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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. As if that's even up for argument.
  2. starvenger

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    Well, I'm assuming that, since Yoda DID say that Luke would be the last of the Jedi on his deathbed in "Return of the Jedi" that there were only two surviving "full fledged" Jedi between Episode III and IV: Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. I say full fledged because, even if some younglings and starting Padawans survived, they wouldn't have enough skills to be considered full fledged Jedi...unlike Luke, who seemed by the end of "Return" to be as close to a full fledged Jedi as he could be without going through the old trials and wearing that stupid Padawan braid. That's pretty much it. In the EU there are several Force users that Luke and co encounter, but none are Jedi at that point in time.
  3. starvenger

    For the Bills Fans

    Buffalo is similar to Jacksonville and Tampa in that their D is the key to keeping them in games, and it's up to the O to capitalize. Either team could easily be 5-3 like the Jags. A few bounces here and there, and maybe less punts from the opposition side of the field, and maybe Buffalo's record is flipped. Whatever the case, I'll still be rooting against the Bills.
  4. starvenger

    TNA's next PPV: Turning Point

    Well, it could, but we don't need to go there. Having Monty chase for the title is probably the best thing they could do right now. Yeah, that would be nice, wouldn't it? Unfortunately, we're probably more likely to see Petey jobbing to Jeff Hardy.
  5. starvenger

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    That "only two Sith" thing is bullshit. Hell, in the comics and the Clone Wars animated series - which Lucas has licensed, mind you - you have at least THREE sith: Palpatine / Sidious, Dooku / Tyrannus, and Asajji Ventress. In the "Tales of the Jedi" comic series it was established (and maintained as canon) that there would only be two Sith in order to be the sole possessors of the Sith power (which is, of course, part of the dark side). Asajji Ventress is a Dark Side user, and follows some Sith principles, but is NOT a Sith. BTW, Tales of the Jedi is proof that Kevin J Anderson doesn't always = suck. I don't know why his novels aren't as good though - maybe it's the visual aspect that comics provide.
  6. starvenger

    For the Bills Fans

    You go with Magehee. Pro sports is no place for sentiment and will lead to no good (see Clark, Wendel). I find the guy somewhat unlikable, but he's earned the right to stay as the starter.
  7. starvenger

    What's Shipping

    Plastic Man is the 3rd best stretchy person around. 4th if Elastigirl counts. Morrison pissed me off by shoehorning him into the JLA, when Ralph Dibney was RIGHT THERE.
  8. starvenger

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    I'm sure that if Peter Jackson's FX company could make Hobbits look small, ILM can make Vader look tall. I feel your pain. Not that I actually sat through TRL to watch the trailer, but I understand how watching it could be traumatic. Hey, Neil-o-Mac, I'm not up on Cockney Rhyming slang, but are you riffing on Ocean's Eleven?
  9. Hey, Smith, get in line behind all the Canadians who had a thing for Caitlin. Tangential Degrassi question - Spike and Snake never dated/showed interest in each other during the original Degrassi right? Or did I miss that episode?
  10. starvenger

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    I'd have to agree with that. I was in a ladder match with Mysterio, and won because he decided to dive off the ladder at me (in the ring), but missed and ended up knocking himself silly outside the ring. My initial opinion is that HCTP is a better game, but that may change over time. Anyways, anyone know how to lift an opponent up so that I'm facing their back?
  11. starvenger

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 9

    Stupid Bucs. Who knew that they could actually score?
  12. starvenger

    How I would resolve "Avengers Disassembled"

    Only thing I could think of is that Magneto basically came as a man who was there to get his daughter, and in doing so had the Avengers going "Aw, look at the mutant who's wanted globally and has tried to destroy the world time and time again. He's here to pick up his brain dead daughter. Hey you know what? He came back from one of those!! He can fix her!!" Or maybe not exactly that...
  13. starvenger


    There is repetition, but it's good in a way since they have such a large cast to explain things about. Lessee - Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, Boone and Bitch, Michael, Claire and maybe Rose... so you're probably seeing 6-7 more eps before the shit really starts hitting the fan, I think.
  14. starvenger

    D'backs fire Wally Backman

    Similar, but slightly different. Johnson out and out lied. Backman was never asked about the legal problems, but he never disclosed them either. Maybe Backman's supposed to disclose this information (as he was convicted) during the initial hiring process? I don't know if that's required or not. But then again, MLB is very much an "old boys" association, and since Backman was a former player, maybe there was no need to do so.
  15. starvenger

    SNL's next cast member will be...

