any other big men because I didn't want them to look in equal stature to Andre, but Ernie Ladd was going to be an exception. He could have also worked with JYD, and that would have been huge money as well.
  13. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to select someone to work with Tommy Rich... and boy can he work with Tommy Rich. He and Rich had a epic bloody feud in the Georgia territory that culminated with "The Last Battle of Atlanta" enclosed steel cage match, that inspired the Hell in the Cell concept. He was a wild-man in and out of the ring, and unfortunately, his personal demons got the best of him. He'll easily fit into the role of psycho heel along with The Sheik. Ladies and Gentlemen... "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer I also can work him in a Dog vs. Dog match against JYD... complete with a dog-collar chain stipulation.
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Yeah, I noticed that too and got a good laugh. It's interesting to note that there isn't mention of Sid nearly killing Brian Pillman, and if there is... I must have missed it.
  15. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    About freaking time. I don't care if he was from the 1940's and 1950's, there is NO reason Gorgeous George should have lasted this long. When you influence Muhammed Ali and James Brown, along with, oh I don't know, being responsible for establishing wrestling's place on television... you deserve a little praise.
  16. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Crud... I'm not a big Konnan fan, but I was going to use him as a draw for the Latino fans.
  17. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    I seriously doubt I will. I might draft some guys of that size, but I won't have a separate division/title for them.
  18. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Yeah, Sid is pretty audible in calling spots at certain points in the match.
  19. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Ok, I've done the math and it's now my time to pick. If I've made a mistake, go ahead and strike the pick, and I'll select someone different. Anyways, with my next selection, I'm going to continue to follow my plan of selecting major draws, regardless of the era they wrestled. My next pick is a major legend in this sport, had a vicious long feud with The Sheik, and is one of the most ground-breaking stars in wrestling history. He's considered the Jackie Robinson of pro-wrestling, and he'll be able to draw a strong African American demographic along with Rocky Johnson, Tony Atlas, and JYD. Ladies and gentlemen, my next selection: BOBO BRAZIL My problem of finding something for The Sheik to do is now fixed as I'm going to move Tommy Rich into another feud.
  20. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Agreed. Not to crap on anyone's picks, but man... there are "giants" out still there that can bring so much more to the table than Gonzales. Sure, he had size... but he didn't know how to use it (The fact he was also just tall - not bulky as well - severely limited him and made him very awkward) Granted, him being selected means a lot of big names are still out there and not in any real danger of being picked apparently so I'm not going to complain.
  21. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Damn... Hacksaw was going to be my next pick.
  22. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    Wargames '92, if I remember correctly, is very very good. Personally, I can't wait to see Wargames '91, even though I cringe every time I watch Sid nearly kill Brian Pillman. Also... I'm glad we're not getting Wargames '97... the ending of that match made me absolutely furious.
  23. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    So I'm guessing that will just cut into the singles selections? For instance, if we select 8 tag teams... we only get 26 singles?
  24. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    And these users have only one left Everybody else has 2 or more teams left to pick I've got my four teams: Rock and Roll Express Wild Samoans Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson The Minnesota Wrecking Crew
  25. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to take one of the biggest heat generating heels off the board. People hated this guy, and he relished it. He had what a lot would call a cartoonish gimmick, but he took the ball and ran with it. He ran with it to become the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time. Yes, you guessed it... The Honky Tonk Man I believe I'll use him to feud with Jimmy Snuka in a good upper mid-card program.