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Celtic Jobber

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Everything posted by Celtic Jobber

  1. Celtic Jobber

    Does Batista have staying power?

    I think Batista has the potential to be HUGE, I mean huge as in another Hulk Hogan or Steve Austin. IMO, he's far more charismatic than Brock or even Orton could ever hope to be, and for a big guy he's not bad in the ring. But the question is, will WWE be able to capitalize on this potential?
  2. Celtic Jobber

    Shoot Interviews

    I'm pretty sure Elvis and his parents are buried at Graceland, so that story Jannetty told about pissing on Presley's grave is likely bullshit.
  3. Celtic Jobber

    Your wrestler biases

    I'm bias towards: Bret Hart, Edge, Christian, Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus, Victoria, Paul London, Raven, DDP, Scott Hall, and Kid Kash I'm bias against: JBL, Big Show, Mark Henry, Scotty 2 Hotty, Rikishi, Brock Lesnar, Jeff Jarrett, Konann, Michael Cole, and X-Pac
  4. Celtic Jobber

    Brock Lesnar Ready To Make WWE Return?

    I think the crowd will boo the hell out of him if he comes back, and he won't ever be able to escape the "you sold out" chants. I guess no one else here feels this way, but I (and probably alot of other fans) feel like Brock spit upon every wrestling fan, every wrestler, and the company that promoted him when he decided to leave at a time when WWE needed him the most, to go play football. And didn't Brock pretty much say he's too good for our little "fake" sport anyway?
  5. Celtic Jobber

    Is HBK over-rated

    I'd put HBK in my top ten list, but he would be in the bottom 5. I think if anything, Shawn is under-rated online. Alot of people have a hard time getting over how big of a jerk Shawn was backstage in the 90's and hold that against him when judging his in-ring talent.
  6. Celtic Jobber

    Down to three in Tough Enough...

    I've never heard of Mike "the Miz" before Tough Enough. I don't see how he could have enough "star power" to have outlasted people with actual potential such as Rodimer. Is Read World really that popular?
  7. Celtic Jobber

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    So, am I the only person who thinks Lillian Garcia should be fired for being the worst ring announcer in WWE history? And that's besides her partying. If WWE wants a lady ring announcer who has absolutely no qualifications for the job, they should just use Torrie Wilson on Smackdown -- atleast she's hot.
  8. Celtic Jobber

    Since the WWE is on a firing spree...

    Fire: Mark Henry, Lillian Garcia, and Todd Grisham Hire: Raven (Smackdown), Samoa Joe (Smackdown), and Joel Gertner (Raw)
  9. Celtic Jobber

    Full Smackdown spoilers

    Just judging from his video promo's, Carlito is one of WWE's best new character's in quite a long time. I'm not sure how he is in the ring though.
  10. Celtic Jobber

    Raw Diva Search extended one week

    For the first couple of weeks I hated the Diva search crap, but ever since it became the "we all hate Carmella, and she's a bitch" show it's become very entertaining (tonight's segment was the highlight of Raw).
  11. Celtic Jobber

    This commentary thing has been bugging me

    Has anyone else noticed either Michael Cole or Tazz says the phrase "and not for nothin'... but" atleast 5-10 times on each episode of Smackdown? That annoys me more than anything else Cole says.
  12. Celtic Jobber

    Subtle Old School Revival in Gimmicks?

    Eugene's retard gimmick kind of reminds me of Ultimate Warrior.
  13. Celtic Jobber

    Brock Lesnar's Regrets

    I love pro wrestling. Brock Lesnar now pisses on pro wrestling (even though it made him millions). So therefore, I hate Brock Lesnar.
  14. Celtic Jobber

    Chavo Guerrero Senior (classic) Missing

    Not to sound callous, but if he's dead, would the Cruiserweight title become vacant or would WWE just retire it?
  15. Celtic Jobber

    OAO 6/11 Impact Thread

    Atleast Raven got a video package this week. I hope he wrestles or cuts a promo on next week's episode.
  16. Celtic Jobber

    Bradshaw Causes Incident At House Show

    WWE should fire Bradshaw, not because of this one particular incident; But because he sucks in the ring, his promos suck, he's not nearly over enough for someone who's received such a big push, and from almost all accounts -- he's a locker-room bully who finds great joy in extreme hazing. So, yeah they should fire the dumb bastard. Since Smackdown will need a suitable replacement in the main event once that scumbag is fired, move Rob Conway from Raw and drop his French-Canadian sympathizer gimmick.
  17. Celtic Jobber


    Impact was ok, but I can't say it's something I'd go out of my way to watch every week. It wasn't really much better than a good episode of Sunday Night HeAT. I know they aren't really trying right now, but if TNA ever wants to compete with WWE, they have a LOOOOOOOONG way to go. All that, plus I'm still pissed because Raven wasn't featured. TNA desperately NEEDs Kanyon.
  18. Celtic Jobber

    TNA needs to get REAL music

    They should just get Jimmy Hart to work on all of their in-house themes. He did a pretty good job of that when he was in the WWF and WCW.
  19. Celtic Jobber

    Impact! Taping Spoilers As They Happen

    What? No Raven? He's the main reason I was looking forward to the show. I haven't been keeping up with TNA stuff lately, is he injured or something?
  20. Celtic Jobber

    Victoria's new intro music

    I don't mind Victoria's dancing, and really, is it any worse than what the Nitro girls used to do? Then again, I'm not the dancing expert most of you seem to be... But, Victoria's new music is the worst in WWE history. Even worse than the Uncle Cracker X-Factor theme, and Chyna's "Don't Treat Me Like A Woman"!
  21. Celtic Jobber

    Ric Flair RIPS on Nwa Tna !!!

    Ric Flair's been pretty worthless since his feud with Randy Savage ended in 1992. He's an out-of-touch, bitter old man.
  22. Celtic Jobber

    Honky TM Shoots on Flair and JR

    I agree with Honky Tonk Man 97.8%.
  23. Celtic Jobber

    Explanation For The New Hometowns

    I'm from Mobile, and I still hate Hardcore Holly and think he sucks.
  24. Celtic Jobber

    Smackdown Spoilers

    This week's Smackdown definitely looks like must see TV.
  25. Celtic Jobber


    I guess Eddie won't be bringing his family down to the ring anymore.