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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - February 2008

    I think WM VIII will win the voting in a runaway. I'm guessing they're doing WM IX since it's the only other outdoor Wrestlemania. Still, I think it's kind of funny that they're doing a Bret Hart section in the "Hall of Fame" category, yet they're showing the Wrestlemania where Bret basically got crapped on at the end.
  2. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    They could do the Triple Threat but not have it headline (as in be the last match) and book the show like 22. Have the triple threat be 3rd or 2nd from the top and have Taker/Edge go on last. I know they are biased against Smackdown, but maybe Taker will pull some clout after being stuck in the 4th match last year? If it's "streak vs. streak" with Edge/Undertaker, I HOPE they put that one last. I know they won't, but that match has the potential to be something special with all the hype around it. It's really the only "big money" match I'm looking forward to at Wrestlemania. Outside of a slight interest in an Orton/Cena main event, I can't see anything Raw brings to the table in terms of a memorable match to fill the Citrus Bowl.
  3. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - February 2008

    Tom Green was a candidate at one point. On another topic, I like how they are showing the first Clash of Champions with interview segments in between the matches to touch on the historical significance. I was watching part of it last night, and the MX/Fantastics match is highly entertaining (As usual with these two teams), and the crowd is going nuts throughout it.
  4. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - February 2008

    Evansville used to be a USWA/Memphis Territory stronghold, which is why Lawler would always be over in that city.
  5. Diamonddust

    Moments where titles were buried

    Exactly. Who is say Chavo wasn't going to be like "Why stop at the ECW Title?"
  6. Diamonddust

    Lets Talk about.....

    Get the bad stuff out of my head now! I could have gone my whole life without having think of that song again.
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Has a potential to be a real crowd killer regardless the placement on the card. Even if, say, they open the show with the Smackdown EC match, it's going to cause the crowd to be deflated during the Raw match regardless its spot on the card. The Smackdown guys can't go in and tear the house down with their match at the risk of the Raw match looking bad. Plus, you're going to have two World Title matches on the card so what ends up being the last match of the show?
  8. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    sigh...god please make it stop. please. why don't they just fucking do away with the wwe title and call it the cena heavyweight title. What's even worse is that it looks like he'll be a transitional champion for a month.
  9. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    That's the thing... I love "Lost", but I read the spoilers religiously. It doesn't effect my viewing of the show one bit, and I could give you a detailed account of what's going to happen in the first two episodes of the new season. I don't know why, but I enjoy having an idea of what the show is going to be about so I can focus on some of the little things I might miss during a "Holy Shit!" moment. When I found out about how last season was going to end, I enjoyed it as much as I would have if I didn't know about it before hand. The same goes with wrestling spoilers. Knowing about certain angles in advance won't change my viewing habits, unless they're just really bad. I'm a fan. I like watching. I find it frustrating when they consider "internet wrestling fans" a cancer. It's like, "Hey... we don't want your money or business because you know about what we're going to do before we do it."
  10. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Same here. Hayes comes from the area and era where the only color that was worried about was green.
  11. Diamonddust

    Moments where titles were buried

    -Khali squashing Rey, while he was still the champion. -Tazz, as ECW Champion, losing to HHH on Smackdown - well, the whole situation leading up to that could be included as well -Shane Douglas throwing down the NWA Title -Medusa throwing the WWE Women's Title in the trash on Nitro -"Oklahoma" and other misfits winning the Cruiserweight Title -HHH winning and retiring the IC Title
  12. Diamonddust

    No Way Out

    No need to apologize... I'll correct it.
  13. Diamonddust

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    I wonder if the EC matches will book-end NWO. They definitely won't do them back to back, although now that I think about it... it would be easy in terms of production (Getting the chamber in place), but it would definitely deflate the crowd.
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    The school-room like setting of the writers meeting sounds equal parts hilarious and ridiculous. It's nice to see Stephanie adopting the Eric Bischoff style of firing people, although she picked it when he was on vacation... nice touch. Still, Lagana has to be pretty careless to be emailing a website information while an official meeting is happening. Even if he was the "tech guy" that could erase his steps, it's still a huge risk to take. From reading all this, it wouldn't shock me to see the company try to check personal computers/phones. As crazy as it sounds, you know they would want to do it if they could.
  15. Diamonddust

    Lets Talk about.....

