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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    WWE Raw (4/14/2008)

    Interesting list... Hard to pick a winner now, but I'd like to see it be Big Show, MVP, or Umaga.
  2. Diamonddust

    The Rock vs. Triple H

    The biggest thing missing from this feud was the fact they didn't headline Wrestlemania against each other. Wrestlemania 2000 should have been The Rock vs. Triple H, not the Fatal 4 Way Match.
  3. Diamonddust

    Mick Foley

    I've always been a fan of his since one of the first memories I have of watching wrestling is Cactus Jack beating up his tag-team partner on World Championship Wrestling in the early part of 1990. To answer the questions: Did you like how his "retirement" was handled? - I like the fact he went out initially with two very strong matches at the Royal Rumble and No Way Out in 2000. I didn't like him popping up in the main event of Wrestlemania a month later, however. I know he always wanted to headline it, but it severely cheapened the "retirement" match. How'd you like his run as commissioner? -I loved it. Him making Edge and Christian's life a living hell was absolutely hilarious at times. Did you like his short run with Randy Orton in 2004? -I don't remember much of it to be honest. Did you enjoy his 2006 work? -I do know the match with Edge at Wrestlemania was a sick brawl so I'll give him points for that. Would you be interested in a more serious Foley if he wanted to come back ever full-time or close to it? -I'd be totally into him again if he came back as psycho Cactus Jack. One of my all time favorite angles was during the 2000 Royal Rumble build to the match with Triple H. Foley, as Mankind, says he can't participate in the match, and Triple H starts getting cocky. Foley then says he found a replacement... and starts taking off the Mankind attire to reveal the Cactus Jack shirt. The crowd reaction and Triple H's facial expression were absolutely golden. It was an incredible set-up to what would be just a sick, sick brawl at the PPV.
  4. Diamonddust

    The Legacy Of Ric Flair

    Right. Sting, Magnum, Steamboat, Dusty and, I dunno, Muta vs Flair, Luger and the Horsemen would have been cool. And, Flair's sendoff couldn't be over done if they ended it with writing his name on the moon with a giant laser. I've said it on this board before, and I'll say it again: Even though Muta had given notice that he was going back to Japan, NWA/WCW should have found a way to at least keep him stateside so he could have headlined WrestleWar '90 against Flair. The angle was set-up at the Clash of Champions where the crowd was going nuts for him and J-Tex after the Horsemen had punked out Sting. Sting, after the injury, could have been taunted by Flair and the Horsemen, and then he could have been like, "Well... I've found a replacement." Out comes Muta, who mists everyone, Flair included, and you have a killer face turn - Sting's greatest enemy is now his biggest ally. It would have also allowed a slow turn for Luger so he could have still headlined Capitol Combat that Spring instead of him facing Flair twice with everyone knowing he didn't have a chance of winning. Regardless of the fact they jobbed him out at Starrcade '89, Muta vs. Flair would have been a minimum 4 star match with the proper time alloted.
  5. Diamonddust

    OAO JR's blogs

    This one doesn't really say much. I like how he hints about the WWE not taking the IC title seriously though with the Jericho remark, and the remark from the last blog. For some reason I think JR might make a good booker... has he ever done anything like that? If I remember correctly, Ross was on the booking committee when Flair was running things back in 1989. He probably had some role in Mid-South, but nothing directly in charge. The only other management experience I know he has is when he managed the talent roster, and he's repeatedly said that was pure hell. Still, his booking sense would be so old school compared to the mentality of the WWE. Not saying that's a bad thing, but it wouldn't mesh at all. J.R. does like to apply logic to things.
  6. Diamonddust

    Behind The Match:Old School

    I'll take Khali over El Gigante/Giant Gonzalez any day of the week because at least Khali has bulk to go with his height. Gonzalez was nothing but a lanky ex-basketball player with no mass.
  7. Diamonddust

    The Legacy Of Ric Flair

    If Magnum's crash didn't happen, the careers of a lot of people would have been influenced - namely Sting and Lex Luger. As it has been said, Magnum was destined to be the #1 face of the company, and a feud with Flair over the belt was imminent at the time of his crash.
  8. Diamonddust

    ECW on Sci-Fi (4/8/2008)

    Wow... a Cleveland Steamer reference...
  9. Diamonddust

    NWA Weekly Programming Thread

    I found it funny that the latest episode has the appearance of Wee Willie Wilkins.
  10. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Details? I can't do it justice (Dusty telling it himself was hilarious), but here goes: Dusty and Andre were in New Orleans one night, and Andre took Dusty to a brothel. Andre liked going there because it was ran by a woman who spoke French, and Andre would go talk with her when he was in town. The building was pretty run down, and it was storming outside. After some thunder, the lights went out, and Dusty said he felt something wet running down his leg. He figured the roof was leaking, and then he heard Andre laughing (Think Jabba the Hut laughing). The lights came back on, and Dusty realized Andre was peeing on him. Dusty started freaking out because he had "giant piss" on him, and then he gave the classic line, "Andre the Giant just pissed on the American Dream in a bordello in New Orleans".
  11. Diamonddust

