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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    They're setting this up really well, making us think that either guy can lose. But overall, Koschek comes out looking better.
  2. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    They need to show some of the early stuff where Patrick Smith basically kneed a guy's eye out...
  3. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    I cannot believe that the TUF editors didn't try and sneak some patriotic march in under Couture's speech...
  4. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    OK, from Jack fucking Bauer to the official Batista face turn to Fratboy-Afroman. Good night for action...
  5. starvenger

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    The thumbs down!! Oh, the irony.
  6. starvenger

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Really, it's just another thing to blame on Jennifer Lopez...
  7. starvenger

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Nice touch, Bischoff clapping to the beat of DAVE's theme music...
  8. starvenger


    btw, in case you haven't seen it... here's a fansite with their 24 greatest 24 moments. Fun stuff...
  9. starvenger

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Polish Hammer... Full Nelson... Luger poses... Well, he got the "Throwback" part right...
  10. starvenger

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    Hey, it's the Masterpiece Reflection of Narcissism. Woohoo?
  11. starvenger


    But there is some irony in that Curtis looks to get tortured...
  12. starvenger


    OK, I'm impressed by Sarah. She really should still be an Aldo Montoya wannabe, but she's up and helping out.
  13. Not really, but then at the time I couldn't figure out how the mirror becamse see through...
  14. starvenger

    Predictable TV

    - As pointed out by useless moron useless moron Scott Keith, Deanna Troi gets overwhelmed by emotion. - Ric Flair turns on Sting - The bad guy would've gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky/nosy/damn kids... - "Polkaroo was here? And I missed him again?"
  15. starvenger


    It's a stretch, and I still don't think he buys it, but I suppose you could say that Locke made a "deal with the devil" to truly be alive (that is, walk) again - the devil being the island, and this is also why Locke seems to have a connection with the island. But this deal comes with a price, and at some point the island will come to take payment - Locke's life. Hey, I said it was a stretch...
  16. starvenger

    Top Five biggest disgraces in sports history

    I'm thinking that Ben Johnson might be bigger than the NHL, but that's because of the high profile of the Olympics, and the fact that there are still some ramifications from it today.
  17. starvenger

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    btw, my apologies on the "all caps" title. If some kind Moderator (or Sass) is able to change that, it'd be much appreciated...
  18. starvenger

    There are no stupid questions...

    Yet, it's still better booking than some of the WWE storylines...
  19. starvenger

    Titans Cut-mania

    Hasn't Nedney played a grand total of 2 games over the past two seasons? I'm sure that they could survive with Gary Anderson (Andersen?) and Craig Hentrich on long kicks...
  20. starvenger

    Dean Malenko Issues

    Dude, seriously. You believe everything you read on the net or something? To paraphrase the late ScoopThis.Net, "If it's on the 'net, it's gotta be true". You forgot to add "The wrestlers, upon hearing this, simply shrugged their shoulders and said 'Join the club'"...
  21. OK, on my plane ride Friday I watched Office Space, which is an easy 9/10. Saturday the fiancee wanted to watch A Shark Tale, and the end result was that we gave up on the movie 30 minutes in, and instead watched Amare Stoudamire dunk a ball after a header from Captain Canada. 3/10, for the animation. And frankly, if it weren't animated, the movie wouldn't be worth watching at all.
  22. starvenger

    "Be Cool"

    Probably ask him what I'm sure everyone else does: "what the fuck is with your picture on the observer website?"
  23. starvenger

    Superman is a dick

    With money shots that cause black eyes, Reggie should be in porn... And this is probably a moot point, but since when did Betty need rescuing?
  24. starvenger

    Superman is a dick

    Speaking of this, take a good look on Robin and Jimmy's faces. Robin doesn't seem worried, and in fact seems to be working hard at DIGGING HIS OWN GRAVE.
  25. starvenger

    What's Shipping

    I think it has to do with DC trying to maintain some semblance of continuity. By throwing it into JLA Classified, they're basically saying that it happened a while ago (if Sue being alive and Guy Gardner not being a GL didn't give that away). Sass might be able to answer this, and if not, email Mathan at IP.