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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    What's Shipping

    Late like GL: Rebirth, but better late than never... GL: Rebirth #4 ASTONISHING X-MEN #8 NEW X-MEN #10 $2.99 RUNAWAYS #1 (OF 12) $2.99 Notes: (1) 'bout fricking time. (2) I've always found it funny that Previews has Hustler and other adult mags for solicitation. Is having Hustler in a comic store similar to having it in the airport newsstands? You know, for people that have to have their porn RIGHT NOW, instead of being patient and downloading it at home? And can I get money to do a study on this?
  2. starvenger


    Probably true, because we don't get to see the really bad ones. But when they were good, they were great, and it really is a tough standard to be compared against. Couldn't they just revive Animaniacs? And why did they feel the need to sentai colour the characters?
  3. starvenger


    Stupid sweeps programming. On the bright side, I can be TV free for 6 weeks on Wednesday...
  4. starvenger

    Your favourite TV theme

    Sure it does. Ranking the three CSI's, I actually like the themes in the inverse order that I like the show: - "Won't Get Fooled Again" (CSI: Miami) - "Baba O'Riley" (CSI: NY) - "Who Are You" (CSI) My absolute favourite TV Theme: - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Honourable mentions: - Grandizer - Starvengers - The Flash - Batman: TAS - "For the Love of Money" (The Apprentice) - Survivor
  5. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    theories on who wins the Leben-Koschek match...
  6. Here, but it's not a cartoon, guy.
  7. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    I'm sorry, but that was as predictable as Kristen getting murdered fired...
  8. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Holy shit! Craig speaks!! AND still has the afro to boot.
  9. starvenger


    All I can say is, it's AOL Time-Warner. The same people that owned WCW, and was gonna go with kung fu Superman until Brian Singer (thankfully) scrapped that. This is the conglomerate that we're hoping doesn't find a way to fuck up Batman Begins. These are the guys that paired Elmira Fudd with Pinky and the Brain. In short, don't put anything past them.
  10. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Whaaaaa? Carolyn isn't around? I don't know how to deal with this...
  11. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Just remember to set your VCR/DVR to make sure.
  12. starvenger


    Well, what did you expect? Space Jam starred Michael Jordan, Back in Action starred Brendan Fraser. They never had a chance. And that's even discounting the fact that Fraser went to Upper Canada College, and by default, sucks.
  13. starvenger


    Did they not watch Tiny Toons?
  14. That was actually one of the "highlights" of the "Turbo" season, which had Justin, the Wesley Crusher of Power Rangers (genius kid who gets to save the day) That's what TV Tome tells me.
  15. Dark Rider....or something similar was another fox live action show in the same genre. All I remember is the Main character was American but his stunt double was japanese and he had a Fuzzy alien friend who said "Moggly Moggly" As far as the live-action Japanese imports go, so far as I know there's been: - Ultraman (which was probably about as faithful as it's gonna get) - Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad (based on a show called Gridman, which apparently is not an Ultraman season, but it's from the same company) - Power Rangers (check out the blonde on the new season/series, S.P.D.) - VR Troopers (which spliced footage from two similar shows into one season) - Beetleborgs (in which Saban had preteens as Kung-Fu Fighting superheroes. Best thing about these guys was that the Power Rangers beat the shit out of them. Kinda) - Masked Rider (which is apparently as popular as Ultraman in Japan. Odd note: on TV Tome it lists Verne Troyer as Ferbus, who I guess was the fuzzy alien thing) - Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills (Never saw it, due to living in Canada. But I assume that it was a parody of sorts?) Haim Saban (who according to TV Tome has a shitload of music credits from 80's cartoons, including obscure/semi-obscure/we forgot to mention them shows Kidd Video, Get-Along Gang and Rainbow Brite) also produced a couple non-Japanese shows, Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog and Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation (I think that's the one with the female turtle).
  16. starvenger

    NHL to Cancel Season

    Also, players earn their salaries for the regular season only. I'm sure that in practice there are bonuses associated with making/playing in the playoffs, but in theory they're playing only for the Cup.
  17. Yeah, TNBC was the beginning of the end for Saturday morning cartoons. Not that TNBC was bad - it just wasn't cartoons.
  18. Besides, the characters were digitized (or something) into vehicles (except Joey's little brother). So if you can discern nipples on a tank, well, all power to ya.
  19. starvenger

    New Dream Job scenario

    If that happened, Bill Simmons would a) actually watch, and b) think he'd died and gone to unintentional comedy heaven...
  20. Newton needed to go to Hades. Go to Hades.
  21. starvenger


    We'll start once we start calling Hurley "Hugo"...
  22. Kinda goes without saying for any imported Sentai/live action series, although Power Rangers have gotten better at mixing the "American" action scenes with the Japanese ones. Ultraman Tiga (? I think that's the name) is an exception, as they only dubbed it.
  23. starvenger


    Well, seeing as he shot the US Marshall (albeit with only a bit more accuracy than a Stormtrooper) I'd say yeah, he's not exactly reluctant to pull the trigger. What's interesting about the Charlie ep is that I'd forgotten that Sawyer still had the Marshall's gun. Anyways, I have to agree that this was forgettable (relatively speaking), but then I don't particularly care for Sawyer's face turn in general.
  24. starvenger


    I wouldn't exactly call Sawyer "beloved". And I still think it's Hurley. I mean, Sawyer dies, and you lose the wiseass de facto quartermaster. I also gotta believe that they've filmed multiple deaths at this point. Abrams and co wouldn't be so stupid to film just the one ending.
  25. Yeah, it was a bit of Sentai overload. The Ultraman-alike was Superhuman Samurai Syber (or maybe it was Cyber) Squad. And it's scary I remember this, but it starred future Boy Meets World supporting cast member Matthew Lawrence AND the nerdy kid from Parker Lewis. That was part of the fun of the 80's. If the cartoon was not an anime import (and sometimes even if it was), it was only there to sell toys (or get kids to play more Frogger and/or Q*Bert), and screw the production values. Of course nowadays most of the shows are just anime imports, and they're slicker (ongoing) 22 minute commercials than anything we got in the 80's.