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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    "Be Cool"

    Personally, I think that there's no difference between an 'R' and 'unrated' version of a PG13 movie, simply because when they made the decision to cut it down to PG13, the 'R' version no longer exists for the ratings board to rate. Probably just semantics on my part. I agree, but that was their decision, so I guess we'll never know.
  2. starvenger


    Hmph, never noticed that. But it's likely not a coincidence - Abrams and the writing crew have been throwing easter eggs in there rather consistently.
  3. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    I thought the exact same thing. It's one thing if you bring in some big-time, A-list celebrity to do your commercial and he/she acts like a primadonna. But for some no-name to get pissy like that seemed a bit out of line. On the other hand, noone ever accused wannabes of being smart. I'm sure a lot of these actors develop the attitude first, and the resume second.
  4. starvenger

    Paramount releasing Classic Nickelodeon on DVD!

    Ezri Dax from DS9
  5. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    I'm not gay for MMA either, but it works on the same basic level as Tough Enough - it's a good primer as to what these guys go through. I'm actually interested to see how this will compare to The Contender. Yep. The guy is about as natural a heel as they come. If he didn't make it to the final four, then UFC would be stupid not to sign him up for a few fights.
  6. starvenger


    What he said. You're not gonna get Emmy-level acting here, but it's good enough, and it doesn't take away from the drama of the series. I think that the Guerwitcz storyline on the whole was pretty good, even if parts were a tad unrealistic. And it's funny how all the stadiums looked like Skydome Rogers Centre, eh? I mean, they couldn't have gone to York University or Varsity Stadium for some outdoor games?
  7. starvenger

    Mission Impossible 1 & 2 Question

    I think you need the motorcycle scene from 2, because that was probably the most "John Woo"-ish scene from the movie.
  8. starvenger

    SNL Review

    People say she has a weight problem??? WTF?? I think she's attractive- never noticed any weight problem. The problem with the image-obsessed society today is that someone like Clarkson is considered "fat" when in fact she looks perfectly normal. I'm with the both of you in thinking there's nothing wrong with Kelly. I need to download this show off BitTorrent, as I missed most of it, but I did like Amy's Jason/Justine line in the monologue, because I'd do the exact same thing. It makes absolutely no sense that you'd mix them up, but it was a nice touch.
  9. starvenger


    Mike Ausiello's great at getting scoops on the shows he likes, and this is pretty yooge. But I'm sure some Disney exec is going "What is Abrams doing, giving the fans what they want? How DARE he?"
  10. starvenger

    Playstation2 woes...

    Curiously, where did you trade it in, and how much did you get for it towards the new model? I brought it over to EB Games and they gave me $90 for it towards the new one. Nice. I'm surprised that EBGames gave out that much credit...
  11. starvenger

    "Be Cool"

    I can tell you why I think they won't - it's because releasing a PG version in the theatres and releasing PG AND R-rated versions on DVD will probably make more $$$ and probably cuts out on money going to actors with revenue-sharing deals...
  12. starvenger

    About Comics...

    I think you need to remember that the comics industry practically owns the patent on retcons. And while continuity is important to a comics "universe" (unless it's a Bendis book), rules can and have been bent to allow for stories to be told. As for characters staying dead, it depends. If you're a popular character that was killed off, you can pretty much count on them being back. If you're a publicly traded company, you're gonna try and do these things to increase sales and satisfy shareholders. Sometimes, series get "reset" because the old one just didn't get the sales, or continuity gets too convoluted, so you might as well start over from scratch. The Legion of Super-Heroes seems to have benefitted from this, as they are now freed of "mainstream" DC continuity. Also, #1 issues tend to sell better than any other issue of a book. The problem, as always, is sales. Companies bring out new series all the time, but the almighty dollar is the main factor in determining whether a comic lasts beyond it's initial 12-issue run. Whereas if you write a book with Wolverine in it, you'll get better sales than "Team 888" (or whatever) simply because of the name recognition.
  13. starvenger

    EA's next move: NCAA

    That's pretty much the long and short of it. As more people get online, they'll be able to update their rosters for whichever game they bought, so if you only make it look prettier, it may not be enough to get all the sheep to buy it.
  14. starvenger


    Yeah, he could've. But he'd have to be Jack Bauer - Bauer would've shot a knee out first, and then said "Do not move again or I WILL kill you". Unless you meant staying in character. In which case I agree - the answer is no.
  15. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    There's a short list, and it begins and ends with John. Expect the Token Black Guy to go fairly far though, since he's barely gotten any airtime yet. And I expect Bren to last about as long as Raj did. And is the right-leaning, bowtie wearing guy becoming a trend?
  16. starvenger

    "Be Cool"

    The funny thing is that the recent version (with Owen Wilson) was quite faithful to the book, save for the location (Hawaii instead of along Lake St. Clair). It's just that as a movie, it lacks spark.
  17. starvenger

