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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I haven't seen Flair sport the blue tights in a while.
  2. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Ok... that angle of Flair walking with the pyro is awesome.
  3. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Love the slow build to his entrance...
  4. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Unfortunately, they can't place Big Show/Mayweather at this point of the show, and they've got to worry about the crowd being drained for the two World Title matches (Good chance that Flair/Shawn is going to drain the crowd and whatever comes next, hopefully the Bunny Match, as bad as it will be, will be DOA).
  5. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Wow... That's just hilarious. Chavo has become this generation's S.D. Jones.
  6. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I was getting food and missed those. What happened? Snoop Dogg was doing an interview, and he had Festus with him. Santino came in, started acting like Santino, and then Snoop Dogg pulled out a bell. Santino begged him not to ring it, Snoop rang it, and Festus chased Santino away. Foley then popped up and did some of the lame Snoop Dogg talk.
  7. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Not sure if anyone caught it, but they had a camera angle during MITB that showed a plane flying overhead between a gap in the upper-decks. You couldn't make out the banner or anything, but I wonder if it was the plane that was supposed to fly the TNA banner.
  8. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania Predictions

    Here are my predictions for Wrestlemania this year. What does everyone else think? Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship: John Cena vs. HHH vs. Randy Orton (Champion) -This match has been built as Cena vs. HHH with Orton, the champion, as an afterthought. Most people are predicting HHH to win as Cena is about to go film another movie, and HHH has lost at a lot of Wrestlemanias recently. Orton has an outside chance since he submitted to the figure-four on Raw, and if that happens, the guy usually gets the heat back at the PPV. Still, as much as Orton has improved, I don't see anything but HHH winning this match. The Streak vs. The Title: World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Undertaker vs. Edge (Champion) -It's the battle of the two men who have never been pinned at Wrestlemania (Edge did technically lose the Money in the Bank match last year). I have a feeling they are going to steal the show, much like Taker and Batista did last year. Taker and Edge tend to bring their A-game when it comes to Wrestlemania. Still, the streak isn't ending, even though it would do wonders for Edge's career. Taker wins and gets the extended title reign he was supposed to have last year. David vs. Goliath: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. The Big Show -This match started off with a super-hot angle as Mayweather busted Big Show's nose back at No Way Out. Along the way, however, the WWE hasn't gotten the message the fans want to boo Mayweather and cheer Big Show. Both have been portrayed as heels, and it's been quite confusing to the common fan. I fully expect a melee amongst the entourages, especially if Big Show brings down a whole bunch of wrestlers to watch his back. In the chaos, someone will probably run in, nail Big Show, and allow Mayweather to get the win. Big Show, though, will come out of this still looking pretty good. The Nature Boy vs. The Showstopper: Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels -In the match I'm most looking forward to, Ric Flair enters the ring in probably the last match of his active career as he takes on the man who has idolized him, Shawn Michaels. Many have picked apart how this angle has been booked, but the most recent altercation on Raw was absolutely incredible. I fully expect Shawn Michaels to make Flair look like a million bucks and then some. I'm guessing near falls a plenty, and a finish involving something along the lines of Michaels superkicking Flair, thinking about pinning him for a moment, and then finally pinning Flair. Flair will be emotional in the end, and I do hope he does the tradition of leaving his boots and robe in the ring as a symbol of retirement. I just hope the crowd treats this match as best as it can. Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Chris Jericho vs. Kennedy vs. MVP vs. Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison -This match was originally going to have 8 people in it, and it was Jeff Hardy's to win. Unfortunately, Jeff Hardy had to act like Jeff Hardy and got a 60 drug suspension. As a result, the outcome for this one is up in the air. We have three legitimate people who could win it in Jericho, Kennedy, and MVP. Jericho really doesn't need it, while Kennedy winning it would be a do-over from last year, even though he's prone to screwing up golden opportunities (Getting injured, running his mouth, etc.). MVP, in my opinion, is a logical choice as it would allow for a Undertaker/MVP feud this summer, or even a MVP/HHH feud. The only thing keeping MVP from winning it would be Matt Hardy making a surprise showing and continuing that feud. Punk, Morrison, and Carlito will be nothing but extra bodies to bump around. I'm going with MVP to win, and Kennedy as the back-up. Smackdown vs. Raw: Batista vs. Umaga -Umaga has really grown on me over the months, and I really hope he beats the hell out of Batista, who is someone I just can't stand at all. I do know, however, that won't happen as Batista will probably win. I've heard the feud should continue this spring with Umaga jumping to Smackdown, where he should do quite well. I do expect this to be a nice brawl. Beltfast Brawl: Finlay vs. JBL -This match should be the conclusion of the Hornswaggle angle, which has been quite polarizing. The build to this match started real strong with JBL really being a dick and injuring Hornswaggle while Finlay, handcuffed to a cage, was forced to watch. It has cooled off considerably, even with Vince McMahon's involvement in the angle at the beginning. I'm guessing Finlay wins this, but don't count out JBL with assistance from a heel turning Hornswaggle. Like Umaga/Batista, this should be a hell of a brawl. Bunnymania: Maria/Ashley vs. Beth Phoenix/Melina -The usual women's match was supposed to be Maria/Candice vs. Beth Phoenix/Melina, but Candice got injured again so they put Ashley, another playmate, into the mix. If they keep this one under 10 minutes, it'll be ok... anything else will be torture on the crowd. Maria/Ashley should get the win, although I really would like to see Beth just beat the hell out of everyone. 24 Man Battle Royal/Winner Meets Chavo Guerrero -In the usual "Let's get everyone involved so they get a Wrestlemania payday" match, we have a 24 man battle royal with the winner meeting Chavo Guerrero immediately afterwards for the ECW Title. They've been building The Great Khali as a potential winner, but I don't see them doing a heel vs. heel match. As a result, I'm picking Kane to win the battle royal and ECW Title. I wouldn't be shocked, however, if Colin Delaney, who is doing a great job in playing Mikey Whipwreck 2.0, win the battle royal on a fluke and win the ECW Title on an even bigger fluke.
  9. Diamonddust

