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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. No, I think Elanor's quitting...
  2. starvenger

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Made-for-tv-movie hell...
  3. ...Crap. I was wondering why I was saying more stuff than I thought...I guess I'll have to come up with a new name. naah, I'm not confused. I use all lowercase, and Staravenger uses an uppercase s. Simple. Plus, if there's mention about Asians or Canada, it's probably me...
  4. starvenger

    Official Spiderman 2 Thread

    Dean Cain's shiny blue costume > Christopher Reeve's flat blue costume. I did, however, end up believing that a man could fly.
  5. Mmmm, Teppanyaki... (drools)
  6. starvenger

    Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle

    You can say "the Korean guy" for a change of pace...
  7. Ah, nice to see that Gerald was able to incorporate his Jonovision experience into the show with the "interview"...
  8. I hope. I'm really starting to hate her character. It was fine for a short term role, but dragging it out week after week just makes me wish a masked man with a machete will slice her face off. I'd actually expect the opposite. Maybe something where she snaps and goes postal on Austin...
  9. I'm actually feeling sorry for Elanor...
  10. Good Lord... Real Dolls? (edit) yes, I know what they are...
  11. Well, I think I can guess the ending of this show now...
  12. starvenger

    Like Justice League?

    Yeah, I noticed them in the promos. Was anyone really asking for these two? I have to add to the Jeffrey Combs love. And Jeremy Piven as Elongated Man sounds about right. But who's gonna voice Sue?
  13. I did a spittake when he said that. Now I'm cleaning beer off my carpet...
  14. starvenger

    top 5 favorite anything

    At this moment... - Spider-Man 2 - Ocean's Eleven (Clooney remake) - Swingers - Rounders - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
  15. starvenger

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    My thoughts exactly... Will the kiddies even know who Rush is?
  16. starvenger

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    I think it's impressive that he can carry 10 otherwise useless women to a somewhat-entertaining segment...
  17. starvenger

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    I'm with you there...
  18. starvenger

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    And is it just me, or did they manage to set up a Jericho/Bischoff program in the process?
  19. starvenger

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    Well, if I'd choose a top three I'd pick the Redhead, Carmella and Joy. Can we move on to some rasslin now?
  20. starvenger

    Athletes you were wrong on

    Baseball is notoriously bad at hyping draft picks as "the next big thing" or "can't miss". With the farm system set up as it is, these guys can get lost in the shuffle very fast.
  21. starvenger

    The OAO Diva Search Thread for 07.19.04

    wrt Diva Search: 1) I completely agree, it's a waste of time, and 2) Carmella is uber-hot, they obviously want her to win, so give it to her already. Helms - he'd be a helluva better choice for Green Lantern over Jack Black. Black is a good comic actor, but he ain't no superhero.
  22. starvenger

    Windows Clock

    I suppose you could try changing the clock on your BIOS. Couldn't hurt, I guess...
  23. starvenger

    X-Force #1 comic online (new series)

    I only made it to about page 6. I felt like I was in some sort of weird time warp where the last 10 years or so never happened...
  24. starvenger

    Marshall Faulk may retire???

    Hmmm, seeing as I have Faulk, I should probably pick up Jackson...