    Jim was actually dq'ed because he had a couple of projects/pilots that were taking place around the same time as the "house" portion of the show. And yes, his act is great, and I hope to get to see it live sometime.
  16. starvenger

    D'backs fire Wally Backman

    So basically he was fired because the D-backs didn't do a good job of screening him when he was hired to manage the Class A team?
  17. starvenger

    SNL's next cast member will be...

    Quick recap: The first season finalists were mostly unknowns who were new or were openers on the comedy circuit. Vets were guys like Rich Vos and Dave Mordal. And sadly the unfunny Dat Phan was the winner with equally unfunny Ralphie "I'm fat so I can act black and racist" May as the runnerup. The second season finalists were all people who have been on the comedy circuit for a while, and some have had decent mainstream exposure. I don't think any newer comics made it past the semis. John Heffron, the winner of season 2, was actually in the pilot for LCS. Third season was basically head-to-heads, and thankfully the best four comics (Vos, Mordal, Heffron and winner Alonzo Bolden) actually made it to the finals. Anyways the upshot was that Jay Mohr figured that having wannabes bomb onstage was not the best way to go, so he got the other producers to allow seasoned comics to audition alongside the rookies. There were a lot more seasoned comics in season 2, which is why the performances were in general a lot funnier.
  18. starvenger

    Apprentice 2

    Ivana is a bit too banana for me, which is hypocritical on my part seeing as I'm just a bit less of one than she is. Actually, none of the women this season have really attracted me as far as eye candy goes. The show won't be the same without Raj, but he was the breakout star of the first half, and he shouldn't have much trouble converting his exposure to doing better in the business world. Also, it's tragic that at least two of Chris, Ivana and Maria will be around for the final eps (if they do a final two task like last season).
  19. starvenger

    kkk NFL pick 'em contest Thread Week 9

    Oy, back to this... Arizona at Miami (3.5) Dallas (1.5) at Cincinnati Kansas City (5.5) at Tampa Bay N.Y. Jets (5.5) at Buffalo Oakland at Carolina (6.5) Philadelphia (2.5) at Pittsburgh Washington at Detroit (3.5) Chicago at N.Y. Giants (9.5) (This one's probably gonna get me. If I actually make it close, that is) New Orleans at San Diego (6.5) Seattle (7.5) at San Francisco Houston at Denver (6.5) New England (3.5) at St. Louis Cleveland at Baltimore (6.5) Minnesota at Indianapolis (6.5) TB: 20
  20. starvenger

    SNL's next cast member will be...

    That's pretty much why they need to have ringers. People like you and I would never make it past the initial screening. But someone who's done years of standup, or has lots of improv experience, could actually do a good job with this. But let's also be honest here - some of SNL's choices have been spectacularly bad. A lot were from the Ebersol years, although Laura Keitlinger stands out as one of Lorne's misfires, and Maya Rudolph has been good for one thing - Forte's Black History Month joke. Anyways, my guess is that the end result of this will be whoever wins this will be stuck in "feature player" hell with Beth Cahill, Jerry Minor, Dean Edwards, Finesse and Keenan unless they really luck out...
  21. starvenger

    Apprentice 2

    He made two, and the last was the one that got him fired. He knocked out a wall, and he didn't bring Chris in with him. Because of the latter, Trump doesn't let Raj get a word in, and ditches him. Similar to Bradford and Elizabeth, he had his mind made up before the 2nd Boardroom started. Personally, I think that if George is watching this task, things will probably be different, but since it's a notGeorge and sometime toady Carolyn, nobody was willing to contradict the boss.
  22. starvenger

    Apprentice 2

    Bumpage. Anyways, my quick thoughts for this week: Andy pulled out a victory from the certain ashes of defeat, the women were once again useless, and Trump was once again petty and fired the wrong person.
  23. starvenger

    SNL's next cast member will be...

    The one that stands out is probably Elizabeth Hasselback, who went from Survivor to a Style Network show to The View. It's not, really. But they'd have to go the route of Last Comic Standing and get what amounts to "ringers" to find a suitable person, I think.
  24. starvenger


    Sure, was that her name? Wait a sec... Rose and Jack? Didn't even notice the Titanic reference there...
  25. I'd like to see the Mamalukes reunite. I never really liked Stamboli or Vito as singles wrestlers, but they were alright as a tag team. Gunn also lives in Orlando, which would be a big plus for TNA. And if he comes in and makes it 4LK, he'd immediately be the 2nd best wrestler in that group. How sad is that? If James Storm can get over in TNA, Palumbo could probably do it as well.