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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    TSM Town Hall: Legacy of a Great Match at Mania

    Having a big moment at Wrestlemania is very important because, as it was said, people tend to remember those things for years on end. The reason people remember Savage/Steamboat is because of how good that match was and how hooked they had the crowd. People remember Hogan slamming Andre because of how iconic it was. People remember Hart/Austin because of the incredible visual of Austin's forehead covered in blood. Hell, that match could be looked at as probably the most influential Wrestlemania match of all-time due to what it produced in terms of the business. A wrestler can send his career into another dimension at Wrestlemania with a crazy good performance or some iconic image happening in their particular match. Answering the addition questions: 1. Shawn Michaels is the first person to come to mind in terms of memorable matches. He's been involved in one of the most influential matches of all time (Ladder match at WMX), the Iron Man Match, the match that started the Austin-era, and very good encounters with Angle, Jericho, and Cena. Some can say Hogan, and they'd be right, others would say Savage, and they'd be right as well. 2. Shawn definitely got "made" from the Ladder Match. His star was already rising at that point, but the ladder match put him in another dimension. The same goes for the Hardys and Edge and Christian during the TLC match. Austin's career went through the roof due to the I Quit match with Bret Hart. 3. Hogan vs. Andre, and it's not even close. If there was ever a super-match at Wrestlemania, it was that match. I don't care how strong the card at Wrestlemania III was, one match drew that house. Hogan vs. Warrior would be a DISTANT second. 4. Entrances are a big deal, and that is why The Undertaker is such a big part of Wrestlemania... the same goes for Shawn Michaels. People remember the entrances because the spectacle is just as big as the match itself. Speaking of entrances, I know I'm not the only one that wishes the little ring carts would be used again. 5. Shawn Michaels' flying to the ring on the zipline for the Iron Man match was good. Taker's entrance at pretty much any Wrestlemania would be up there as well (Although his entrance is usually good regardless). MVP had a pretty good one last year as well.
  2. Diamonddust

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Hopefully not, though, because there seems to be hope of him not being edited out of history anymore. He should be edited out of history. No. However, I'd love to hear what explanation you come up with to justify this. There is still the potential for people to get up in arms about the WWE trying to profit on the likeness of a guy who killed his wife and child.
  3. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    To have the big celebrity crossover. I'm just speculating, but since Rock will be at the Hall of Fame ceremony, I don't think he would turn down a big pay check to get some press and work with Mayweather. I don't see Big Show going over, but how else can they have Mayweather win without making Show look like a joke? I believe The Rock has made it clear he has to fly back to a movie shoot immediately after the Hall of Fame ceremony. Rumors of him appearing at Wrestlemania will be on the same level of Bret Hart making an appearance the day after his induction. The best way to have Big Show save face is for outside interference to cost him the match. If Rey is up to it, I wouldn't be shocked if that's who they use, although then it would be someone who is probably just as small as Mayweather taking down "the biggest athlete in the world". If they weren't planning on keeping Big Show heel, I'd say have the Money in the Bank Winner (MVP or Kennedy) do the run-in and set up a mini-feud with Big Show before they challenge a world champion.
  4. Diamonddust

    Random Thoughts 3-27-08 to 5-28-08

    Watching Raw on Monday when Lawler tagged out after one of the divas tagged in, I and probably a lot of other people thought that Andy Kaufman was probably looking down and just shaking his head at Lawler for doing that.
  5. Diamonddust

    Favorite Wrestlemania from each era

    Federation Era: Wrestlemania VIII Attitude Era: Wrestlemania X-7 Current Era: Wrestlemania XXIII
  6. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania Predictions

    How do you think the match order will go? Here's what I'm guessing: Chavo vs. ??? Money in the Bank Batista vs. Uamaga Flair vs. Michaels Finlay vs. JBL Edge vs. Taker Big Show vs. Mayweather Bunny-Mania Triple Threat Match It's a hard one to figure when determining what matches will be used to bring the crowd down and what matches will be used to elevate them (The matches that follow Money in the Bank, Flair/Michaels, and Big Show/Mayweather will be interesting to see).
  7. Diamonddust

    NWA Weekly Programming Thread

    I like the wrestling although you used the armbar to death back in those days. But it's the interviews that are gold and that is where they blow away the guys of today. The interviews and hype were the big part of the program. If you wanted to see good wrestling, you were going to have to pay for a ticket to the live show. All the "studio shows" were about getting people to the local event that particular week.
  8. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    From the looks of the aerial pictures, the ring does appear to be at about the 50 yard line with the entrance ramp coming from the open end of the stadium. A previous article stated that by using the open end as the entrance, the WWE is having to build a pretty big tent city to serve as the backstage and locker room area.
  9. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Agreed... see Prince's performance at the Super Bowl in Miami. As for the roof, I thought it was just covering the ring area. I'm pretty certain the field will be uncovered due to the fact they have heavy boarding on it to cover up the grass.
  10. Diamonddust

    Seven Years...

    I miss it to an extent. I miss the fact the WWE doesn't have serious competition to keep them on their toes. The Monday Night Wars were at its peak during the time I was in high school so I have fond memories of that whole period. Monday night was such an anticipated time for a while. I miss the atmosphere of that. Even though I knew about the sale, seeing Vince McMahon open the last episode of Nitro was the most surreal thing I've ever watched in terms of wrestling. In fact, when I was a sophomore (1998), we had to write a letter to ourselves 10 years in the future. Classmates of mine have started getting theirs so I'm anxious to see mine considering I know I have a portion in there that documented what was happening in the wrestling world at the time (We're talking around mid to late February 1998 - a month before Austin's first title win and about the time of Sting/Hogan at Superbrawl).
  11. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    With a roof over the ring, the match itself would be protected... the fans, though, might scatter. Still, storms in the south at this point of the year are a come and go thing. It might rain real hard, if that, for five minutes or so and then stop as if nothing had happened.
  12. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    Florida at this time of the year has about the same potential to have tornadoes as does Kansas. Hurricane season doesn't start until June.
  13. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania Predictions

    Either the triple threat match or Mayweather/Big Show is my guess.
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - March 2008

    I remember when they did that with Nacho Libre, and people on here were adamantly sure that Jack Black was going to do a match in WWE. Didn't King Leonidas stay on the roster for a while as well?
  15. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania IX

    It was counter-productive to the line of thinking that typically drew them money: Super-hero baby face vs. the big, giant monster.
  16. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Unfortunately, Orton hasn't looked real strong in a while...
  17. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    It was down to Orton vs. Michaels/Flair... Michaels stops Flair from putting on the figure four, Flair responds with a nut-shot, and then Flair slaps the figure-four on Orton. Orton sold it like his legs were snapping, and Flair got the victory.
  18. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Great ending... at least for any Flair mark.
  19. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Good to see Finlay...
  20. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    I missed it..when is this match? Tomorrow on ECW With all the guys in the battle royal I assume? Correct
  21. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    I missed it..when is this match? Tomorrow on ECW
  22. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    I know they didn't have people the size of the guys you mentioned, but wasn't there a 5 tag-team, 10 vs. 10 elimination match at the first Survivor Series?
  23. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Hell, Melina hasn't been in Playboy so why not have Mickie as Maria's partner. What does Melina have to do with it? Beth hasn't been in Playboy..it's the Playboy girls vs. the non-Playboy girls. Good point...
  24. Diamonddust

    OAO 3/24 Raw Thread

    Hell, Melina hasn't been in Playboy so why not have Mickie as Maria's partner.
  25. Diamonddust

    Bring only one guy back to WWE

    The Rock, without a doubt. Honorable mention would be Sid.