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Retard Girl

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Everything posted by Retard Girl

  1. Retard Girl

    Merry Christmas Bitches!

  2. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    i think there should be better questions.
  3. Retard Girl

    How did you find out that wrestling was not "real"?

    you mean it's not real?
  4. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    i prefer the term "unstraight"
  5. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    nothing on me is pretty.
  6. Retard Girl

    What did you do today?

    wrapped presents and did laundry.
  7. Retard Girl

    Some questions for TaigaStar to consider.

    i prefer the term "appalling"
  8. Retard Girl

    What are you giving for Christmas?

    i like this, where is it from?
  9. Retard Girl

    All Kinda Farts

    TaigaStar, your oblivious nature never ceases to amaze. it's a gimmick.
  10. Retard Girl

    SWF CLUSTERFUCK 2008! (card)

    well, i'm new to this fed also, but not new to e-feds in general. I'M not writing a clusterfuck match, because it would be my second match. i haven't got the "style" of the place down yet. so i was asking for a jobber match for myself as well
  11. Retard Girl

    How to fuck bitches.

    i was going for the "imstruction manual" effect.
  12. Retard Girl

    How to fuck bitches.

    insert tab A into slot B. repeat as nessicary until desired affect is reached.
  13. Retard Girl

    SWF CLUSTERFUCK 2008! (card)

    do a couple jobber matches before El Clusterfucko? not that i'm telling anyone what to do or anything... *shifty*
  14. Retard Girl

    All Kinda Farts

    yeah, go around the active threads and be obnoxious and post some useless crap so they have a reason to laugh at you. why does this sound familliar?
  15. Retard Girl

    What did you do today?

    i took my best friend to the emergency room because she was having chest pain and her arm was completely numb. and we get to go back in the morning for more tests and scans and such.
  16. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    thanks... i think.
  17. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    with the fucking drama in my life, trust me, a few assholes on a message board aren't going to rattle me.
  18. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    your sarcasm has been noted.
  19. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    i wanted to avoid posting my pic in a thread full of beautiful people, but i love a challenge.
  20. Retard Girl

    Winter Funtime Delay Thread

    i sent it to King Cucaracha (sp?) because it said to send it to him?
  21. Retard Girl

    Hi people.

    i thought that too... but there's a drop-down menu thingie on the bottom of the page where it says "view threads active in the last 7 days" or something simmilar. you can change that to view all the thread. just... none have been posted in in a week i'd say "welcome aboard" but i'm still a n00b myself, so i don't think it's really my place.
  22. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    i have this honesty issue, i can't stop telling the truth.
  23. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    not really.
  24. Retard Girl

    A late night MSN conversation

    it's all good. it's interesting to see what people will say about me. pbone can bring the hate all he wants, it builds character. i guess. what it doesn't do is make me run crying from my computer and find a razor and eat three dozen powdered doughnuts and wallow around in a puddle of blood and powdered sugar. OH! I KNOW! start a thread about it. hating on poor ol' me thread. that'll prove that we all have lives, right?
  25. Retard Girl

    Wrestling References

    lol, i suck. WEEEEEEEE! *dances off into the distance*