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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    Jack Black Vs. King Kong

    Yeah, well we also thought that Godzilla would be a dragon/T-Rex lizard thing that would trash NYC, and we know how that one turned out.
  2. starvenger

    SNL Review (Yes I know it's 2 weeks late)

    Near as I can tell they essentially took the Myers/McKinney "Scottish Football Hooligans Weekly" and made it Irish. Is there anything wrong with that? Hell no - for some reason drinking beer and fighting is good comedy. Anyways, you must be glad that TSN shows that midnight replay of RAW. HHH/Benjamin was excellent. Wasn't that Matt Damon? Or was that a different Paltrow ep?
  3. starvenger

    The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

    Yeah - he's got less than 7 hours to live, and has to wait 5-12 weeks before it happens. Poor bastard. btw, on Zap2it.com they have some spoilers for the show. Scroll down to the bottom to the "To the TV Gal Reader Belongs the Spoilers" section to find out. There's some minor spoilers for "Angel" as well, although I'm pretty sure the hardcore Buffyverse fans already know these ones.
  4. starvenger

    Calvin Murphy charged of molesting

    Hey, it's "only" three women. Compared to, say, Evander Holyfield, Murphy's completely faithful...
  5. Just thought I'd let those few that have never visited WrestleCrap to head on over and check out this well earned induction to R.D. Reynold's hall of shame...
  6. starvenger

    Calvin Murphy charged of molesting

    I really hope that this isn't true. I was at the Rockets-Raptors game last Wednesday, and he got one of the best pops of the night (behind Yao, Francis and Vince). Also, 14 kids? Damn.
  7. starvenger

    Moore press conference

    He'd better be out for the next season (the next one they play that is) - at least that would be consistent with McSorley's suspension.
  8. starvenger

    Backyard Dogs inducted into WrestleCrap

    Yeah, and that guy is also childhood friends with my mom's fiance, my mom was telling me she was asking her fiance why he had all these pictures with the black power ranger all over his house. The way I see it, it's either that or pix of him with Urkel...
  9. starvenger

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    Unfortunately, I don't get HBO, but I figured that this item might have some significance here. I can't get the spoiler tags to work, so highlight the quote box to read.
  10. starvenger

    Fabian Nicieza talks about Cable & Deadpool

    If you ignore the outside, the Mark Brooks/UDON interiors are pretty nice. I haven't actually read the book though, and I'd rather Fabe revisit his OTHER Marvel team of the 90's anyways.
  11. starvenger

    Jersey Girl does poor box office

    I'm pretty sure that "The Legend of Bagger Vance" was a bomb. And I don't think that "Rounders" set the world on fire at the box office either (great movie though - just watched it again last night).
  12. starvenger


    2 words: Gary Sinese.
  13. starvenger

    Backyard Dogs inducted into WrestleCrap

    No, but that Annoying Little Puke looks like a MUCH better actor in "Turbo" after watching this.
  14. starvenger

    Backyard Dogs inducted into WrestleCrap

    Well, you know us Asians. We're EEEEEEEVIL...
  15. starvenger

    Star Wars novels made into movies...

    I'd have to vote K.W. Jeter as "worst". Vonda McIntyre gets a pass because she only did the ONE novel that was more or less ignored, as opposed to Jeter who took a couple of characters that people LIKED (Fett and Xizor) and made a cure-for-insomnia-worthy TRILOGY. As for Anderson, the Jedi Academy had some good points as he drew on his "Tales of the Jedi/Sith/Old Republic" Dark Horse stories, but his "Callista Trilogy" bookends don't even have that. His comics are recommended (it helps clarify the whole Sith thing). Books, not so much.
  16. starvenger

    Did Jennifer Love Hewitt......

    Seconded. However, I do believe that Miss Hewitt must be tracked down so that we can do just one more "Perfect 10"-style test (i.e. have her jump up and down)...
  17. starvenger

    The OAO Law and Order Thread

    I've never seen Criminal Intent, so I can't comment on it. I will admit that I'm only a casual watcher of the other two, but every time I leave it on for more than 5 minutes, I'm sucked in. I watched CSI: Miami for the first time last week, and the same thing happened. The thing about these police procedural dramas is that while they may have some running threads, they're pretty much self contained stories and you don't have to understand what has happened before to understand the story.
  18. starvenger

    American Idol 3

    Ryan's problem is that he can't ad-lib as well as Simon, so more often than not he comes off looking worse than before. Pen Guy should survive next week. Camille Velasco got a temporary reprieve, but on AI, cute <> votes, and two consecutive weak performances are going to hurt her. Apparently the voters "got" Diana Whatshername about as much as I did. I guess Simon was right - great singer, but no connection with the audience. If I could choose a theme for next week, I'd say something that conveys the message "Jack Bauer is a bad ass", like classic metal: "And here's John Stevens singing... 'Iron Man'"...
  19. starvenger

    American Idol 3

    I'm a bit surprised, but not that surprised about it. He fell into the trap of threatening Simon, which the audience doesn't really care for. Speaking of which, I know that Simon is supposed to be the "evil" judge, but what's with the other judges, Seacrest and the (prompted) live audience getting on him? The guy is trying to give some constructive criticism.
  20. starvenger

    Shattered Glass

    It's on my "to rent" list, certainly.
  21. starvenger

    American Idol 3

    Eh, he's a Brit, so that means nothing. The English version is both the index and middle finger with an upwards motion. I believe it's a takeoff of the "V for Victory" gesture, but I'm not 100% sure.
  22. starvenger

    The OAO World Poker Tour Thread

    At least the WPT will try to make us care about the players (note: having Shauna Hiatt interview them in a bikini would help greatly). Stuff like Late Night Poker doesn't make that investment, and as a result it's not as intruiging. The Celebrity Poker Showdown was somewhat interesting, but frankly it was more because of Kevin Pollack and the comments from the eliminated players than the actual play.
  23. starvenger

    American Idol 3

    bumpage... Well, 5 singers (and one incredibly blatant Product Placement) down and here are my thoughts: Diana - the judges are smoking something good, because she was incredibly flat. Bottom 3 candidate. Fantasia - Pretty much proved why she's the frontrunner George - Making the most of his lucky loser status Johnny Dean - I loved this. Even the scat coverup was decent. Camille - I like the smoky voice, but she's really not feeling it. Bottom 3, and my pick to go
  24. starvenger

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    Belak got the rest of the regular season (6 games) plus the first two games of the playoffs, for a total of 8 games. But, he only loses pay for 6 games since a player's salary does not include the playoffs.
  25. starvenger

    The OAO NHL 2003-2004 Season Thread

    They could've given Belak more, and it wouldn't have mattered. By the time the playoffs roll around, Belak will have a nice view from the press box anyways.