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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust


    I also loved it when Jesse ranted that Savage, as the World Champion, came out first and that was wrong.
  2. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    63. Lashley never no-sold a car door slamming on his hand because it happened in front of a group of fans.
  3. Diamonddust


    Taker casually telling the referee to get Batista out of the ring after the WM23 match is priceless as well.
  4. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    59. Lashley can't crash a funeral like the Bossman can.
  5. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Yeah, while he might not have been on Hogan and Savage's level in terms of populartiy, Mr. Perfect was still one of their premiere talents in the early 90's and pushed as such. Hell, he was basically the top heel at one point.
  6. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    23. Lashley didn't get his job by showing that as a 6'9 300+ man with little wrestling experience, he could still sell a mean slingshot suplex from Tully Blanchard.
  7. Diamonddust

    Second night of Impact/Xplosion spoilers (Ongoing?)

    But the thing is - no matter how many writers he employs, no matter what he calls Stephanie, and no matter how great an idea someone else might come up with - Vince has the final say. The WWE writers are basically there to structure a general script out of the ideas given to them.
  8. Diamonddust


    Last year's Money in the Bank was highly entertaining. JBL's commentary when Booker saves Sharmell is priceless. Hornswoggle, who got a great pop from the crowd, taking Kennedy's move off the ladder was great as well.
  9. Diamonddust

    Second night of Impact/Xplosion spoilers (Ongoing?)

    My previous quote is paraphrasing what Jim Cornette said in his description of how Russo operated in the WWE as compared to what he was doing in WCW.
  10. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    15. Lashley didn't have the mean streak inside of him to serve an opponent his own dog.
  11. Diamonddust

    Bobby Lashley released

    12. Lashley never won a Jailhouse Match.
  12. Diamonddust

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    Or Vader's face turn at the end of his WCW run.
  13. Diamonddust


    Wasn't IX where Taker basically had a live raven or crow as part of his entrance? I remember that being such a cool touch to an already awesome entrance.
  14. Diamonddust

    Second night of Impact/Xplosion spoilers (Ongoing?)

    That's what he had in the WWE. McMahon would reign in the bulk of his crappy ideas but allow for the couple of good ones to take place. When he went to WCW and TNA, he had no one above him to say, "This is 100% garbage".
  15. Diamonddust

    Best Royal Rumble Match

    It might not have been as big a draw, but Mr. Perfect was pretty much the top heel in the company at that point.
  16. Diamonddust

    Smackdown Spoilers for 01-25-2007

    Same here. I marked big time with Finlay wore him out during Hornswaggle's "mini-Royal Rumble". I was talking to a co-worker about it, who turned it off shortly before Khali came down. When I told them about Finlay using the shilleleigh, he was like "What is that?" I thought for a minute, and I said, "Basically, it's Irish for whoop-ass stick."
  17. Diamonddust


    Hate to nitpick but I'm 90% sure Andre was in The Big Bossman's corner against Mr. Perfect the next year at WrestleMania VII. Well, last Wrestlemania as an active competitor.
  18. Diamonddust


    I love the mini-carts and wish they would use them again. Other moments - -Butterbean, a fellow Alabama native, DESTROYING Bart Gunn in the same match that saw Gorilla Monsoon get a hero's response in his last appearence. -Whenever they would say "We have people from (fill in the number) different countries here tonight", and then they would show some of them in the crowd. Things like that always gave an impression of how big the event actually was. -Andre the Giant getting to leave his last Wrestlemania to the cheers of the fans in Skydome. -Having Bobby Hennan and Gene Okerlund do the Gimmick Battle Royale. -During said Battle Royale, Michael Hayes coming out in full Freebirds garb to the sound of "Badstreet USA" and the cheers of the Houston crowd. -A recent thing they've done is the Hall of Fame class segment. I love hearing the fans give props to the legends. The one I most remember is how big a pop Greg Valentine got at Wrestlemania XX. You could tell it kind of took him off guard.
  19. Diamonddust

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    He had a line about mustard, if I recall, that always cracked me up.
  20. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - January 2008

    The new NWA/WCW show is pretty historic as it's the debut of "The Big Gold Belt".
  21. Diamonddust

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he getting the equivalent of face reactions even as a heel? I mean Taker always had the crowd giving the "Holy shit... this guy is way different" vibe.
  22. Diamonddust

    Best Royal Rumble Match

    Best Rumble comedy spot ever was '91 when one of the Bushwhackers enters doing the whole Bushwhacker arm motion... Greg Valentine watches him enter, grabs him, chunks him over the rope, and the Bushwhacker keeps doing the arm motion back to the locker room as if nothing happened. I remember my parents pointing out that a cameraman could be seen cracking up at that spot. I thought it was Earthquake that did that to Luke. It was. I could have sworn it was Greg Valentine.
  23. Diamonddust

    Worst Excuse for a Face Turn

    Heck, they had to have some reason for Taker to absolutely destroy Roberts a few months later at Wrestlemania.
  24. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - January 2008

    Rumble qualifying matches on house shows exist. Actually, I'm glad they're finally putting emphasis back on house shows since, you know, people actually pay money to attend the events.
  25. Diamonddust

    Best Royal Rumble Match

    Best Rumble comedy spot ever was '91 when one of the Bushwhackers enters doing the whole Bushwhacker arm motion... Greg Valentine watches him enter, grabs him, chunks him over the rope, and the Bushwhacker keeps doing the arm motion back to the locker room as if nothing happened. I remember my parents pointing out that a cameraman could be seen cracking up at that spot.