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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    Britney Spears Interview

    Not lip-synching? Well, she sure had me fooled.
  2. starvenger

    Us American scum are watching the heritage games

    Speaking of which, Kerry Fraser admitted to blowing *that* call during Leafs/Kings game 6. And he understands why Leafs fans hate him...
  3. starvenger

    Britney "Zones" Into the Record Books

    Not a surprise that Britney ended up on top, what with the all-out promotion and cheap 1st week prices and the kids who still look up to her and whatnot. It's one of those things where you have to see how the album's doing 3-4 weeks down the road to really gauge how she's doing, I think.
  4. starvenger

    DVD Releases

    Well, I've only got one thing I really want to buy this week, and that's the DS9 Season 7 set...
  5. starvenger

    Bale To Be The New Batman; Caine To Be Alfred

    What, you haven't seen "The Wizard"? ... Um, scratch that. I meant, "Boy Meets World"? And the descent from "it could be decent" to "it's gonna be crap" begins. Someone from DC needs to start bitchslapping Warner movie suits...
  6. starvenger


    Remember? I saw it in a store at an outlet mall last week. Like I said, I like the George Foreman Grill. One of the greatest things a bachelor can have in his apartment...
  7. starvenger

    Columnist says Fab Five are "useless."

    Wait... aren't Jalen Rose, Chris Webber and Juwan Howard part of the Fab Five?
  8. starvenger

    MDG Computers

    My uncle bought one from there. The only real problem he's had was that at one point Windows crashed and wouldn't boot back up, but that may have been because he installed Rogers broadband on there. I'm still not sure to this day. What I do know is that he brought it back to MDG and they fixed it, no charge. Anyways, the computer is decent, about the same as a desktop you could get at any of the other mom-and-pop dealers around. Not top of the line (at time of purchase), but not bottom of the heap either. Also, I believe that the prices are cash discounted, which is SOP for these places. If you've got the funds in your bank account, use your debit card to avoid a 3% bump in price.
  9. starvenger

    Brand names

    Compared to processed mayo, it's tangy I guess. Juice: Tropicana/Fla's Natural Pop: Diet Coke Toilet Paper: Cottonelle. Laugh if you want, but I'm particular about what I wipe my ass with. That's about it. I'm flexible with everything else, buying whatever's on sale.
  10. starvenger

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    I just saw it on tape today (as I haven't watched any TV since Tuesday) and... damn. Jon may be going to hell with a million in his pocket. And the funny thing is, I now hate Sandra MORE. You could SEE Jon trying to pull something like this off (succeeding was very surprising though), but what Sandra did was just petty, and Christa gets blamed for it, to boot. And in the end, the tribe made the wrong decision in not giving Burton the boot. Again, he's a real threat to run the table all the way to the final two.
  11. starvenger

    Baseball Hall of Fame candidate list

    Obviously, Molitor and Eckersley are locks to make the hall. Maybe not this year (because who knows what the voters will do), but they WILL make it. Of the others, there are plenty of guys that I'd like to SEE make it. I'd like to see Blyleven, Carter, Garvey, Gossage, Hernandez, John, El Presidente, Morris, Parker, Sandberg and Trammell. Some of these guys (Carter and Martinez) are known for famous moments, others are beneficiaries of the New York media, and Garvey, well, you know. It all depends on how the voters feel that day, I suppose.
  12. starvenger

    Bill Watterson: Happy to be a recluse

    All I can say is that if Berkley Breathed can come back, so can Bill Watterson. And even if he doesn't, we can keep Calvin and Hobbes in our memory...
  13. starvenger


    Random thoughts... - I gotta say that I'm partial to the George Foreman Grill. Probably one of the biggest success stories as far as products-shilled-on-infomercials go. - Ron Popeil is just AWESOME at shilling his products. I always get sucked into his infomercials, even the really old pasta maker ones. - The Thunderstick looks like a pretty cool product, but the thing I hate is the "whip water" part. YOU'RE NOT WHIPPING WATER, YOU'RE WHIPPING COFFEE!! - This reminds me that I need to put a hand blender on the gift registry - OxyClean works pretty damn well, as long as it supplements your regular detergent. - Jennylee Harrison is literally half the woman she was when she was on "Three's Company". Ye gods she looks truly frightening now. - Whatever happened to Nancy Nelson?
  14. starvenger

    Bale To Be The New Batman; Caine To Be Alfred

    Same here, but my fiancee's a Brit, so I may be a bit biased in that regard...
  15. starvenger


    I have discovered something that is truly scary. The coffee at my workplace is so bad, it makes McDONALDS cofffee taste good...
  16. starvenger

    X2 DVD Special at Circuit City

    If you're EXTREMELY frugal, and have a Circuit Shitty and Best Buy close to one another, you can save money (today) by: 1) buying X2 from Best Buy (currently at $19.99) 2) WALKING over to Circuit Shitty and picking up their flyer with the X2 advertised at $14.99 3) WALKING BACK to Best Buy, showing them the ad, and getting back your $5 plus 10% of the difference ($0.50) Again, this is for the extremely frugal only, and maybe those who are looking to get a little exercise in. I should also mention that Circuit Shitty only has a limited number of the X2 DVDs (I managed to snag what seemed to be the last one there), so you might just want to print the ad off their website and go straight to Best Buy or Wal-Mart so that they price match it.
  17. starvenger