    NHL Talks Break Off

    It'd be great if Linden and Daly came up with an agreement, got both sides to approve, and then forced them to sign it.
  18. starvenger

    Fox to "Cut Down" Arrested Development

    Actually, that slot is so you can showcase a program, new or existing. NBC rode a hot hand and put Friends there. CBS has (twice, I think) debuted a new Survivor season after the Super Bowl, and rode that wave to own Thursday nights. Anyways, if AD does get cancelled I'd find it funny if another network picked it up and turned it into a mega-hit.
  19. starvenger

    Wondercon 2005

    Thanks. It's in July. I make offhand comments about it here and there, since it's not exactly the focal point of the forums here. Just to let you know, both Aria Giovanni has some nice breasts. I suggest hugging her. And it looks like the Asian nude models are representing as well...
  20. starvenger

    NHL Talks Break Off

    Nice free verse poem though. Funny how talks seemed to be progressing, then the Midget and Bob (since they need to be around for any agreement to be ratified) step in and the shit hits the fan.
  21. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Murder in Small Town X.
  22. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Well, Kristen joins Allison from Big Brother as the only people to go 0-for-2 in different reality game shows...
  23. starvenger

    Title for Bond 21 announced

    Connery accepted Knighthood though, so I guess he doesn't hate it THAT much...
  24. starvenger


    It's on at the same time as Battlestar Galactica as well, so I tape the Galactica repeat...
  25. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    Yep, the Two-Time, Emmy-Award Winning The Amazing Race returns Nov 16. For the reality show haters that want to bash the show, give this one a try - tape Scrubs and just watch the season premiere. You may find yourself enjoying the Race in spite of yourselves. Anyways, my thoughts on the teams based on their bios: Adam & Rebecca (Formerly Dating) - What's up with the devil horns? This team will probably clash with the wrestlers, and given that Rebecca's biggest fear is "that Adam and I will kill each other and will not be able to finish the Race because we will be dead," I can't see them in the final 3. But they'll go far. Avi & Joe (High School Buddies) - They seem like a cross between KennyG and ChaChaCha, and they'll probably last a while if they get past the first leg. Avi's childhood idol is Tom Wopat. I'm not sure what to make of that. Don & Mary Jean (Token Old Couple) - They apparently travel a lot and (naturally) want to prove that grandparents can hang with the kids in a Race. Mary Jean lined Dr. Phil's pockets by using his diet, so she loses some respect points from me. They'll probably go around leg 4. Freddy & Kendra (Engaged Models [i.e. unemployed]) - Well, they admit they're in it for the money, so at least they're honest. I don't see "Damn, she's hot" as being a strength though, but I'll assume that she's better looking than in her bio picture. They give off a Colin & Christie vibe (without the XTREME INTENSITY) so I think they'll be final 3. Gus & Hera (Token Parent/Child Team) - This is a team that I want to like, but parent/child teams have never lasted long in the Race, so I don't think there'll be much time invested in these two. Leg 1 or 2 casualty. Hayden & Aaron (Dating "Actors") - Resume padding for these two. They've only been dating for 8 months (presumably as of last August), which is probably not enough of a bond to help them through the Race. Early casualty. Jonathan & Victoria (Married Couple With A Rocky Relationship) - I think I have some of Victoria's Playboy pix somewhere. I could probably put some in my photobucket account for you guys to see. Anyways, argumental couples seem to do well in the Race for some reason, so I'd expect them to at least make the first non-elimination leg here. Kris & Jon (Long Distance Dating) - Another of those unwritten rules is that the Long Distance Couple never wins, probably because they use the Race as a test to see if they should be together full time. It's not a question of if they'll go, it's when. Lena & Kristy (Sisters) - They're half-Danish, and pretty cute. And I think LaParkaMania will probably get more hugging action from these two in one ep than the twins did all of last season. However, neither seems to be well-suited for the Race, so they may go early. Also of note - they're apparently Mormon, although being a single parent or teaching striptease aerobics doesn't seem very Mormon to me. It does bring to mind the video for "Call On Me" though. Lori & Bolo (Pro Wrestlers) - There haven't really been any true muscleheads on the Race before, so this'll be interesting to see. As mentioned above, there'll probably be a bit of conflict between these two and Adam and Rebecca. They should be physically ready for the Race, but tasks that require some diligence my do them in. Meredith & Maria (Best Friends) - My pick for first team eliminated. I don't know why, but they strike me as similar to Team Legally Blonde from last year. But at least they seem normal. Predictions: 11 - Meredith & Maria 10 - Gus & Hera 9 - Hayden & Aaron 8 - Don & Mary Jean 7 - Lena & Kristy 6 - Kris & Jon 5 - Avi & Joe 4 - Adam & Rebecca 3 - Lori & Bolo 2 - Jonathan & Victoria 1 - Freddy & Kendra Now watch the girls prove me wrong and win the whole damn thing.