    God, I hated their music. Hated, hated, hated it.
  16. Diamonddust

    OAO ECW Thread - January 29, 2008

    Anyone else think Punk looked like Daniel Day Lewis out of "There Will Be Blood" with the mustache and everything?
  17. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Even though they won't do it, but his old friend Armando could pull some strings to get him on Smackdown. I could see them trying to do a Batista/Umaga "Beast vs. Beast" feud.
  18. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Jericho, yes. My thinking would have HBK, HHH, Hardy, and Umaga as the final four, with DX eliminating Umaga, Hardy eliminating Michaels (setting up a Wrestlemania match), and then HHH vs Hardy with HHH winning. However, I wouldn't mind seeing JBL vs. HHH as the final two Imagine that feud...
  19. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Well, if they planted a fake storyline on Lagana in the hopes of him spilling the beans, they would have been suspicious of him before hand like it was mentioned. Lagana screwed up big time if he was using a company computer to send Meltzer information. Doing something like that is just plane boneheaded.
  20. Diamonddust

    Wrestlemania 24

    My thoughts on how I see the card developing: Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. John Cena - Not a big fan of a triple threat match, but with Cena back in the picture - it muddies things a bit. Edge vs. Undertaker: I still see this one happening unless, for some God-awful reason, they play up the Taker/Snitsky thing from the Rumble. The battle of the two men who have never been pinned at Wrestlemania. Ric Flair vs. Ken Kennedy, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, or another "legend" - I don't think they'll bring in an old timer like Steamboat or Dusty to retire Flair, so I'm going in the order of Kennedy, Michaels, and Triple H. If Kennedy is slated to retire Flair, though, he'll probably screw it up. I've only got Triple H and Orton here if they don't go the way of a triple threat match. I still wish they would go with the original ending to the storyline: Flair is forced to be in Money in the Bank, somehow wins the match, cashes it in the same night, Edge beats him, and Flair leaves his boots/robe in the ring. Hulk Hogan or Great Khali vs. Big Show - It's certain Big Show is returning, but the rumors still persist that they'll do the match with him and Hogan, which makes sense considering both men live in the central Florida area. If they don't get Hogan, I can see a battle of the giants with Khali. Money in the Bank - I see Bastista* getting put here along with the likes of Jeff Hardy, a couple of ECW guys not fighting for the belt*, Kane, and whoever else. The rest of the undercard depends on who is in Money in the Bank * - For some reason, I can see a Bastita/Umaga "beast vs. beast" match as well. * - Punk vs. Chavo/Shelton for the belt is another possibility Jericho vs. JBL - The blow-off to the feud, probably a stipulation based match. Someone mentioned The McMahons vs. Finlay/Hornswaggle. I can see this happening, or a Finlay vs. McMahon match or some type of handicap match to maybe bring an end to the storyline. Beth Phoenix vs. Maria - If Maria's going to be in Playboy, she'll get the title shot. Here's hoping some great stuff from Santino in this one Matt Hardy vs. MVP - Everyone seems to agree this one will happen, and I'm no different.
  21. Diamonddust

    Best Royal Rumble Match

    I've always considered WrestleMania 8 the end of the golden era of wrestling. But, perhaps the end really took place at Royal Rumble '92. Most would say it ended at Wrestlemania VI. The 3 Golden Ages are usually considered: -The 1950's during the advent of television -The "Hulkamania"/80's Boom Period - The night Hogan beat the Iron Sheik until Wrestlemania VI (Wrestlemania III being the peak event) -The Monday Night Wars (Memorial Day 1996 until Wrestlemania X-7)
  22. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    103. There are more than 100 reasons why Bossman is better than Lashley.
  23. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Didn't Dusty already have a big role on the ECW creative team?
  24. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    92. Ray Traylor is a much cooler sounding real name than Bobby Lashley. 93. Bobby Lashley never called out Glacier for taking so long to make his debut.
  25. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    76. Bobby Lashley never got to be repackaged into a bad-ass personal security officer.