    Tenacious D - The Complete Masterworks

    You know, I've never been sold on Tenacious D. Jack Black, the actor, yes. The musician, no. Odd, isn't it?
  18. starvenger

    Bale To Be The New Batman; Caine To Be Alfred

    I'm actually happy that Warner has gone from "hot" actors to great character actors, but Michael Caine? As Alfred? Alfred had better have a meaty role to justify this, otherwise I don't see the point other than more stunt casting. So anyways, count me as still skeptical about the whole thing, and as one of the masses that hopes Warner can prove me wrong.
  19. starvenger

    Details on Star Trek:Voyager Season One Set

    If I were a Trek completist, I'd be all over this. However, Voyager really didn't do it for me, so when I get my Season 7 of DS9, that'll be it for me as far as Trek DVDs go... Still, the Bujold outtakes are intruiging. Maybe I'll have to see if the set turns up at Blockbuster...
  20. starvenger

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    Here's the kicker - he STILL woulda gotten the boot if Lil hadn't stayed loyal to her fellow Outcast. Rupert, Christa and Sandra were more or less not counting on Burton and Jon to "follow the script", as it were. So what does Sandra do? A) Stick to the plan and vote for Darrah? B) Turn on Rupert and vote him out? C) Vote for Jon, not because he's going, but because he pissed you off? Factoring that in, and knowing that Burton and Jon might turn on Rupert, Sandra of course went for option C). Meaning that it COULD have been 4 votes Rupert, 3 votes Darrah, 1 vote Jon, and Rupert STILL would have been gone, and Sandra would have "screwed him over" not once, but twice. Obviously, since Lil "turned", this scenario didn't play out, but it still stands out as bad strategy on Sandra's part and is a perfect example of why you shouldn't let emotions control you in this game. Anyways, for the remaining tribe it's imperative that they get Burton off the island ASAP, since he's the only real threat to win every single immunity from here on out. And if it ain't him, I look for Christa to go, since she is about the only other immunity threat (well, just LOOK at everyone else) when it comes to physical challenges.
  21. starvenger

    New Releases For 11/26/2003

    I'll probably have to pick this up next week as I'm heading to Vancouver tomorrow... JLA Avengers #3 (Of 4), $5.95 New X-Men #149, $2.25 Uncanny X-Men #433, $2.25
  22. starvenger

    The One and Only Survivor: Pearl Islands Thread

    Darrah's not too bad lookin', but I can't understand a damn word she said. I loved Rupert, but strategy-wise, it was the BEST thing the remaining 7 players could do. There's no doubt in my mind that Rupert could run the board and win all the immunity challenges, so getting him outta there was critical. Don't worry, though, Rupert will be back on Super Bowl Sunday as one of the 18 not-so-new Survivors in the "All-Star game". I've got mixed feelings about the ressurection. On one hand, it's not fair that eliminated players came back, with one (Burton) standing a VERY good chance of running the board and winning it all. On the other, it's made for a good merged tribe dynamic. A Pagonging was avoided, and Burton's drive to win is pretty damn impressive. Fair or not, though, what's done is done (although I doubt we'll see this again), and if you're still in the game you gotta roll with the twists. Oh yeah, and Osten is a whiny bitch who is now one of my least favourite Survivors, ever.
  23. starvenger

    Old school Marvel

    Yeah, lack of color kinda sucks, but considering that there's a LOT of comic in there I"m not complaining too loudly.
  24. starvenger

    PS2 problem

    That's all well and good, but I'm not such a diehard gamer that I must have every system that comes out. I've got a GBA and PS2 and that's enough for me. Besides which, I've got a ring to pay for and a wedding to save up for... The Parents of the Bride pay for the wedding, thus you can get an X-Box if you want I know when my disability goes through and I get my back payment check I'm grabbing an X-Box...then placing the rest aside for college so I can work at home in the future and make good money rather than stay on disability. Anyways the buzzing you hear is the system reading the disc...the older models do that, that's what happens when you put in crappy drives. All ya gotta do is make sure the the lens is always clean, the buzzing doesn't hurt a thing Thanks for the advice on the disc reading. As for the wedding, well, nowadays the couple pays most of the costs. But if you can find a girl whose parents are willing to pay for the wedding, well, all power to ya.
  25. starvenger

    TV's First Casualties

    I'm a bit pisseed off about "Karen Sisco" being put "on hiatus", but I really don't know what they were expecting by putting it against perennial juggernaut Law & Order. Stuff like Celebrity Mole and such is replacing it, so I can only hope that they let the show finish out the season in a better timeslot. On the bright side, though, I now have a day where I don't have a "must see" TV show.