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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Since 909 took the guy I was about to select, I'm going to go with none other than "The 8th Wonder of the World" Andre The Giant I'm making this pick with a strict business approach. One of the greatest draws of all time.
  2. Diamonddust

    Let's Talk About.....The Hummer Angle!

    My brain hurts after reading the recap of this one.
  3. Diamonddust

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Sign me up
  4. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    Wonder what they're going to do with this one between Regal and Kennedy.
  5. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    How'd I know Vince was going to come out after that statement by Regal.
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    If Umaga continues to just be Hardy fodder on Raw, I wish they would go ahead and move him to Smackdown.
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (5/19/2008)

    Jerry Lawler in regards to Umaga: "Here's a man who puts a lot of young men flat on their back." Sorry... I just had to have a Beavis and Butthead moment with that one.
  8. Diamonddust

    Monday Night Wars

    The major thing I miss about the Monday Night Wars.
  9. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    Good top 4, but I'd question leaving Andre the Giant off the list in place of Bret Hart. ok, I meant Top 5 Superstars since January 23, 1984. sorry No worries, but even with that date range... I'd probably still put Andre the Giant on the list in place of Bret Hart. Even past his prime, Andre was a bigger mainstream star than Bret ever was... but that's just my opinion on the matter. Your opinion is wrong. Andre was champ for what like, a couple of weeks. The Hitman held the title longer and main evented more. What's wrong with you man, are you French? Bret Hart> Andre and I'm sure everyone else here will agree Regardless of all that, Andre was still the bigger "superstar", even in the twilight of his career. A popular movie role in addition to having a role in drawing all those people to Wrestlemania III and wrestling in the most watched match in television history tops the list.
  10. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    I don't have a rebuttal list, but: a) I think WM14 made Austin more than 13, as least as far as influence. b) I don't know the story on #2. I'm not HTQ as far as wrestling knowledge or anything, but if it's so important and/or influential, shouldn't I know the story off-hand? I could see Sheik-Hogan from MSG in 84, and that's a stretch, as your list is missing: c) No Hulk-Andre? I debated on putting Hulk/Andre on it, and that match could easily be put in place of the Montreal Screwjob. Hogan/Bockwinkel is influential in that if the ending of that match didn't happen the way it did... Hulkamania wouldn't have happened. It was the catalyst for Hogan jumping to the WWF. Austin/Hart wasn't influential for just making Austin. It was the match that basically said, "Alright... it's ok to cheer for the guy acting like a heel, and boo the guy acting like a face". It shifted the whole mentality of good guy/bad guy in addition to beginning the start of Austin's mega-push and beginning the fall of Bret Hart.
  11. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    Honorable Mention: Breaking Ricky Morton's nose by rubbing it in concrete. I always liked them breaking Dusty's leg after he saved them from the Russians more than when they broke his arm. One of my favorite heel moments of all time. Actually, that was one of the major angles that lead to the eventual formation of the Horsemen.
  12. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    Good top 4, but I'd question leaving Andre the Giant off the list in place of Bret Hart. ok, I meant Top 5 Superstars since January 23, 1984. sorry No worries, but even with that date range... I'd probably still put Andre the Giant on the list in place of Bret Hart. Even past his prime, Andre was a bigger mainstream star than Bret ever was... but that's just my opinion on the matter.
  13. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    Honorable Mention: Breaking Ricky Morton's nose by rubbing it in concrete.
  14. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Personally, I think it's all just internet speculation, but it would explain why Macho Man seems to be blackballed by Vince despite currently having a common enemy with Hogan. My gut sez it's about a 40% possibility. I could see it happening, now that we all know what a ditz Stephanie is. And since Macho was with Gorgeous George, we know he likes em young. but, if Stupid Stephanie was legally underage at the time, would Vince seek charges against Macho or would that just embarrass Vince even further? for all the money the McMahons have, they truly are a joke of a family My personal belief is something happened, but the rumor and the story has snowballed throughout the years due to very few people actually knowing the truth.
  15. Diamonddust

    Lets ask Google images questions

    The TNA Writing Staff/Donkey Kong one is hilarious.
  16. Diamonddust

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    LOL... Jim Ross mentioning Hardcore Holly having a NASCAR mentality.
  17. Diamonddust

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    There was a point a while back ago where I could have sworn they were going to do an American Idol style angle with Lillian and Jillian. I distinctly remember reading where Kevin Dunn was all about it.
  18. Diamonddust

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    As a die-hard Red Wings fan, I was waiting for Cena to drop a Hockey Town reference...
  19. Diamonddust

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    Regal doesn't care about no stinking emails... he's the King! Whoa... a WCW Thunder slam... Regal should have nailed him for that one.
  20. Diamonddust

    OAO 5/12 Raw Thread

    Awesome opening bit... Still, shouldn't it also be God Save the King?
  21. Diamonddust

    Who were champions

    Judging by the WWF Champions at the time, I'd say the WCW Champions were Sting, either Luger or Hansen (Depending on the time of the year), Arn Anderson, and Doom.
  22. Diamonddust

    Who were champions

    January/Feb. 1990: WWF: World Champion: Hulk Hogan Intercontinental Champion: The Ultimate Warrior Tag-Team Champions: The Colossal Connection NWA/WCW: World Champion: Ric Flair U.S. Champion: Lex Luger TV Champion: Arn Anderson World Tag-Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers U.S. Tag-Team Champions: Brian Pillman/Tom Zenk
  23. Diamonddust

    Bill Watts mid-south/UWF, Von Erich's World Class

    I imagine King Kong Bundy is still doing indy shows somewhere. Jim Cornette is still technically active as a personality.
  24. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    Top 5 Most Important/Influential Matches of All Time (Game Changers, so to speak): 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart - Survivor Series 1997 4. The Main Event at Bash at the Beach 1996 3. Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon: Wrestlemania X 2. Hulk Hogan vs. Nick Bockwinkel - Super Sunday 1. Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin: I Quit - Wrestlemania XIII
  25. Diamonddust

    Your Top Five Anything

    Good top 4, but I'd question leaving Andre the Giant off the list in place of Bret Hart.