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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    No one can touch the Fink when it comes to ring announcing.
  2. Diamonddust

    Well Known Wrestlers Without Well Known Matches?

    I liked alot of Rude's WCW work. His WWF stint doesn't really stand out to me outside of the match with Warrior. Rude was probably the best example of WCW taking a WWF guy and making him bigger than he already was.
  3. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - November 2007

    Because we figured out it was for Jericho before they were ready for us to figure that out. I know it sounds petty, but that's how they operate.
  4. Diamonddust

    Well Known Wrestlers Without Well Known Matches?

    In DiBiase's defense, he did reach the finals of the Wrestlemania IV World Title tournament and was slated to win it all at one point before it was decided they didn't want a heel going over in the main event among other things. So technically, he main evented a Wrestlemania since he was the top heel in the company at that point.
  5. Diamonddust

    Well Known Wrestlers Without Well Known Matches?

    In regards to Savage/Roberts, I always felt the stuff leading up to the match (Roberts making Savage's life a living hell) was better than the actual in-ring encounter.
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    Thats because the INTERVIEW where Arn first named the Horsemen already took place. It either took place on WWW 12/28/85 or at the OMNI in Atlanta on 1/1/86(Where Dusty broke OLE's leg). I am thinking it was on 1/1/86.. If you notice on the wwe produced four horsemen dvd, they talk in detail about the first naming of the horsemen, but DO NOT show the actual footage of it. I am begining to wonder if the footage even exsists!!! Anyways I think 1/1/86 is when that interview took place where Arn Named them!!! So the 1/4 show would make sense with Tully Referring to Arn calling them the 4 Horsemen! IF anyone here has every seen that interview or know where it exsists, please post it here! I do remember Arn mentioning in the DVD that the interview where he mentioned the Horsemen was one of the local market interviews that they did. They did show the interview where Arn compares the group to the 4 Horsemen in the Bible, and it was on the WCW set, not Worldwide (Which had the red background with WWW across it). If it was a local market piece, it would have not been shown... which is kind of weird when you think about it.
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    Yeah... they told DiBiase before he signed, "We can't tell you what the gimmick is, but if Vince could wrestle... this would be the gimmick he'd use." Going back and watching Survivor Series '90 is pretty fun. I had forgotten that the first person The Undertaker squared off against in his debut elimination match was Bret Hart. Taker, though, was SO into the character in the beginning. It's quite interesting to watch that gimmick at its genesis and see how it progressed over the years. It was also interesting to see how the teams were assigned - You had a captain on each, who for the most part had a feud with each other, another singles wrestler, and then a tag team.
  8. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    Starrcade '98 should be a fun watch just for the historical fact that it's one of the shows that REALLY contributed to the death of WCW.
  9. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    I wouldn't doubt it. From what Ross has said in interviews, Bill Watts had him do a lot of crazy stuff.
  10. Diamonddust

    Well Known Wrestlers Without Well Known Matches?

    Jake Roberts... Will always be known more for his abilities before a match (Talking the people into the arena) than the actual match.
  11. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    Pay close attention to Tully Blanchard's interview at the beginning of the WCW show... He refers to the 4 Horsemen before they are officially formed. He says, "Arn likes to talk about the 4 Horsemen..." in relation to Ole Anderson's then injury and how that makes 3.
  12. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    I don't know for sure but they definitely were setting up the Tatanka-Shawn Michaels feud that would culminate at Wrestlemania with Sherri being in Tatanka's corner and Luna Vachon being with Michaels. I guess if Tatanka was invincible and Michaels beat him, that would help Michaels quite a bit as a singles wrestler (even though he was already Intercontinental Champion) at the time. I don't know. I just find it hard to believe that they set Tatanka up as undefeated so they could have him face Borga down the road. Borga wasn't even in the company at the time I don't think, so there wasn't much of a set-up for a feud. Anybody else know what was going on? Not sure, but I remember watching the weekend program that featured the Tatanka/Borga match. I still recall thinking at the time that it was a "big time" match and Borga was going to be a force.
  13. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    I thought he was a replacement for Sid at the July PPV. On that note, what happened to Sid? Lost at Wrestlemania 13, and I don't recall seeing him again for two months, when he made what, one appearance on Raw, and then gone again? Softball season? I believe the story is that he bailed when he found out he wasn't going to be in the main event picture anymore. They basically didn't have anything for him to do after losing to the Undertaker.
  14. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    Doesn't hurt that it's also the debut of the Undertaker, and man... Piper and Monsoon make him look like a million bucks right out of the gate with their commentary.
  15. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    I thought he was a replacement for Sid at the July PPV.
  16. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Maybe so, but the Undertaker was in a couple Survivor Series matches when he was still undead or whatever. Though one of them was an injury replacement (against the Foreign Fanatics). That was a heck of a surprise, for those that remember it. Yeah, that was pretty shocking. I remember thinking how cool it was when he revealed the American flag under his coat when Luger and company brought him out. I'm trying to remember...did one of the Steiners (Rick?) actually get injured, or was it just done to make the PPV lineup more appealing? Agreed... that was one of the coolest things I remember from that period.
  17. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 Discussion Thread - November 2007

    It pretty much has to be Flair/Vader from Starrcade '93... I can't think of another match they had that would be featured. Also real happy to see that Piper/Hart (Has to be from Wrestlemania 8) and Piper/Valentine (The brutal dog-collar match from the first Starrcade) will be featured as well.
  18. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    First part: The WWE rarely acknowledges these type of things on-air, although they did acknowledge Jericho's countdown during his initial debut. When Taz debuted, I don't recall them acknowledging his teaser videos. As for the Santino segment... "They've been teasing this for how long? Why not just pay it off?" That whole segment, to me at least, was the WWE's way of saying, "Jericho isn't coming tonight... you guys will believe anything." It just happened to change the names around.
  19. Diamonddust

    Help Name a New Promotion

    -Second or 2nd City Wrestling -CHI-Town or something using that nickname -Illville Wrestling -The Loop
  20. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    The cynic in me thinks they are pissed for the angle leaking so they're pulling some shenanigans with it... basically trying to kill it out of the gate.
  21. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    Probably punishing Regal by putting him up against DX
  22. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    Kind of wish the Philadelphia fans would go back to their roots and start throwing chairs in the ring... Would have been far more entertaining.
  23. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

  24. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    Santino was basically saying that very thing when talking about Austin.
  25. Diamonddust

    OAO 10/29 Raw Thread

    Yeah, my initial thought was "Why would HHH need Chris Jericho to save him?"