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Everything posted by starvenger

  1. starvenger

    Hell's Kitchen

    Sometimes it seems like Fox has no fucking clue when it comes to, well, any type of show. It's just blatantly apparent with reality shows.
  2. starvenger

    Vaughn off of X-Men 3

    No, they don't. Then he'll take forever writing Astonishing...
  3. starvenger

    Hit Me Baby One More Time

    Looked like it to me. BTW, here's a cheap plug for my IP recap of the show. Briefly: - Loverboy did a pretty good cover of "Hero", taking it from pop cheese to rock ballad cheese. - CeCe Penniston did okay with a Faith Hill song that I don't really know. - Flock of Seagulls managed to butcher a song that was crap as it was. I didn't think that was possible - Arrested Development kicked ass. - Tiffany did pretty good as well, but it's not that hard to sing an Avril-penned song. - I like the fact that there is no recording contract (that we know of) attached to this. The "winner" getting $20K to a charity of their choice works for me.
  4. starvenger

    Hell's Kitchen

    And that's where the problem lies. Ramsey is great, and underlines that there is no need to add a "competition" aspect to the show. Just have Gordon train these wannabes, keep the "restaurant", and roll cameras.
  5. starvenger

    Hell's Kitchen

    I'm commenting about this show in my IP column on Saturday, but basically, Gordon Ramsay is great, everything else about the show is crap. They've taken the "Apprentice" format and shoehorned it into a show for wannabe chefs, who apparently don't actually get to learn anything about cooking. To see a better show with a foul-mouthed celebrity chef, watch Jamie's Kitchen.
  6. starvenger

    What's Shipping: The Return

    Same here, and you're absolutely right. He's inking the Return of Donna Troy mini, btw, over Jose Garcia-Lopez. They do some beautiful stuff together. The story, however, was "eh" for the first ish. Oh, this week? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
  7. starvenger

    Marvel's Trades For The Rest Of The Year

    Well, I might get Shanna and Young Avengers. I thought I'd get Runaways, but I was thouroughly unimpressed by the first few issues of vol 2, so that's a no. Everything else I'd get I'm already getting on Wednesdays, so there's no point.
  8. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    there it is, I was trying to be as nice as possible! her body is kinda weird shaped too...like she has very broad shoulders and her arms are too fat as opposed to the rest of her body...she does have a nice ass though... She has that look that to me says we'll see her in porn soon...
  9. starvenger


    The answer would be a no. I think it's the case for most shows that opt for the cliffhanger season-ender.
  10. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    You mean she's a Butterface, right?
  11. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    You mean the one with J Peterman and Evander Holyfield? That one screams "train wreck" so loudly that I may have to watch it...
  12. starvenger


    I notice that AICN did the CYA thing by putting where the quotes came from. I'm sure they reported these things at one point or another. As an aside, I really wish Moriarty would go to another site - I might read him more often then. Anyways, I'm sure that the Bad Robot crew filmed multiple scenes with some that they knew weren't gonna make it. So they fed info to the outlets so that it would be a SHOCKING SWERVE!! Without, of course, the bad taste of having Vince Russo as the leader of "the Others"...
  13. starvenger


    Michael needs a hero. He's holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night. He's gotta be strong and he's gotta be fast and he's gotta be fresh from the fight. That's Sawyer. (And apologies for quoting Bonnie Tyler) Overall, this was a fucking awesome two hours. I still need more time to absorb it all...
  14. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Good points, both of you. I think Bo benefitted either way, but Carrie HAD to win to make something out of her career. She's got a pretty good voice, and based on Tuesday I could see where the voters were coming from, but with this win she's guaranteed to have people who will help her work on the performance side. No longer will Carrie, as Black Lushus puts it, sing with a stick up her ass - groupies will stick things up there instead - she'll be learning to loosen up, a la Kelly Clarkson. As for Bo, he's now free from having to release that awful single, and if they're smart they'll have him release an album ASAP, even if it means releasing it before the winner. Please God no. And also - Scott Savol is still scary, but the David Hasselhoff moment was surreal. I'm glad I watched Lost and only bits and pieces of the finale here.
  15. starvenger


    I was bummed that the guy with the killer moustache didn't make it to the finals. And I take it that Eddie the blind dude is out?
  16. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Apparently it's also live, but I doubt that they'll have a match with the intensity of Griffen-Bonnar from The Ultimate Fighter.
  17. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    They're pretty much "burning off" the episodes (since the show hasn't been renewed), so by putting it up against the finale they're not really sacrificing anything.
  18. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    A buddy of mine works at a CC in Toledo, and another friend started out in radio before he moved to IT. It's kinda telling that he's getting me a Sirius system as a wedding present. Although that's more for football than music...
  19. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    Yeah, i forgot. AAA radio is pretty much dead thanks to the near oligopoly CC et al have over the airwaves. Although the "Jack" format may be a start to bringing it back. Anyways, my point is that CC owns a shitload of radio stations across the US. Get in bed with them, and they'll probably push Bo like crazy.
  20. starvenger

    Spider-Man 3 Villian

    Smythe? Cletus Cassidy?
  21. starvenger

    CSI Finale

    For the most part. But I'd suggest you go to TV Tome just to get a primer on the characters.
  22. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Hey, Kendra won. Meanwhile, I watched Nick trapped in a box on CSI: QT...
  23. starvenger

    The Apprentice 3

    Well, here we go again. This one is "book smarts vs street smarts", but it should really be subtitled "who is Trump trying to kid here?" We know that Trump has a hard on for education, and based on that the "street smarts" team is already behind the 8-ball. Regardless, I'm hoping that this "season" of the show leaves a better taste than the last one, where Kelly seemed to have won because he didn't suck as much as the Jenbot...
  24. starvenger


    PS2 RULZ XBOX SUX ROFLMAO [/sarcasm]
  25. starvenger

    American Idol Season 4

    I think Bo can be marketed pretty successfully for AAA (Adult/Album/Alternative) or AC radio. The biggest obstacle, as I see it, is getting a conglomerate such as ClearChannel to push him to the moon. You get CC to cooperate, he'll do well.