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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    And Heffron as well...
  2. starvenger

    Last Comic Standing 2!

    One joke in and Alonzo already owns Corey's ass...
  3. starvenger

    ESPN NFL 2K5 Thread

    The local Best Buy said they're getting it in on the 30th, which seems rather odd...
  4. starvenger

    X-Force #1 comic online (new series)

    What, you expected something logical from Liefeld?
  5. starvenger

    WWE suing Marvel Comics

    It all comes down to the word "sue", which has negative connotations. Blame the media, I guess. And yes, we're making mountains out of molehills here. But if we didn't, we wouldn't be smart marks, would we?
  6. starvenger

    WWE suing Marvel Comics

    I'd agree, but there's some evidence that Marvel could try to use, even if it's circumstantial: - short - Canadian - those stripey things on uniform (which Benoit no longer uses, and Wolverine just went back to) - facial hair Don't forget about the Gangrel thing either. They can prove that the WWE was paying them before. So it amounts to Marvel wanting to get paid. Rob Liefeld's back on the Marvel payroll. I'm sure that if he drew and coloured the Hulk, you wouldn't be able to tell which one it was...
  7. starvenger

    C.S.I. suffers a big blow

    That reminds me of a line from State and Main (not a bad rental, btw) where they say that they give out co-(executive-)producer credits to actors and writers just to keep them happy...
  8. starvenger

    Movie Characters

    I thought it could be either heel heat or X-Pac heat. Generally it's pretty obvious which one it is.
  9. starvenger

    Favorite Shakespeare productions or whatever

    The Stratford Festival in Ontario was pretty good back when Colm Feore was the principal actor there. A couple of performances that stood out was his Iago in "Othello" and Petruchio in "The Taming of the Shrew" (which used a 60's theme).
  10. starvenger

    Worst Sports Cliches

    Which serves to remind me how I miss how Hubie Brown found a "tremendous upside" in just about every draft pick...
  11. starvenger

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Personally I think that some of the costumes would've worked, and others wouldn't. Storm, for instance, would be good. Of course, she wears skimpy clothing so spandex isn't an issue. Gambutt would also be ok, since he's basically wearing body armour and a trenchcoat. Wolverine, imo works best OUT of uniform. He's a brawler, and any kind of uniform doesn't really work for him. Plus, there is no way you could make his mask good on film. Cyclops is Mr. Spandex. Do the 90's Jim Lee thing with the jackets if so desired, but he's almost tailor-made for it. Rogue can stay in the leather. If in the movie she could fly, then spandex would be better, but the outfit's fine as it stands. Colossus need spandex. I'd mark out if they could replicate his costume that had the blue leggings (which of course disappeared when he turned metal. Gotta love those unstable molecules). Nightcrawler. I like his current look. The Morrison unis reminded me too much of Nazi Nightcrawler from the early Excalibur issues.
  12. starvenger

    Movie Characters

    That's pretty much universal among Star Wars fans. 7-year old Anakin is the Wesley Crusher of the franchise. Except we only had to put up with Annie for 2 hours. And the less said about Jar Jar, the better. Others off the top of my head: - Cameron Diaz in "Very Bad Things" - Vince Vaughn in "Made" - Ed Norton in "Rounders" - The Wicked Witch of the West in "The Wizard of Oz" - Scar in "The Lion King" - Guinan in "Star Trek: Generations" (Carryover from the show) - Annette Bening in "American Beauty"
  13. starvenger

    WWE suing Marvel Comics

    Kinda tangential, but I notice that they haven't called Benoit the "rabid wolverine" in a while.
  14. There's a new SchmoBlog entry: Teasing whose grandfather kicked the bucket would be so tasteless, yet absolutely hilarious since you know it's fake...
  15. starvenger

    The best moves or plays in video games

    Anyways, finishers. Cheap bastard that I am, I love using King's standing Dragon Rana to finish off an opponent in Tekken. Of course, easier said than done. In No Mercy, it's gotta be the top-rope brainbuster. Brutal-looking finisher. Favourite SmackDown! move is the suplex-to-neckbreaker thingy that Conway uses as a finisher (if the tandem version is Au Revoir, would the solo one be A Bientot?) and the Dragon Whip. No, they don't win the match for you, but they just look sweet. For a combo finisher, I like using Flash Magic/Buzzsaw Kick. Something about kicking opponents in the head, I guess...
  16. starvenger

    The best moves or plays in video games

    I believe that that's the Russian Neck Drop. Very creative name, obviously. It's in SmackDown! HCTP, but it just doesn't look as brutal.
  17. starvenger

    C.S.I. suffers a big blow

    From Movie Poop Shoot, which got this from variety... So I suppose that it's possible that her role may be increased on the show. But will she be wearing leather?
  18. starvenger

    Worst Sports Cliches

    "Giving it <anything over 100> percent". I once had a math teacher who was a distance runner who explained that you can have a potential 100+% but you know that the athletes aren't thinking of that when they say it.
  19. starvenger

    X-Force #1 comic online (new series)

    They actually evolved, believe it or not...
  20. starvenger

    Big big big big big changes for 24 Season 4

    Well, we already knew that it would only be Kiefer back from the original cast. I suppose that Keeler will be an adversarial authority figure.
  21. starvenger

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Ross' design is sweet, but I gotta agree it wouldn't work in film. Ripped leotard just doesn't cut it these days...
  22. Who cares? He gets to have a "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!" moment...
  23. You think Bryce finds out about the frog?
  24. Wow, for a second I thought he was gonna give it to the Real Doll...
  25. Nice finish for Elanor, I gotta say...