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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger


    I hope he's good at emoting. After all, he was previously known for being on a show where the premise was that his parents had died and he has to take care of his siblings. Plenty of chances to emote. And stare at Jennifer Love Hewitt's breasts, but I digress... I'd agree. Maybe because they were trying to capture joy and pain (sunshine and rain) at in parallel. And then they threw in Jack's wedding. But yeah, Boone's death didn't affect me like it should. Terry O'Quinn, Jorge Garcia and DDK got screwed over.
  2. starvenger


    I do have to admit though, that was a good closing segment.
  3. starvenger


    OK, it's a life-death circle of life thing, and I understand that, but is it bad that I really don't care that Boone's dead?
  4. starvenger


    Hey, Jack's stealing Locke's catchphrases!!
  5. starvenger


    Well, I guess Jin DOES understand some English...
  6. starvenger

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    Yeah, I dunno how you'd explain that these are meant to be a "modern-day" take on the old serials.
  7. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    Uchenna actually said later that "it's in my blood", but in a joking kind of way. Not that it makes what Lynn said any better. He's pretty ignorant for a guy that has probably seen his share of persecution.
  8. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    I was actually shocked that Bo didn't cheat a bit and do something from Tommy or We Will Rock You. And in hindsight, I will also blame the arrangements, because they really weren't very good either.
  9. starvenger

    How to ruin Die Hard 4....

    I'll be honest with you - it doesn't bother me. Timberlake wasn't bad hosting SNL, and he might not be too bad on the big screen.
  10. starvenger

    Impact Spoilers

    Who'd Team Canada piss off to job (again) to the No Talent Kru?
  11. starvenger

    Shelton Benjamin

    That was part of his entrance when he was just up from OVW on Heat/Velocity
  12. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    "They were born to do that." Once again, fuck Lynn and Alex. No way that they deserve to finish ahead of the Dudes. Meredith and Gretchen keep lucking out with their near-last finishes. Why won't they just go away?
  13. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    OK, I'm obviously missing something here, because Scott was brutal - or at least I thought so...
  14. starvenger

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    They'd probably quit halfway through Episode II (when Anakin talks about Padme's hair and the sand), and they'd wonder what the big deal was about. Personally, I'd take the stance that they're just not meant to be seen I-VI.
  15. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 7

    Bump. Interesting footage from The Amazing Race Insider which, frankly, makes Lynn even more unlikable than before. There's also a "behind the scenes" look at what Phil and crew go through to get everything set up for the challenges and Pit Stops.
  16. starvenger

    Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

    Yeah, that's me, except replace the Clone Wars DVD with a bootleg of the Holiday Special...
  17. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    I was basing it off of the pic that Rudo had for a while - Nate looked pretty small in stature, and comparable to Diego. But you know better than me - after all, I'm just guessing about sizes.
  18. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    It's only obvious if you put Diego next to Koschek, Leben or Sanford. I think those three might have been the only natural middleweights. I think they've mentioned that Florian fights mostly in the lightweight division. The rest (Quarry, Rafferty and Karalexis) would seem to be in a welterweight zone.
  19. starvenger


    I've made mention of this before, where Bantam was really just throwing Star Wars novels out there for the sake of having Star Wars novels. "The Crystal Star" is a prime example of that, where McIntyre seemingly shoehorned the EU into an existing story. Del Rey has better focus, but I don't think that they'll be trying for an 18-part series again. That was just insane, and I'll say that Star by Star was probably the best book of the lot. Kudos, however, for tying things into the prequels.
  20. starvenger

    Countdown to Infinite Crisis, six page preview

    Unless the characters are similar to "Tangent" or "Just Imagine". I really don't have much worries about Hypertime, actually. Grant Morrison fucking things up just because he can, that's another story.
  21. starvenger

    Star Wars Trilogy DVD Set

    I haven't seen them recently, but bootleg DVD transfers do exist of the OT. I generally see them at larger comicons.
  22. starvenger


    Do what noone else has done - kill Jack Bauer. For more than an hour, that is.
  23. starvenger


    Yeah, Kid Keeler did seem pretty random. It almost makes me think that he'll survive...
  24. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    They should've went for a Leben/Swick rematch on Saturday...
  25. starvenger


    That's mostly because CBS is airing an important basketball game upon which a great many office pools (done for recreational purposes, of course) will be won or lost...