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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    Still, I'm impressed. Like Ron's ever gotten any from her. But thank God it wasn't Frick or Frack that said it.
  2. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    Joyce WANTS to do the head shaving? Sweet!
  3. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    Fast Forward AND Head Shaving? Truly, a non-elim leg if I ever saw one...
  4. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Anwar - Pretty good, but I thought that the chorus overpowered him at times Bo - Quite good. Guess he wants it.
  5. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Quick hit thoughts: Constantine - morphed into a Bee Gee. He's impressing me more now that I don't think of him as a rocker Carrie - See above Scott - Same shit, different song and genre Sergei - ditto Family Guy promo - Wow, Seth McFarlane has hit Jay Leno levels with his topical stuff. Makes me care about the show that much less. Vonzell - She chose this because Whitney sang it, I don't care what excuse she comes up with. Whatever, she nailed it.
  6. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    Bump. Any thoughts as to who's getting Philiminated/robbed?
  7. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Donna Summer made a disco version of Macarthur Park? I had no idea. And bad, bad choice for Carrie. She tried, but it didn't work...
  8. starvenger

    Where's Bob Barron's SNL report?

    Probably because that's what everyone expects... It's been over twenty years since Grimley's been around. Do you really think the younger viewers, even know who that is? Point. So how about this then - viewers have a faint idea of who Jiminy Glick is, so SNL used him instead of Grimley, since they were afraid that viewers might look and go "who the fuck is that?" Still haven't found anything. Sorry.
  9. starvenger


    Yet, the thing I'm most impressed with is the fact that they got a court order done in about 10 minutes - at 12:30amPST.
  10. starvenger

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    He said he's used it "once". It's not the same as admitting to using it often, even if we think otherwise. You're right in saying that Lisa would probably know though. Overall, I don't disagree with you about Dumas. Wrestlers tend to come back looking more fit than when they left. And you've got non-obvious guys in MLB like Alex Sanchez caught with stuff in their system, so I wouldn't be shocked that she uses/has used 'roids. Still, there is no hard proof that she's actually used the stuff, and Lisa Copeland has come out and said that Dumas has. That's the stuff that libel suits are born out of.
  11. starvenger

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    That's what I think as well, but since this hasn't been shown to be fact, I think it might be open to a lawsuit, is what I'm saying. It wouldn't hurt for Adam and Amy to explore their options there.
  12. starvenger


    Jack quits just so he can shock stick a US Marshall and torture a guy and all you care about is an ad for a lame cartoon? Anyways, I guess that next week we'll find out just what the fuck is up between Novick and Palmer, because they didn't exactly split on the best of terms, what with Novick staging a coup and crippling Ro Laren in season 2 and all.
  13. starvenger

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    I sympathize with Lisa, but the steroids comments seem like a libel suit in the making...
  14. starvenger

    Where's Bob Barron's SNL report?

    Probably because that's what everyone expects...
  15. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

  16. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    As an executive, that is.
  17. starvenger

    KFC Snacker

    So true. Once you have Popeye's it's hard to go back to KFC.
  18. starvenger

    Gobbledygooker to be the Nats mascot.

    I hope Youpi! comes out of the crowd and swats the new mascot with a chair...
  19. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Oh, and one other thing I forgot to add - Isiah Thomas is a good leader/manager/whatever? OK, he did a decent job coaching the Pacers, but the Raptors? Knicks? The CBA?
  20. starvenger


    Because Lucas says that they don't. He had this planned all along you know.
  21. starvenger

    Survivor : Palau

    btw, my favourite lines (paraphrasing here): Ian: I'd take my clothes off for some chocolate and peanut butter Jeff: I don't think ANYONE wants to see that Nice reference to Survivor: Amazon there, although I'd have to agree with Jeff. Now, had Steph and Jen took their clothes off, I'd be all for it...
  22. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    In the end, Chris gets the boot for losing a lot. But what was with the crying? There's no crying in the boardroom...
  23. starvenger

    Survivor : Palau

    At least he had the good grace to take it like a man. I think Steph has a good chance at Final Four
  24. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Interesting way to look at things, but I do think that he was cutting a promo (so to speak) on people that say "I can sing better on stage" but have never done it. And I would agree with Jericholic in that there's nothing wrong with him being arrogant if he wants to. It's just that it's not going to help him win those casual voters that are important for surviving to the next week. You kinda get the feeling that he and Kevin Federline would be real good buddies...
  25. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Bo wasn't even surprised, really. I mean, this thing started as a lark for him, and he seems to have been coasting simply because he hasn't expected to get this far in a pop singing competition. Scott is very lucky he's got a fanbase, because his acting all arrogant probably alienated all the casual voters (see Gordon, Mikel-ugh). Still, it wasn't enough to keep him out of the bottom three, and if we assume that Bo might, you know, try next week, Scott will be back down there.