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    I doubt they'll do this, but I think it would be a nice touch: When they acknowledge all of the HOF inductees at Wrestlemania tomorrow, I think it would be great if Flair is the last person they announce... and that is how the match with Michaels starts. He makes his entrance amongst the rest of the Hall of Fame members.
  10. Diamonddust

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Damn... one of Gordon Solie's sons is his absolute spitting image.
  11. Diamonddust

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    I liked the crack he had about Jericho's hair better. Jericho's response was pretty funny as well.
  12. Diamonddust

    Austin Idol: The Universal Hearthrob

    From what I gathered courtesy of certain shoot interviews, Austin Idol was never too fond of traveling so that's why he pretty much stayed in Memphis. I think Jim Cornette mentioned in his interview that Idol would have preferred to do just promos as opposed to actually getting in the ring. But you are right... pretty much anyone that was a fan of wrestling at the time will say Idol had tremendous ability to draw people into the building.
  13. Diamonddust

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    Same here.
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    One site, I forget which, is reporting JBL is inducting the Brisco Brothers. I'd also imagine Peter Maivia's wife would accept for her husband.
  15. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Also from Meltzer, I'm pretty certain someone mentioned this earlier: --WWE has already learned of TNA's plan to fly a plane with a banner that reads something like "Watch TNA Impact" at some point during Wrestlemania. Well, it's not like it'll air on the broadcast. There are several other incidents that we're trying to get confirmation on that have taken place in recent days.
  16. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Shocked Austin/Hart isn't on there.
  17. Diamonddust

    Questions from a Wrestling Fan 10 Years Ago

    I believe so. I know it came to a head in April so I can't remember why I was writing about it in February.
  18. Diamonddust

    Questions from a Wrestling Fan 10 Years Ago

    I went back and got the date off the letter - February 11th, 1998. If I remember correctly, Superbrawl and No Way Out (I remember everyone thinking how funny it was that a WWF's ppv had the initials NWO) hadn't happened yet.
  19. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Hard to argue with this list: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/writ...view/index.html
  20. Diamonddust

    The Legacy Of Ric Flair

    I think Flair's legacy is such that no matter how much crap they had him do in his later years, the fans will still remember Ric Flair in his prime. He was the total package in terms of a professional wrestler. He also had the class and image that made being a world champion look important. -What's your favorite Flair match?: There are a whole lot of them, but I'd put the I Quit Match against Terry Funk on top of the list. Two great masters beating the hell out of each other. -Is he overrated/underrated relative to his 80s and 90s peers? I don't think he's overrated or underrated. Any wrestling fan with half a brain will credit Flair as the Babe Ruth of Wrestling. -Do the 21 (16?) world title wins mean anything to you? It means that no matter how hard the promoters tried to screw him or do something different, they always went back to Flair because he could bring the goods. As Jim Cornette once said, "Sting vs. Flair drew. Luger vs. Flair drew. Luger vs. Sting fell on its face because it had no Flair." -Did he hang on too long? Yeah, but what else was he going to do? I won't fault him for staying as long as he did, especially since he can be more entertaining than a lot of younger guys.
  21. Diamonddust

    TSM Town Hall: Legacy of a Great Match at Mania

    Do you think that's what this WM will be like? I can't say myself, because I don't know enough/haven't seen enough Manias, but you seem to be describing the card for this Sunday. I'm going to try and watch WM this year. I don't because the WWE Title match has three guys of similar size, Taker has an opponent that isn't a lumbering slug, and well... you do have a celebrity vs. an upper midcarder, though. The worst match on the card is obviously the Divas match, but outside of that... the rest should be at least entertaining. Finlay/JBL should be a stiff enough brawl to hide any technical shortcomings, and the same can be said for Umaga/Batista... especially if both men are motivated to defy expectations. The triple threat match will deliver an entertaining encounter but anti-climactic finish, as will probably Edge/Taker. Big Show/Mayweather should be good for the spectacle. MITB is always good for some sick spots. Flair and Shawn, though, will steal the show. If Shawn could produce the match he had with Hogan, just think what he'll do with Flair.
  22. Diamonddust

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    From what I read (I don't remember which site but I only go on Gerweck.net, lordsofpain.net and wrestlview.com) TNA officials told their wrestlers not to go to the HOF ceremony for fear that they might end up on TV. You know, if I'm Sting... I'd be very torn. It would be kind of weird not to have him somewhere in the crowd when Ric Flair is going in the Hall of Fame.
  23. Diamonddust

    TSM Town Hall: Legacy of a Great Match at Mania

    I agree. I had read where Brock could do a SSP, much like The Big Show being able to do a moonsault, but seeing him do it and then screw it up was a crazy visual.
  24. Diamonddust

    TSM Town Hall: Legacy of a Great Match at Mania

    One match that doesn't get talked about a lot in terms of someone getting made is Jake Roberts vs. The Undertaker. Roberts passed the "creepy but still beloved babyface" torch to Taker with the ass kicking he took at Wrestlemania VIII.
  25. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Agreed. Wrestlemania is the only PPV I'll ever consider buying, and this year seems pretty much a lock for me.