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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer

    I've made note of that before, but all the same, the move looks swank. Wrestling physics means that if you can buy that being whipped into the ropes will send you running back across the ring, and that the Steiner Recliner is a devastating submission hold, if you believe that a Styles Clash would hurt, then you can buy into the "realness" of the Canadian Destroyer. I understand what you're saying though - in our minds there is absolutely no way the opponent doesn't help out with that move, if only to protect themselves from serious injury. But it doesn't take away from my enjoyment of the move...
  2. starvenger

    Petey Williams' Canadian Destroyer

    Probably because you don't have too many guys in WWE being able to flip over/flip backwards into a piledriver. Have Eddie change his MDK powerbomb into a piledriver and there you go. But since the piledriver is more or less verboten in the WWE, it's a moot point...
  3. starvenger

    Astonishing X-Men #4...DAAAYUMMM!

    Hey, whaddaya know - someone else on this board doesn't like Firefly. Glad I'm not the only one. Whedon's only doing two arcs, so don't worry too much about his run. Unless you're a big fan of Beast, who I'm thinking isn't gonna last the whole 12 issues. No real proof here - it's a gut feeling based on the covers and what McCoy's been up to in the books
  4. starvenger

    Astonishing X-Men #4...DAAAYUMMM!

    Well, it is, but basically it amounts to a cameo. I still wish they hadn't brought him back though.
  5. starvenger

    Colin Salmon as Bond?

    Info courtesy of Lying in the Gutters, of all places (CBR is a comics website). If you're not sure who Colin Salmon is, he was the goateed black guy in the last few movies. He was also the Scotland Yard chief in Keen Eddie and the head of security in AvP. Would've been interesting to see him as Bond, to be sure... And in case you're wondering what the green light means:
  6. starvenger

    Amish in the City?

    It's not a bad series, but it's rather boring. To sum it up, the Amish kids are nice, and the city kids are asses. Frankly, I'm surprised that the series didn't try to straight out corrupt the Amish kids with all night drinking parties et al.
  7. starvenger

    Astonishing X-Men #4...DAAAYUMMM!

    I know you're just kidding, but they've already no-sold AIDS - mutants are immune to it.
  8. starvenger

    Astonishing X-Men #4...DAAAYUMMM!

    That was the Quemas era. The Quckley era seems to allow their "name" creators (Bendis, Whedon et al) to do what they want. If they want to resurrect Jack of Hearts and kill him again for no real reason, then by golly they can. If they want to go back to the uniform era and wipe out the Magneto/Xorn crap, then no prob. This is not to say that Whedon will write a crap story (I can't exactly judge until I see) but the whole thing seems like a bad idea in my book.
  9. starvenger

    Last Comic Standing 3

    If you can find her "Comics!" CBC special, you'd find that she actually CAN be funny, but a 3 minute segment doesn't fit her style, whereas Jay London could rip one out while deciding what kind of animal he was going to be that day. Here's a theory - Bonnie knew this. She knew that her "bitch" act wouldn't go over well, and she was probably gonna be eliminated quickly, so she "sabotaged" her act so that she wouldn't make the house. Except - the 3 veteran "talent scouts" knew she could be funny, and put her in anyways. So, knowing that she was heading to a showdown, she didn't choose someone who she had a chance of beating (ANT, Tammy), but instead chose someone who would get a jumpstart by being showcased (John). Well, it's a working theory, anyways...
  10. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    On the plus side, you'd be able to tell the twins apart...
  11. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    And Phil robs the Twinkies of their money...
  12. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    Nice to see Christie taking charge... for once...
  13. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    I understand how Colin wants to make a stand, but he's in a RACE, and it's not the time to do it. Shut the fuck up and pay the man...
  14. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    He looked like a crazed Bernie Mac...
  15. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    This week, in theory, should be non-elimination...
  16. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    bump, and after watching the Amazing Race Insider, Mirna's even crazier than I originally thought...
  17. starvenger

    JP Losman breaks fibula

    Cool, thanks.
  18. starvenger

    JP Losman breaks fibula

    So where's the part where he broke his leg?
  19. starvenger

    What's Shipping

    ASTONISHING X-MEN #4 $2.99 That's it for me...
  20. starvenger

    I have a question

    The EU offered an explanation in that the residual Dark Side energy on Dagobah (you know, the tree) helped mask Yoda's presence. A better question is how Obi-Wan manages to hide on Tatooine, where no such balancing presence exists. Does he do it by not using the Force and acting like a crazy old man?
  21. starvenger

    New Avengers Lineup Announced

    (Hulk slaps Ant-Man) "This is how it's done in the Young Avengers, BITCH!"
  22. starvenger

    What's Shipping

    Has anyone else decided that Uncanny and Adjectiveless aren't worth the collective $5.50 and dropped the titles?
  23. starvenger

    What DVD Player brand...

    I've had a Panasonic A300 model since late 99 or early 2000, and aside from not having progressive scan and not liking VCDs or bootleg DVDs, it's been really good to me. At the same time though, my VCR's slowly but surely dying on me so I'll probably get a DVD/VCR combo to compensate for what the old DVD player doesn't do... I also have a DVD-Rom on my PC and (of course) the PS2, for which I also got the "disc read error" last November...
  24. starvenger

    The Amazing Race 5 Returns

    How do spell delusional? M - I - R - N - A From TVGuide Online (8/19) (1) Ye gods, woman, you were TRYING TO CUT IN LINE FROM THE EXIT LINE. If anything, security should have been on YOU for sneaking in line. Plus, I'm sure that if Colin DID threaten you with physical violence, he'd be gone from the Race. (2)I hope she knew Arabic better than she knew Spanish and Russian. And that a ticket agent wasn't gonna turn down 16 fares to one destination. (3)Um, SURE it wasn't flirting. That was the kind of hugging that the Twinkies should've been doing. With each other.
  25. starvenger

    Best song opening

    Stone Roses, "Love Spreads" Beastie Boys, "Sabotage" The Cardigans, "My Favourite Game" Guns N Roses, "Paradise City" Lenny Kravitz, "Always On The Run" and "Are You Gonna Go My Way?" LA Style, "James Brown is Dead" Kylie Minogue, "Can't Get Blue Monday Out Of My Head" Stardust, "Music Sounds Better With You" Tragically Hip, "Fifty Mission Cap"