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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    2/28/05 Raw SPOILER

    You're talking like UT doesn't do jobs anymore. Oh, wait...
  2. starvenger

    Cool finishers

    I think that if the setup move was something other than the fricking Polish Hammer (say, something that WEAKENED THE NECK), the full nelson might be seen as a more effective finisher...
  3. starvenger

    Cool finishers

    I think so as well, but of course in pro wrestling, the idea is not to pull your opponent's arm out of their socket. In MMA, probably not as much reluctance to do so...
  4. starvenger

    Gmail Invites

    I've got 50 invites as well, and sharing the wealth. PM me if you'd like one...
  5. starvenger

    Cool finishers

    Didn't Kobe Tai Gail Kim use a variation of that for a while, when she was the "female submission specialist"? Coolest (and probably most painful-looking) finisher in the WWE right now is still the Widow's Peak. Too bad the Vertebreaker is banned. I don't think there's a guy on the roster who could do a credible leg sweep as required by Total Elimination. I'm sure that tag teams could (credibly) revive the Hart Attack and Powerplex though.
  6. starvenger

    The "What Are You Reading Right Now" Thread

    Tell me how it turns out. I only made it halfway through book 2. Boring as hell.
  7. starvenger

    The "What Are You Reading Right Now" Thread

    If I may make a suggestion, this book reads better if you listen to music like "Green Onion" by Booker T and the MGs or even the Reservoir Dogs soundtrack... Anyways, currently reading "Medstar II: Jedi Healer" by Steve Perry and Michael Reaves. Far better than "Medstar I: Battle Surgeons", but still not great. Read it only if you're a Star Wars EU mark, or if you like reading books just to find a singular nod to H2G2 (I'm kinda doubting anyone's that obsessed). Anyways, "Survivor's Quest" by Timothy Zahn is a better novel. It's a Luke and Mara story, with a tie-in to the prequel-era EU.
  8. You know what my only real gripe about the movie is? It should debut on a Thursday...
  9. starvenger

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    I think Morrison needs to be included in there as well. If New X-Men wasn't a clear-cut example of that, I really don't know what is. I have heard that he pushed for the return of the individual costumes, but to be fair that may have been more of a concensus decision. And getting rid of/retconning some of Morrison's dumber ideas is not necessarily a bad thing. Well, except when the retcon is actually worse than what initially transpired (coughMagnetocough).
  10. starvenger

    WWE signs another wrestler

    I'm kinda thinking that the contracts of three of these wrestlers combined = Test's contract or something to that effect. Anyways, it is nice to see WWE signing people who, you know, WRESTLE.
  11. starvenger

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    Or was told, "Yeahhhhhhhh... I'm gonna have to say no to that one". Hey, it's possible. I mean, it's only Joss Whedon. It's not like he's Brian Bendis or something. Then again, Bendis would've probably killed off all the X-Men in some pointless exercise, we'd find out Magik did it because she really didn't die from the Legacy Virus (it was all a hoax), and brought back the X-Men with Namor and Jessica Jones as two of the primary characters...
  12. starvenger


    I think Toy Story 2 was originally intended to be an OAV. And of the ones that Disney actually did in-house, Mulan II is actually supposed to be decent.
  13. starvenger

    Wizard Magazine

    Not really, as Sage wouldn't dare fight Tony hand-to-hand; she would hang back and serve as de-facto team leader, co-ordinating the attacks and keeping Iron Man off-guard so Storm and Iceman can do their one-two ice-zap number on Iron Man. If anything, Tessa is the lynchpen of any X-Men beating Iron Man scenerio; she's the only one who would have the brains to come up with a plan and actually have everyone carry it out rather than running towards Iron Man and fighting without any sort of strategy. That I won't argue - Sage is essentially the Oracle of the X-Men - but if we're talking a true one on one, well, she might be able to locate weak points on IM, but it probably won't help her. Like I said, Havok is about the same as Cyclops. His plasma beams are more powerful than Cyclops' optic beams, but Cyke has more control over his blasts. Overall, it'd still take a fluke shot for Havok to gain an advantage.
  14. starvenger

    Wizard Magazine

    Probably The Breeders' only mainstream song, but that's not relevant right now...
  15. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    I think Tara's screwed. Pity. Poor Tara. Maybe she needs a little Yellow Fever to calm her down...
  16. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Bren, Raj. Raj, Bren. I'm sure you two will get along just fine. btw, kudos to the cameraman for getting Bren in the "Wormser" shot...
  17. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    I think Tara's screwed. Pity.
  18. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Focus group = "Hey, you want some free PS2 games for 1 hour of your time?"
  19. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Apprentice HoF direct entry, along with Raj as far as I'm concerned. Craig, if they let him talk more, is headed that direction as well...
  20. starvenger

    Survivor : Palau

    There really isn't much in the "true" hottie dept this time around, Rudo. But you've got some variety: - Angie, the tattooed / pierced chick - Stephanie, the skinny chick - Janu, the really skinny chick who btw is a Vegas Showgirl AND rock climber - Katie, the slightly bigger chick with large hooters - Kim, um, I'll get back to you
  21. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    ...and Tara is definitely doable. Erin - Barbie Doll slash Hooters waitress. And Alex's problem is...?
  22. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Audrey's got a great mouth. Pottymouth, to be sure, but still, the best mouth since "Ashliegh" from Joe Schmoe. Craig is a fucking riot...
  23. starvenger

    Survivor : Palau

    So, apparently Angie, "the weak one" is actually a challenge machine when it comes to the individual stuff. And Stephanie's not too bad. Kinda like a skinnier version of Nicole from Survivor: Rupert...
  24. starvenger

    Batman vol 3 out May 24

    Credit to TV Shows on DVD The TV Shows on DVD guys again Batman - awesome!! Superfriends - cheesey awesome!!
  25. starvenger

    Survivor : Palau

    Man, Bobby Jon juiced hardway...