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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    Ultimo Dragon...

    I'm not sure that there's any way the WWE can get him over AND keep him in the spotlight. They can't even figure that out with Tajiri...
  2. starvenger

    Psicosis to get a tryout match this Sunday

    a. is probably not a problem, since he wore one in TNA b. shouldn't be, but I suppose it'd make it easier to distinguish between Nico/Psicosis and AAA Psicosis. Was anyone else disappointed when they found out that the big hair was just a wig sewn onto the mask?
  3. You know what's funny? Ep III isn't even the Sci-Fi movie I'm anticipating the most in May. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much looking forward to it, but H2G2 looks like I will enjoy it a lot more.
  4. starvenger

    The Spiderclone Saga

    Here's a more direct link.
  5. starvenger

    Arizona Cardinals to unveil new uniforms

    You do know that the baseball team named themselves after the football team, right? [edit] Wait, I checked their history. I was wrong - got the Browns and Cardinals all mixed together. Shut up, Starvenger.[/edit] Anyways, change the logo all you want. It means nothing if your team still sucks.
  6. starvenger

    The Spiderclone Saga

    Google for "The Life of Reilly". It's a must read for anyone wanting to understand the Clone Saga, in print and behind the scenes. Personally, I think it was an ok idea for a 4 issue arc. Obviously, it went a bit longer than I thought it should.
  7. starvenger

    Where can I download TV shows?

    This thread might help
  8. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    Guess they could talk to JtheD and Victoria about that, although IIRC the 4th and 5th place teams still run the final legs as decoy teams...
  9. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    Whaaaat? We were ahead of you? CTV must be slipping...
  10. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    Wet Model Chicks!! Greatest Pitstop Ever!!
  11. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    YEAH, wet Kris!!!
  12. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    This IS Adam we're talking about. ...Aaaaaaaaand bunchage. Fuck.
  13. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    I think the suspense with Juggy up there would be heightened if they stopped reusing the footage of Hayden almost falling. Or is she actually that bad?
  14. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 6

    Groan... Just remember that the Race is a lot different from what they've been through though. It won't be as bad as you think. BTW, the bottlenecking this season is insane, so why the hell would you give up?
  15. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    It would be much appreciated, thanks.
  16. starvenger

    What's Shipping

    LEGION OF SUPER HEROES #2 $2.95 NEW X-MEN #9 $2.99
  17. starvenger

    Astonishing X-Men

    Marvel's still a public company, so while the EiC has some control over the direction of the company, he can be overruled by the powers that be (I think that The Life of Reilly mentions that as a reason for why the Clone Saga was so fucking long). However, if the Painkiller Jane movie/backdoor pilot leads to something, I wouldn't be surprised to see Quesada go back to freelancing.
  18. starvenger


    Not to mention, they've set her up for us to hate her. That's way too straightforward for 24.
  19. starvenger

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Pop singer, her one minor hit was "I Wanna Be Bad". And apparently acting (or reading cue cards) is not her strong suit. "You will be asked to leave <looooong pause> immediately." Impressive padded bra rack though. Yeah, like Leden, although his Fratboy personna probably didn't hurt his chances of staying.
  20. starvenger

    TNA Announces Future PPV Names

    Sounds like they would be focusing on the X division. False advertising, perhaps? Maybe they're focusing on mutants?
  21. That was an awesome "rejection face" though...
  22. starvenger


  23. starvenger


    Man, Heller's son and Behrooz need to get together to form a group called "fucking retarded kids"...
  24. starvenger

    2004 Razzie Nominations

    You know, given the amount of "talent" that got nominations for Farenheit 9/11, shouldn't the writer/director get some "credit" for such a "masterpiece"? Not that I'm a Bush fan or anything, but it seems somewhat unfair to nominate him without giving Moore some "props".
  25. starvenger

    TNA is depressing

    I have to admit that they annoy me by bringing in the so-very-old "name" wrestlers. Raven is off doing his own thing, and the Nash-Jarrett "press conference" was really kinda sad. However, I did like the fact that the main focus of the show was Daniels/Styles. Too bad they can't give us more of that stuff.