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Everything posted by Diamonddust

  1. Diamonddust

    Strangest place you've met a wrestler

    After a Smackdown in Birmingham, Alabama (Actually, the one right after the ECW involvement in the Invasion angle), I went to a Waffle House that I had heard was popular with wrestlers when they were in town (It's right off the interstate). I get in there and don't recognize, but I do see some friends and sit down. I notice they are looking at something on the other end of the restaurant, and it's basically the entire international contingent of the WWE roster at the time - Tajiri, Essa Rios, and the Yung Dragons. We didn't bother them while they were eating, but as they started to leave, we went to pay the check. Jimmy Wang Yang came up and asked, "We were wondering when you guys were going to come over and say something to us" as he had been noticing us noticing them the whole evening. We complimented them on their work that evening and called it at that. The only downside was Tajiri was outside and I was out of film. I would have definitely tried to get a picture with him if I could have.
  2. Diamonddust

    Best sell jobs in wrestling?

    Curt Henning in just about anything. Ric Flair in just about anything.
  3. The thing is... Flair hasn't looked big in years. I mean at least a decade... possibly more. Now back in the 80's and real early 90's... yeah, Flair was ripped.
  4. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Like it's been said before... Taker is a backstage enforcer and someone they use to "correct" things if a problem occurs. In fact, he might still be the judge of what they call "wrestler's court". (JBL was the prosecutor last I heard). Hardcore Holly is another one who has done this before.
  5. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    The media watchdogs would roast them alive for marketing to children.
  6. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Why does the cynic in me believe this is going to be bad news for Jericho?
  7. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Santino's going to get him for that!
  8. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    Damn she is a bitch... Wow... sounds like they want the most incompetent staff imaginable at this point. Not even the biggest hack writer around would agree to those conditions.
  9. Diamonddust

    WWE General Discussion - October 2007

    So basically he's wrestling's Ted Nugent.
  10. Diamonddust


    229 probably refers to the 29th of October, which is the next Raw - takes place in Philadelphia, the same place as Jericho's book signing that day. I think the ads are effective because they have a similar tone to the Y2J countdown teasers that initially introduced Jericho. I remember the ones they did for Tazz as well... pretty much everyone knew it was going to be him at the end, and he got a great reaction when he finally debuted against Angle.
  11. Diamonddust

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Possible? Hell, that welt on her shoulder was getting bigger by the second when she was in the ring.
  12. Diamonddust


    I had one called "The Messiah of Pro-Wrestling"... Modesty was never my strong point.
  13. Diamonddust


    Nope... There was a moment in the video that said X29, which most likely means 10/29... the night after Cyber Sunday when both Jericho and the WWE will be in Philadelphia.
  14. -Vince opening the last Nitro -Eric Bischoff appearing on Raw... -Owen Hart dying at a pay-per-view... -The Benoit tragedy... -Ric Flair appearing in the WWF for the first time...
  15. Diamonddust

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    I wonder how Shawn will react if he doesn't get picked on Sunday, even after coming back earlier than expected.
  16. Diamonddust

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    She has a nasty looking welt on her shoulder as well.
  17. Diamonddust

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    X29... or 10/29... the day after Cyber Sunday.
  18. Diamonddust

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    Bits I caught in the new SaveUs_222 video - "Second Coming" "Upon Us" Thought some clips were from Jericho's entrance video but couldn't be certain.
  19. Diamonddust


    Brothah, you shoot'ed when you were 13? You're my fcukin god I still remember me trying out an efed one single time. The character's name was Sniper. I had this upper midcard feud with some guy whose name I dont remember. I once interfered in his match with a flamethrower and sing'ed his hair and went ahead to powerbomb him on the announcers table. The guy did the exact same thing in the next weeks show and proceeded to cut a promo about how what I did was just kiddy stuff and what he did was the real shit even though he did the exact same shit as I did. That kinda was weird and I just pm'ed the admin saying why he allowed that to be written down. He assuaged my sore ego and said along the lines of wanting me to be a long time player and that he had a major push planned for me. Well that kept the grumblings from my side in check. But a cpl of days later their site got hacked into oblivion and ever since then I really didnt bother with efeds. Typing out and submitting something really good only to have some idiot with editing power rewrite it as he sees fit just didnt bode well with me, in retrospect. So i dropped efedding, just like that(errr thats how efeds still work right?) . Damn that was 9 years ago. This I can remember, but I cant remember to do my laundry Hell, I ran a league... with my ego at the time plus the egos of several people who were considered prominent in the e-wrestling community... I look back on those days and just laugh my ass off.
  20. Diamonddust

    The OAO Discussion For Raw (10/22)

    I was thinking the same thing... the old school fan in me really wanted to see Steamboat at least do something to Umaga... karate chop him, arm drag him, breathe fire at him... something.
  21. Diamonddust


    Good lord... know you're bringing me back I haven't "e-wrestled" in ages.
  22. So you want a Von Erich to job in the main event of a memorial show for his brother? That would have killed the territory instantly. Those fans would have definitely burned Texas Stadium to the ground.
  23. Not a title belt, but a title in another sense... Shawn Michaels getting knocked out early in the 1995 King of the Ring when it seemed as if the tournament was set-up specifically for him. To top it off, the Undertaker is pinned by freaking Mabel, who goes on to win the event.
  24. Diamonddust

    WWE 24/7 October Discussion

    They probably left "Highway to Hell" in since they had a previous deal with AC/DC for Summerslam 98.
  25. Diamonddust

    The Old School questions thread

    Bischoff took over directly after Watts left. If I recall correctly, the WWE rarely mentioned WCW by name on their shows. I remember the first "ECW Invasion" show where Heyman was doing commentary with Lawler and McMahon. Lawler called the BWO a blatant rip-off, and Heyman challenged him to say "What are we ripping off"? McMahon said something along the lines of "Don't confuse the BWO with the clothing line NWO."