    Potential Big Problems for WWE Worker

    Because they want to see if they can get a statement from that particular person before running the name.
  12. Diamonddust

    WrestleWar '90

    Even though it had a lot of tag-matches, it's always a plus to get a Rock and Roll Express/Midnight Express match.
  13. Diamonddust

    OAO JR's blogs

    Ole was acting like Ole and had some bitter, bitter comments about Flair's retirement celebration. It was basically the whole, "He's worked the same match for years" argument. Still, coming from Ole, however, it just sounded that much more bitter. The man is probably incapable of finding joy in anything.
  14. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Agreed. I'd even settle for an extended WWE 24/7 Roundtable episode on Andre. The one they did in conjunction with The Iron Sheik was hilarious, and I can only imagine some of the Andre stories that could be told. I still laugh at Dusty Rhodes' story about what Andre did to him in the brothel in New Orleans.
  15. Diamonddust

    Behind The Match:Inaugural edition

    Because memories are short, and it's a logical "super match" to have at Wrestlemania XXV in Texas.
  16. Diamonddust

    Behind The Match:Inaugural edition

    All I can about it is this: The promo Shawn gave in Canada shortly before this match is a text-book example of being a dick. The crowd would have murdered him if they could have, but it was highly entertaining to watch him toy with them.
  17. Diamonddust

    TSM Profile: Carlito

    For whatever reason, I always thought him and Chavo could make a good Latino tag-team... possibly with Armando as the mouthpiece.
  18. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    From what I remember, the last Clash is nothing to write home about.
  19. Diamonddust

    Shawn Michaels/Batista Program

    The ringside section of the crowd was clearly behind Umaga in that match.
  20. WrestleMania XXIV == Sunday, March 30th 2008 == LIVE from The Citrus Bowl WWE Championship: Randy Orton© vs. Triple H vs. John Cena World Heavyweight Championship: Edge© vs. The Undertaker Floyd Mayweather vs. The Big Show Career Threatening Match Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels Money in the Bank Ladder Match Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Mr. Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Carlito Smackdown vs. Raw Batista vs. Umaga ECW Championship Chavo Guerrero© vs. Winner of 24-Man Battle Royal Belfast Brawl Finlay vs. JBL Playboy Bunnymania Lumberjack Match Ashley & Maria vs. Beth Phoenix & Melina This is officially the thread for all WrestleMania XXIV discussion....starting....NOW. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of the TV stations in Orlando has some new pics of the set construction, including the entrance and roof over the ring: http://www.cfnews13.com/Entertainment/HeyJ...itrus_bowl.html It'll be interesting to see if people report on the tent obstructing their view, even though it's designed not to do so.
  21. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Classics OnDemand General Discussion

    The MNW is going to have Dude Love's first appearance! Yay!
  22. Diamonddust

    Undertaker's New Finisher

    I know there's been discussion on this before and Lance Storm brought it up in a commentary, but I still can't get past the fact that The Undertaker has his shoulders on the mat while executing this move. I know they'll never do this because it'll kill the move, but someone could just lay back and Taker would be getting pinned.
  23. 10 years ago, I had to write a letter to myself 10 years in the future for a school project. I recently got the letter, and I discovered a large portion of it dealt with what was happening in wrestling at the time. The letter is circa-February 1998. Here's the letter with answers: "So tell me, what's going on in my favorite sport of pro-wrestling? If they are still around, the WWF is going to have Wrestlemania XXIV in about a month. Did Copeland (Edge) live up to the hype? (I'd say he did) Did Austin retire because of the neck? (It led to it) Did Owen ever clean pin Shawn? Down in Turner Land, what ever came of the "Disappearing Flair" situation that was beginning to brew? (We want Flair!) Did Chris get the belt he deserved? (I knew something like this was in here) When did their fossils retire? Did Birmingham ever land a PPV? (Armageddon 2000 and ECW's Guilty as Charged 2000) What ever came of ECW? Did Paul's brainchild continue to gain popularity? Is it still around? (If you only knew) Did I ever go to the arena? (ECW Arena and the answer is no) Is Terry (Funk) still wrestling? (I think so) Who's main eventing right now? Is it (ECW) still big? Did a rising indy become the next ECW? World Champions at the time of the letter: "Shawn and Shane" - I left out the WCW Champion The next week, I went to Thunder in Birmingham and wondered if the net liked my 1st hand report of the show
  24. Diamonddust

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    The looks on the faces of Big Show and Colin are great.
  25. Diamonddust

    ECW (4/1/2008)

    LOL! That was great!